NNF Meaning

The NNF meaning is "Namibian Nature Foundation". The NNF abbreviation has 34 different full form.

NNF Full Forms

  1. Namibian Nature Foundation
  2. Nationwl Needs Fellows
  3. Nonreactor Nuclear Facility Science
  4. Namibia Nature Foundation Technology, Africa, Namibia
  5. National Needs Fellowshsps
  6. Negational Normal Form
  7. Namibia National Fronz Government, Organizations, Namibia
  8. National Needs Fellowship
  9. Needs Notification Form
  10. Name Not Final
  11. Norsk Numismatisk Forening
  12. National Nanofabrication Facility Technology, Science, Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  13. Nedre Norrlands FackföRening Porn, National, Threesome
  14. Normally No Flow
  15. Narrowband Nebular Filter
  16. Nederlands Netwerk Fertiliteitspreservatie
  17. Norfolk and Norwich Festival
  18. Nantahala National Forest
  19. Nebraska National Forest
  20. Norfolk & Norwich Festival
  21. Not Not Fun Records, Music, Labeling, Fun
  22. No Name Fan
  23. Norwegian New Frigate
  24. No Name Face
  25. Non-Nominal Feedback
  26. Northwest Neighborhood Federation
  27. Nuveen Insured New York Premium Income Municipal Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  28. Non-nsf Funded Atmospheric Research
  29. Nutrition News Focus Nutrition, Food, Victual
  30. Nuveen Insured New York Premium Income Fund Computing, Nyse symbols
  31. Nurture Nature Foundation
  32. Not Normally Flowing Construction
  33. Novo Nordisk Foundation Science, Research, Denmark
  34. National NGO Forum Forum, Business & Finance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NNF stand for?

    NNF stands for Nuveen Insured New York Premium Income Fund.

  2. What is the shortened form of Not Not Fun?

    The short form of "Not Not Fun" is NNF.


NNF. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nnf-meaning/

Last updated