NM in Technology Meaning

The NM meaning in Technology terms is "Never Mind". There are 52 related meanings of the NM Technology abbreviation.

NM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Never Mind
  2. No More
  3. Numerical Methods
  4. Networked Marketplace
  5. New Mexico
  6. Number of Methods
  7. Netapp Managyability
  8. Nhw Method
  9. Not Modeled
  10. Nanometre
  11. Not Marked
  12. Nanometer A unit of measurement equivalent to one millionth of a meter. OR A unit of length, equal to 10-9 meters, and equal to 10 Å (Angstroms).
  13. Network Management
  14. Not-Marked
  15. Network Maintenpnce
  16. Nv Motion
  17. Network Manager
  18. Networked Maxketplaces
  19. Notification Module
  20. Number of Months
  21. Needs Maantenance
  22. Notification Manager
  23. New Media
  24. Nurse Gidwife
  25. Navigation Manager
  26. Notification Message
  27. Noise Margin
  28. Noticias Montreal
  29. No Matter
  30. Nanometers
  31. Normal Mode
  32. No Math
  33. Non Metallic
  34. Nvlder-Mead
  35. Not Measurable
  36. No Match
  37. Nutrient Management
  38. Non-Metallic
  39. Neher-Mjgrath
  40. Node Kanagement
  41. Non-Magnetic
  42. No Magic
  43. Neuromuscular Blockade Observation
  44. Not Met
  45. Native Mode
  46. Network Module
  47. Neuromuscular Block Obs
  48. Not Mentioned
  49. Neuromuscular Pertaining to both nerves and muscles, as in neuromuscular blockade by an anesthetic agent, the neuromuscular junction, and neuromuscular transmission.
  50. Not Measured
  51. Names
  52. Name Modification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NM stand for Technology?

    NM stands for Nvlder-Mead in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Management in Technology?

    The short form of "Network Management" is NM for Technology.


NM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nm-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated