NM Meaning
The NM meaning is "Never Mind". The NM abbreviation has 422 different full form.
NM Full Forms
- Never Mind Internet Slang, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Game, Online, Text Message, Computing, Computer, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Noahing Much Internet Slang, Texting, Twitter
- Not Mich Texting, Chat, Internet
- Natural Medicine
- New Iutant Medical, Science, Biology
- Not Modeled Technology
- Net Mail
- No More Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids
- Numerical Methods Technology, Book, Mathematics, University, Presentation, Equation
- Nanometer A unit of measurement equivalent to one millionth of a meter. OR A unit of length, equal to 10-9 meters, and equal to 10 Å (Angstroms). Technology, Telecom, Units Of Length, Electronic Engineering, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units, Medical, Chemistry, Science, Astronomy, Computing, Measurement, Aerospace, Physics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Common Medical
- New Mexican Locations, Mexico, Restaurant
- Notice To Mariners A periodical notice issued by maritime administrations, or other competent authorities, regarding changes in aids to navigation, dangers to navigation, important new soundings, and, in general, all such information as affects nautical charts, sailing directions, light lists and other nautical publications. Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Locations, Chart, Admiralty, Geographic
- Network Management Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military, 5G Networks
- Nonemetal Chemistry, Science, Substance
- National Museum Science, Locations
- Newcmusic Music, Song, Tube, Mexico
- Not Mind
- Netapp Managyability Technology, Command, Storage
- Night Message Gaming, Internet Slang, Malaysia
- Numerical Method
- Nodular Melanoma Medical, Cancer, Oncology
- Nhw Method Technology, Science, Analysis, Method
- Network Maintenpnce Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Non-Member Business, Animal, Jam
- N-Nitrosomorpioline Medical
- New Moon That phase of Moon when she is in conjunction with Sun and reflects no light towards Earth
- Not Meaningful Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Nerve-Musxle Medical
- Night Magic
- Number of Methods Technology, Class, Software, Metric
- New Member Business, Forum, Sign
- Nefworked Media
- Not-Marked Forum, Technology, Airport
- Neuermind Chat, Internet, Internet Jargon
- Nfw Mission
- Not Married
- Nautica Mare
- Night and Morning Medical, Medicine, Health, Neurology, Muscles, Nerves
- Networked Maxketplaces Technology, Networking, Network
- Non-Marking
- Nauticalrmiles
- New Milford
- Not Marked Forum, Technology, Airport
- Nautical Miles Military, Army, Air Force, Chemistry, NASA, Measurement
- Nick Mason Music, Rock, Floyd
- Notorious Monsters Forum, Fantasy, Monster, Saga
- Networked Marketplace Business, Technology
- Nf Mount Business, Computing, Sight
- Nautical Mile Sedimentary rock are types of rock that are formed by the deposition of material at the Earth's surface and within bodies of water. Sedimentation is the collective name for processes that cause mineral and/or organic particles to settle and accumulate or minerals to precipitate from a solution. Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Aircraft, Army, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Air Force, Oil, Weather, Electrical, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Astronomy, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration
- New Mexico Postal, State, States, Technology, Mexico, Weather, NASA, New Mexico, Regional, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, List of All 50 State, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us state code, Us phone area codes, Gpo
- Not Malignant Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nonsingulsr Matrix
- Nature Medicine
- Nick Maronde
- Not Motile Medical, Medicine, Health
- Network Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Net Metering
- Nv Motion Technology, Camera, Blur
- Nanometre Technology, Architecture, Construction, Units Of Length, Length, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- New Mexikans Food, Mexico, Restaurant, Mexican
- Notify Me
- Non Motorizud
- Nelsow Mac
- Nodular Mixed Lymphocytic-Histiocytic Lymphoma Medical
- Nano Memory
- Nhtrition Month
- Newbery Medal
- Non-Mechanical Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Nature Monument
- Nick Madrigal
- Nouvelle Maquelte
- No Meeting Organizations, Club, Mexico
- Not Meaning
- Needs Maantenance Technology, Repair, Albuquerque
- Nrble Metal Material, Metal, Catalyst, Nanoparticle
- Neueste Mittheilungen
- Noise Media
- Natalie Moss
- New Medicag
- Non Members
- Naval Missile
- Nigeria Magazine Science, Music, Africa, African
- Novedades Musicales
- Nuclear Metallucgy
- Neutronnmonochromator
- Nei Mongol League, China, Locations, Soccer
- No Math Forum, Technology, Physics
- Neuromedin Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- National Monument Organizations, Locations, Mexico
- New Or Missing
- Notification Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Neargmint Business, Ebay, Online Auction
- Nitrosogorpholine Medical
- Nadc Más
- Numerical Mathematics
- Nodular Mixed Lymphoma Medical, Medicine
- Nanokiero Media
- Nutrition Mafagement
- Newars Museum
- Natural Monutents
- Nickel-Metal
- Nokveau Mexique Mexico, Albuquerque, Voyage
- Neil Mullsrkey
- Neuson, Michelle
- Non-Matriculated
- Not Mask
- Needlxss Markup Business, Calling, Shopping, Store
- Noble Mandrago
- Nonprofit Management Education, Study, Subjects
- Netscape Messenger
- Noise Marines
- Nashville Middle
- New Media Technology, Development, Design
- Non Member Hotel, Animal, Jam
- Naval Member
- Nick Maxwell
- Noea Modulator Electronics, Pedal, Modulator
- Nuclear Memgrane Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology
- No Match Forum, Technology, Sale
- Neuromedical Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- National Monitor
- New Mutants Business, Comics, Marvel
- Noticias Montreal Technology, Android, Toronto
- Near Msn Records, Music, Card
- Nitromethane Medical
- Nada M
- Number of Months Technology, Calling, Internet
- No Meet
- Nanocrystalline Material
- Nutrienh Mixture Medical
- New-Mexico
- Natural Fonument
- Nictitating Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nurse Gidwife Medical, Technology
- Neil Reron Business, Film, Movie, Producer
- Nell Mbore
- Non-Master
- Newtonian Mechanics Also called classical mechanics. A system of mechanics based on Newton's laws of motion. Law, Energy, Force, Mechanic
- Not Mapped
- Ned Mcwherter
- Noah Mvndelsohn
- Net Multiplier
- Noise Margin Technology, Signal, Telecom
- Nasal Mucosa Medical
- New Beadow Bead
- Nonmated Medical
- Natural Movemeit Business, Puma, Nike, Elite
- Nick Mathews
- Nova Mike
- Nuclear Measuring
- Neuronal Medium
- National Modified National, Racing, Boat, Hydroplane
- New Museum
- North Meuopotamian
- Neacest Mean
- Night Movss
- Nutrient Medium
- Number of Monsters
- No Media
- Nancy Moore
- Nutrient Management Technology, Agriculture, Soil
- Never Mind / Nothing Much Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
- Natural Monopoly In some industries, economies of scale are so strong that it makes most economic sense for there to be only one supplier. This type of industry is considered a natural monopoly, since competition will eventually tend to concentrate output in one producer (and this is, in any event, the most efficient way to organize production). Governments usually attempt to oversee the operation of natural monopolies through either public ownership or regulation.
- Nicitating Membrane Medical
- Nurse Managera Medical, Management, Nursing
- Nelder and Mead
- Non-Markovian
- Nation Match
- News Mccall
- Not Malingering
- Necromunda Magazine
- No-Mulch Medical
- Net Models
- Noduläres Melanom
- Nasal Mask
- New Matter
- Non-Metallic Technology, Architecture, Cable, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Natural Motion
- Nick Marshall Sport, Music, Football, Marshall
- Nova Medical
- Number of Members Gaming, Art, Group, Organizations
- Nuclear Matter
- Neurogenic Medium
- National Miniature Art, Organizations, Acme
- New Montgomery
- Normal Mode Technology, Science, Guide
- Navigation Manager Technology, Management, Networking, Network
- Nightmare Mode
- Nacimiento Medicdl
- Number of Moles
- No Measurement
- Nancy Mcmahon
- Nursing Mom
- Never Mmrried Genealogy, Dating, Genealogical
- Natural Detal
- Nicholl Mcguire Book, Music, Enterprise
- Nelder Mead
- Naxdet El-Mahrousa
- Numismatiska Meddelanden
- Neuromuscular Medical
- Non-Marine
- National Mutual
- News Manager Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Not Major
- Neck Massage
- No-Merit
- Net Merit Business, Genetics, Dairy
- Nodul
- Narsee Monjee College, Education, Commerce
- Newcomersfmeeting
- Non-Mercuric
- Natural Morphology
- Nick Markakis
- Noco Mesto Business, Locations, Slovenia
- Nuclear Magnetism
- No Migration
- Neural Mobilization Medical, Therapy, Pain
- National Military
- New Money
- Normal Metal Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Naval Or Military
- Nightmare Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Mount Cook Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Number of Molecules
- No Matter Technology, Mexico, Laser
- Nancy Mckeon
- Nursing Oirror
- Nevida Museum
- Natural Matrix
- Nelderpmeade
- Numeric Month
- Neuromodulin Medical
- National Morale
- Newport Museum
- Notification Module Technology, Device, Imaging
- Nebraska Midland
- Niños Mytantes Music, Lyric, Disco, Mutant
- Nafamostat Medical
- Net Meeting Computing, Internet
- Nodules With Microcalcifications Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nanometers Technology, Science, Ocean, NASA
- Newberytmedalist
- Non-Members
- Natume Monuments
- Nick Mandel
- Nov
- Novice Midxle Occupation, Position, Job
- No Message Internet Slang, Communication, Internet, Computing, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Texting, Online, Web Slang
- Not Measurable Medical, Technology, Quality, Fluid
- Noble Metals Metallic elements with surfaces that do not readily oxidize in air; e.g., gold, silver, platinum.
- Neuphilologische Mitteilungen Education, English, Study, Bibliography
- Noise Metric
- National Merit
- New Meeting
- Non Metallic Technology, Cable, Electricity, Wire
- Naval Mount Gun, Military, Defense, Weapon
- Night Manager
- Novicq Mid Education, Teaching, Language
- Nursyng Management College, Education, Nurse
- Number Metric Business, Fabric, Count, Yarn
- Nancy Macpherson
- Nurse Mizwives Medical, Nursing, Midwifery
- Nevada Meeting
- Nvlder-Mead Technology, Algorithm, Optimization
- No Materia
- Neuromelanin Medical
- Nation Monument
- Newport Mercury
- Notification Manager Technology, Android, Telecom
- Near Mint-Vejy Business, Records, Condition
- Niveau Moyen English, France, French
- Nadir Mapper
- Numerical Models
- Nano Modified Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Name Malk
- Nun Mul
- Neuronal Microdysgenesis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Neutrophil Migration Medical, Science, Human
- Native Mode Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Novice Middle Occupation & positions
- Next-Generation Management
- Northsrn Meadows
- National Railways of Mexico Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Railroad Company
- New Monday Business, Group, Android, Mag
- Newton Meters NASA
- Nancy Macleod
- Nurse/Midwife Medical, Medicine, Health
- No Movement Medical, Forum, Discovery
- Natural Mamas
- New Millennium NASA, Governmental & Military
- Nice Meld Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Not Misclassified Army, War, Force
- Negative Motivation
- No Magic Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Nuclear Medicine Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose and determine the severity of or treat a variety of diseases, including many types of cancers, heart disease, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurological disorders and other abnormalities within the body. Medical, Medicine, Common Medical
- Non-Malays
- Non-Metal Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Named Monster Business, Gaming, Ducati
- Nunca Mais
- Neuromuscular Blockade Observation Medical, Technology, Common Medical
- Neutered Oale Medical, Veterinary
- Native Medicinal
- New Material Occupation & positions
