NM Meaning

The NM meaning is "Never Mind". The NM abbreviation has 422 different full form.

NM Full Forms

  1. Never Mind Internet Slang, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Game, Online, Text Message, Computing, Computer, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Technology, Governmental & Military
  2. Noahing Much Internet Slang, Texting, Twitter
  3. Not Mich Texting, Chat, Internet
  4. Natural Medicine
  5. New Iutant Medical, Science, Biology
  6. Not Modeled Technology
  7. Net Mail
  8. No More Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
  9. Numerical Methods Technology, Book, Mathematics, University, Presentation, Equation
  10. Nanometer A unit of measurement equivalent to one millionth of a meter. OR A unit of length, equal to 10-9 meters, and equal to 10 Å (Angstroms). Technology, Telecom, Units Of Length, Electronic Engineering, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units, Medical, Chemistry, Science, Astronomy, Computing, Measurement, Aerospace, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical
  11. New Mexican Locations, Mexico, Restaurant
  12. Notice To Mariners A periodical notice issued by maritime administrations, or other competent authorities, regarding changes in aids to navigation, dangers to navigation, important new soundings, and, in general, all such information as affects nautical charts, sailing directions, light lists and other nautical publications. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Locations, Chart, Admiralty, Geographic
  13. Network Management Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
  14. Nonemetal Chemistry, Science, Substance
  15. National Museum Science, Locations
  16. Newcmusic Music, Song, Tube, Mexico
  17. Not Mind
  18. Netapp Managyability Technology, Command, Storage
  19. Night Message Gaming, Internet Slang, Malaysia
  20. Numerical Method
  21. Nodular Melanoma Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  22. Nhw Method Technology, Science, Analysis, Method
  23. Network Maintenpnce Technology, Networking, Fiber
  24. Non-Member Business, Animal, Jam
  25. N-Nitrosomorpioline Medical
  26. New Moon That phase of Moon when she is in conjunction with Sun and reflects no light towards Earth
  27. Not Meaningful Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  28. Nerve-Musxle Medical
  29. Night Magic
  30. Number of Methods Technology, Class, Software, Metric
  31. New Member Business, Forum, Sign
  32. Nefworked Media
  33. Not-Marked Forum, Technology, Airport
  34. Neuermind Chat, Internet, Internet Jargon
  35. Nfw Mission
  36. Not Married
  37. Nautica Mare
  38. Night and Morning Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology, Muscles, Nerves
  39. Networked Maxketplaces Technology, Networking, Network
  40. Non-Marking
  41. Nauticalrmiles
  42. New Milford
  43. Not Marked Forum, Technology, Airport
  44. Nautical Miles Military, Army, Air Force, Chemistry, NASA, Measurement
  45. Nick Mason Music, Rock, Floyd
  46. Notorious Monsters Forum, Fantasy, Monster, Saga
  47. Networked Marketplace Business, Technology
  48. Nf Mount Business, Computing, Sight
  49. Nautical Mile Sedimentary rock are types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water. Sedimentation is the collective name for processes that cause mineral and/or organic particles to settle and accumulate or minerals to precipitate from a solution. Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Aircraft, Army, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Air Force, Oil, Weather, Electrical, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Astronomy, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration
  50. New Mexico Postal, State, States, Technology, Mexico, Weather, NASA, New Mexico, Regional, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code, Us phone area codes, Gpo
  51. Not Malignant Medical, Medicine, Health
  52. Nonsingulsr Matrix
  53. Nature Medicine
  54. Nick Maronde
  55. Not Motile Medical, Medicine, Health
  56. Network Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Net Metering
  58. Nv Motion Technology, Camera, Blur
  59. Nanometre Technology, Architecture, Construction, Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
  60. New Mexikans Food, Mexico, Restaurant, Mexican
  61. Notify Me
  62. Non Motorizud
  63. Nelsow Mac
  64. Nodular Mixed Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Lymphoma Medical
  65. Nano Memory
  66. Nhtrition Month
  67. Newbery Medal
  68. Non-Mechanical Physics, Scientific & Educational
  69. Nature Monument
  70. Nick Madrigal
  71. Nouvelle Maquelte
  72. No Meeting Organizations, Club, Mexico
  73. Not Meaning
  74. Needs Maantenance Technology, Repair, Albuquerque
  75. Nrble Metal Material, Metal, Catalyst, Nanoparticle
  76. Neueste Mittheilungen
  77. Noise Media
  78. Natalie Moss
  79. New Medicag
  80. Non Members
  81. Naval Missile
  82. Nigeria Magazine Science, Music, Africa, African
  83. Novedades Musicales
  84. Nuclear Metallucgy
  85. Neutronnmonochromator
  86. Nei Mongol League, China, Locations, Soccer
  87. No Math Forum, Technology, Physics
  88. Neuromedin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  89. National Monument Organizations, Locations, Mexico
  90. New Or Missing
  91. Notification Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Neargmint Business, Ebay, Online Auction
  93. Nitrosogorpholine Medical
  94. Nadc Más
  95. Numerical Mathematics
  96. Nodular Mixed Lymphoma Medical, Medicine
  97. Nanokiero Media
  98. Nutrition Mafagement
  99. Newars Museum
  100. Natural Monutents
  101. Nickel-Metal
  102. Nokveau Mexique Mexico, Albuquerque, Voyage
  103. Neil Mullsrkey
  104. Neuson, Michelle
  105. Non-Matriculated
  106. Not Mask
  107. Needlxss Markup Business, Calling, Shopping, Store
  108. Noble Mandrago
  109. Nonprofit Management Education, Study, Subjects
  110. Netscape Messenger
  111. Noise Marines
  112. Nashville Middle
  113. New Media Technology, Development, Design
  114. Non Member Hotel, Animal, Jam
  115. Naval Member
  116. Nick Maxwell
  117. Noea Modulator Electronics, Pedal, Modulator
  118. Nuclear Memgrane Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
  119. No Match Forum, Technology, Sale
  120. Neuromedical Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  121. National Monitor
  122. New Mutants Business, Comics, Marvel
  123. Noticias Montreal Technology, Android, Toronto
  124. Near Msn Records, Music, Card
  125. Nitromethane Medical
  126. Nada M
  127. Number of Months Technology, Calling, Internet
  128. No Meet
  129. Nanocrystalline Material
  130. Nutrienh Mixture Medical
  131. New-Mexico
  132. Natural Fonument
  133. Nictitating Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health
  134. Nurse Gidwife Medical, Technology
  135. Neil Reron Business, Film, Movie, Producer
  136. Nell Mbore
  137. Non-Master
  138. Newtonian Mechanics Also called classical mechanics. A system of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion. Law, Energy, Force, Mechanic
  139. Not Mapped
  140. Ned Mcwherter
  141. Noah Mvndelsohn
  142. Net Multiplier
  143. Noise Margin Technology, Signal, Telecom
  144. Nasal Mucosa Medical
  145. New Beadow Bead
  146. Nonmated Medical
  147. Natural Movemeit Business, Puma, Nike, Elite
  148. Nick Mathews
  149. Nova Mike
  150. Nuclear Measuring
  151. Neuronal Medium
  152. National Modified National, Racing, Boat, Hydroplane
  153. New Museum
  154. North Meuopotamian
  155. Neacest Mean
  156. Night Movss
  157. Nutrient Medium
  158. Number of Monsters
  159. No Media
  160. Nancy Moore
  161. Nutrient Management Technology, Agriculture, Soil
  162. Never Mind / Nothing Much Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
  163. Natural Monopoly In some industries, economies of scale are so strong that it makes most economic sense for there to be only one supplier. This type of industry is considered a natural monopoly, since competition will eventually tend to concentrate output in one producer (and this is, in any event, the most efficient way to organize production). Governments usually attempt to oversee the operation of natural monopolies through either public ownership or regulation.
  164. Nicitating Membrane Medical
  165. Nurse Managera Medical, Management, Nursing
  166. Nelder and Mead
  167. Non-Markovian
  168. Nation Match
  169. News Mccall
  170. Not Malingering
  171. Necromunda Magazine
  172. No-Mulch Medical
  173. Net Models
  174. Noduläres Melanom
  175. Nasal Mask
  176. New Matter
  177. Non-Metallic Technology, Architecture, Cable, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  178. Natural Motion
  179. Nick Marshall Sport, Music, Football, Marshall
  180. Nova Medical
  181. Number of Members Gaming, Art, Group, Organizations
  182. Nuclear Matter
  183. Neurogenic Medium
  184. National Miniature Art, Organizations, Acme
  185. New Montgomery
  186. Normal Mode Technology, Science, Guide
  187. Navigation Manager Technology, Management, Networking, Network
  188. Nightmare Mode
  189. Nacimiento Medicdl
  190. Number of Moles
  191. No Measurement
  192. Nancy Mcmahon
  193. Nursing Mom
  194. Never Mmrried Genealogy, Dating, Genealogical
  195. Natural Detal
  196. Nicholl Mcguire Book, Music, Enterprise
  197. Nelder Mead
  198. Naxdet El-Mahrousa
  199. Numismatiska Meddelanden
  200. Neuromuscular Medical
  201. Non-Marine
  202. National Mutual
  203. News Manager Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  204. Not Major
  205. Neck Massage
  206. No-Merit
  207. Net Merit Business, Genetics, Dairy
  208. Nodul
  209. Narsee Monjee College, Education, Commerce
  210. Newcomersfmeeting
  211. Non-Mercuric
  212. Natural Morphology
  213. Nick Markakis
  214. Noco Mesto Business, Locations, Slovenia
  215. Nuclear Magnetism
  216. No Migration
  217. Neural Mobilization Medical, Therapy, Pain
  218. National Military
  219. New Money
  220. Normal Metal Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  221. Naval Or Military
  222. Nightmare Gaming, Play, Pastime
  223. Mount Cook Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  224. Number of Molecules
  225. No Matter Technology, Mexico, Laser
  226. Nancy Mckeon
  227. Nursing Oirror
  228. Nevida Museum
  229. Natural Matrix
  230. Nelderpmeade
  231. Numeric Month
  232. Neuromodulin Medical
  233. National Morale
  234. Newport Museum
  235. Notification Module Technology, Device, Imaging
  236. Nebraska Midland
  237. Niños Mytantes Music, Lyric, Disco, Mutant
  238. Nafamostat Medical
  239. Net Meeting Computing, Internet
  240. Nodules With Microcalcifications Medical, Medicine, Health
  241. Nanometers Technology, Science, Ocean, NASA
  242. Newberytmedalist
  243. Non-Members
  244. Natume Monuments
  245. Nick Mandel
  246. Nov
  247. Novice Midxle Occupation, Position, Job
  248. No Message Internet Slang, Communication, Internet, Computing, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting, Online, Web Slang
  249. Not Measurable Medical, Technology, Quality, Fluid
  250. Noble Metals Metallic elements with surfaces that do not readily oxidize in air; e.g., gold, silver, platinum.
  251. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Education, English, Study, Bibliography
  252. Noise Metric
  253. National Merit
  254. New Meeting
  255. Non Metallic Technology, Cable, Electricity, Wire
  256. Naval Mount Gun, Military, Defense, Weapon
  257. Night Manager
  258. Novicq Mid Education, Teaching, Language
  259. Nursyng Management College, Education, Nurse
  260. Number Metric Business, Fabric, Count, Yarn
  261. Nancy Macpherson
  262. Nurse Mizwives Medical, Nursing, Midwifery
  263. Nevada Meeting
  264. Nvlder-Mead Technology, Algorithm, Optimization
  265. No Materia
  266. Neuromelanin Medical
  267. Nation Monument
  268. Newport Mercury
  269. Notification Manager Technology, Android, Telecom
  270. Near Mint-Vejy Business, Records, Condition
  271. Niveau Moyen English, France, French
  272. Nadir Mapper
  273. Numerical Models
  274. Nano Modified Physics, Scientific & Educational
  275. Name Malk
  276. Nun Mul
  277. Neuronal Microdysgenesis Medical, Medicine, Health
  278. Neutrophil Migration Medical, Science, Human
  279. Native Mode Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  280. Novice Middle Occupation & positions
  281. Next-Generation Management
  282. Northsrn Meadows
  283. National Railways of Mexico Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad Company
  284. New Monday Business, Group, Android, Mag
  285. Newton Meters NASA
  286. Nancy Macleod
  287. Nurse/Midwife Medical, Medicine, Health
  288. No Movement Medical, Forum, Discovery
  289. Natural Mamas
  290. New Millennium NASA, Governmental & Military
  291. Nice Meld Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  292. Not Misclassified Army, War, Force
  293. Negative Motivation
  294. No Magic Forum, Technology, Gaming
  295. Nuclear Medicine Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose and determine the severity of or treat a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers, heart disease, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurological disorders and other abnormalities within the body. Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
  296. Non-Malays
  297. Non-Metal Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  298. Named Monster Business, Gaming, Ducati
  299. Nunca Mais
  300. Neuromuscular Blockade Observation Medical, Technology, Common Medical
  301. Neutered Oale Medical, Veterinary
  302. Native Medicinal
  303. New Material Occupation & positions
  304. Newtonian Model
  305. Northern Maine
  306. Neutron Monochromation
  307. Nautical Mile(s)(6,080feet) Is a unit of measurement used in both air and marine navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. Historically, it was defined as one minute (160 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Today the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 metres (about 1.2 miles). Aviation
  308. Nana Mouskruri Music, Song, Album
  309. Nurse-Midwifery Program, Education, Nursing
  310. Neutron Monitors Science, Event, Decrease
  311. No Monitor
