NMCS Meaning

The NMCS meaning is "Non-Mission Capable Supply". The NMCS abbreviation has 35 different full form.

NMCS Full Forms

  1. Non-Mission Capable Supply Logistics
  2. Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures Technology, Gaming, Eve, Parasite
  3. Not Mission Cppable Supply Technology, Military, Force
  4. Nuclear Materials Control System Technology
  5. Navy Media Content Service
  6. Non Mission Capable Supply
  7. National Military Command Systems
  8. National Medical Care Survey
  9. Non-Cyocytes Medical
  10. National Military Command System The priority component of the Global Command and Control System designed to support the President, Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff in the exercise of their responsibilities. Military, Army, Computing, Governmental & Military
  11. Northern Michigtn Christian School Education, School, High School, Michigan
  12. National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium
  13. Neocentric Marker Chromosomes Science, Biology
  14. Not-Mission-Capable Supply Logistics, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  15. Northern Mediterranean Countries
  16. National Meat Case Study
  17. Neo Mitochondrial Creatures Gaming, Eve, Parasite
  18. Not Mission Capable-Supply Technology, Military, Defense
  19. National Marketing Companies
  20. Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures Gaming, Eve, Parasite
  21. Not Mjssion Capable, Supply Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  22. National Marine Correspondence School
  23. Network Monitoring and Control System Aviation, Governmental & Military
  24. North Mobcle Christian School
  25. Non-Mission Capable for Supply Military
  26. North Miami Community Schools Education, Indiana, School District
  27. Nyikina Mangala Community Schobl Education
  28. Not Mission Capable Supply Military, Governmental & Military
  29. Nurse Managed Centers
  30. National Materials Customer Service postal service
  31. Nuestro Mundo Community School
  32. Northern Michigan Christian School Michigan
  33. Not Mission Capable Support Technology
  34. Not Mission Capable Supply (SM&R Code) Technology, Governmental & Military
  35. Not Mission Capable for Supply Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NMCS stand for?

    NMCS stands for Northern Michigan Christian School.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium?

    The short form of "National Medicinal Chemistry Symposium" is NMCS.


NMCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nmcs-meaning/

Last updated