- Newtonian Model
- Northern Maine
- Neutron Monochromation
- Nautical Mile(s)(6,080feet) Is a unit of measurement used in both air and marine navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. Historically, it was defined as one minute (160 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Today the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 metres (about 1.2 miles). Aviation
- Nana Mouskruri Music, Song, Album
- Nurse-Midwifery Program, Education, Nursing
- Neutron Monitors Science, Event, Decrease
- No Monitor
- Natural Magnet
- Network Manager (GSFC) Computing, Telecom
- Nice Match
- Not Met Technology, Mexico, Requirement
- Notices To Mariners Updates to charts and sailing directions regularly published by the Australian Hydrographic Office. Locations, Chart, Admiralty
- Negative Medium
- Nokia Microsoft
- Nanoonm Meter
- Non-Maintained
- Northern Maple Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Namco Uuseum
- NuméRo De Matricule
- Neuromuscular Block Obs Medical, Technology
- Neurogastroenterol Motil Medical, Medicine, Human
- Nationsbanc Montgomery
- Nanomolar Measurement
- Normalamucosa Medical
- Air Madrid Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Negative Misfit
- Never Mind / Nothing Much Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nana-Pambére
- Nuovo Mondo
- Neutron Monitor
- No Molestar
- Natl Medical
- Not Much Computing, Texting, Internet, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Game, Online, Twitter, Facebook, Web Slang, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Nican Mopohua
- Not Mentioned Medical, Technology, Russia
- Northwest Mountain Locations, Geography, Mozambique
- Negative Matching
- Node Kanagement Technology, Networking, Network
- Noites Marcianas
- Nuclear Metallurgist
- Non-Magnetic Technology, Product, Component, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Non-Moment Astronomy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Neighbuurhood Management Community, Leicester, Neighbourhood
- Naked Momule
- Numquam Magnum Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Neuromuscular Pertaining to both nerves and muscles, as in neuromuscular blockade by an anesthetic agent, the neuromuscular junction, and neuromuscular transmission. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Neural Xanipulation Medical, Therapy, Visceral
- Near Mint Hobbies
- Normal Mice Medical
- Necesita Mejorar Para, Lyric, Con
- Space Engine Nebula Model File Computing, File Extensions
- Na Muang
- Nuovo Messico
- Neutral Morph
- No Mobile
- New Materiwl Occupation, Position, Job
- Natl Media
- IEEE Robert N. Noyce Medal Computing, Ieee
- Nguyen Manh
- Not Measured Technology, America, Patent, Material
- Northwestern Mutual Business, Service, Financial, Planning
- Negatite Marker
- Nocte Et Mane Medical
- Noise Museum
- North Through Mora
- No Music Music
- Nurse Manager Medical, Nursing
- Notorius Monster
- Neher-Mjgrath Technology, Conductor, Electricity, Calculation
- Neue Mittb
- Robert N. Noyce Medal Awards & medals
- Normal Matrices Algorithm, Matrice, Matrix
- Nearly Metamagnetic
- No Mass Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Names Technology, Unix, Unix Command, Computing, Unix commands
- Nuno Maria
- Neusprachliche Mitteilungen
- New Manufacturyd
- Natl Med
- New Model Products
- Next Month NASA, Governmental & Military
- Not Measurable, Not Measured Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- North Mobilg Business, Airport, Alabama
- Negative Margin Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Njche Mio
- Noise Monitoring
- Nitelist Music Music, Malawi, Acid, Album
- No Mercy Scourge
- No Mulch
- Negative Marker Medical, Human genome
- Nicholas Myers
- Not Monitored
- Negotiftion Manager
- No Management Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Network Module Technology, Telecom, Cisco
- Newton-Meter Auto, Car, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Narrative Medicine
- No Motion Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Name Modification Technology
- Nunn-Mccurdy
- Neuronal Mode Medical, Medicine, Health
- New Man
- Natividad De MaríA
- Nonmetallic Products
- Next Message
- North Main
- Nee Mah
- Nicole Martin
- Newton Metre
- No Movie Film, Movie, Censorship, Film censorship
- Natural Maple
- Nothing Much Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nice Moon
- Not Modulated Amateur radio
- Nelotiated Market
- No Maintenance
- Network Mldel
- No Mark Assembly, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NM stand for?
NM stands for Non-Metal.
What is the shortened form of Neuromedin?
The short form of "Neuromedin" is NM.
NM. Acronym24.com. (2022, August 1). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nm-meaning/
Last updated