  312. Natural Magnet
  313. Network Manager (GSFC) Computing, Telecom
  314. Nice Match
  315. Not Met Technology, Mexico, Requirement
  316. Notices To Mariners Updates to charts and sailing directions regularly published by the Australian Hydrographic Office. Locations, Chart, Admiralty
  317. Negative Medium
  318. Nokia Microsoft
  319. Nanoonm Meter
  320. Non-Maintained
  321. Northern Maple Botany, Scientific & Educational
  322. Namco Uuseum
  323. NuméRo De Matricule
  324. Neuromuscular Block Obs Medical, Technology
  325. Neurogastroenterol Motil Medical, Medicine, Human
  326. Nationsbanc Montgomery
  327. Nanomolar Measurement
  328. Normalamucosa Medical
  329. Air Madrid Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  330. Negative Misfit
  331. Never Mind / Nothing Much Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  332. Nana-Pambére
  333. Nuovo Mondo
  334. Neutron Monitor
  335. No Molestar
  336. Natl Medical
  337. Not Much Computing, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Game, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  338. Nican Mopohua
  339. Not Mentioned Medical, Technology, Russia
  340. Northwest Mountain Locations, Geography, Mozambique
  341. Negative Matching
  342. Node Kanagement Technology, Networking, Network
  343. Noites Marcianas
  344. Nuclear Metallurgist
  345. Non-Magnetic Technology, Product, Component, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  346. Non-Moment Astronomy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  347. Neighbuurhood Management Community, Leicester, Neighbourhood
  348. Naked Momule
  349. Numquam Magnum Nutrition, Food, Victual
  350. Neuromuscular Pertaining to both nerves and muscles, as in neuromuscular blockade by an anesthetic agent, the neuromuscular junction, and neuromuscular transmission. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
  351. Neural Xanipulation Medical, Therapy, Visceral
  352. Near Mint Hobbies
  353. Normal Mice Medical
  354. Necesita Mejorar Para, Lyric, Con
  355. Space Engine Nebula Model File Computing, File Extensions
  356. Na Muang
  357. Nuovo Messico
  358. Neutral Morph
  359. No Mobile
  360. New Materiwl Occupation, Position, Job
  361. Natl Media
  362. IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal Computing, Ieee
  363. Nguyen Manh
  364. Not Measured Technology, America, Patent, Material
  365. Northwestern Mutual Business, Service, Financial, Planning
  366. Negatite Marker
  367. Nocte Et Mane Medical
  368. Noise Museum
  369. North Through Mora
  370. No Music Music
  371. Nurse Manager Medical, Nursing
  372. Notorius Monster
  373. Neher-Mjgrath Technology, Conductor, Electricity, Calculation
  374. Neue Mittb
  375. Robert N. Noyce Medal Awards & medals
  376. Normal Matrices Algorithm, Matrice, Matrix
  377. Nearly Metamagnetic
  378. No Mass Physics, Scientific & Educational
  379. Names Technology, Unix, Unix Command, Computing, Unix commands
  380. Nuno Maria
  381. Neusprachliche Mitteilungen
  382. New Manufacturyd
  383. Natl Med
  384. New Model Products
  385. Next Month NASA, Governmental & Military
  386. Not Measurable, Not Measured Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  387. North Mobilg Business, Airport, Alabama
  388. Negative Margin Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  389. Njche Mio
  390. Noise Monitoring
  391. Nitelist Music Music, Malawi, Acid, Album
  392. No Mercy Scourge
  393. No Mulch
  394. Negative Marker Medical, Human genome
  395. Nicholas Myers
  396. Not Monitored
  397. Negotiftion Manager
  398. No Management Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  399. Network Module Technology, Telecom, Cisco
  400. Newton-Meter Auto, Car, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  401. Narrative Medicine
  402. No Motion Physics, Scientific & Educational
  403. Name Modification Technology
  404. Nunn-Mccurdy
  405. Neuronal Mode Medical, Medicine, Health
  406. New Man
  407. Natividad De MaríA
  408. Nonmetallic Products
  409. Next Message
  410. North Main
  411. Nee Mah
  412. Nicole Martin
  413. Newton Metre
  414. No Movie Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
  415. Natural Maple
  416. Nothing Much Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  417. Nice Moon
  418. Not Modulated Amateur radio
  419. Nelotiated Market
  420. No Maintenance
  421. Network Mldel
  422. No Mark Assembly, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NM stand for?

    NM stands for Non-Metal.

  2. What is the shortened form of Neuromedin?

    The short form of "Neuromedin" is NM.


NM. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 1). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nm-meaning/

Last updated