NNI in Chemistry Meaning
The NNI meaning in Chemistry terms is "National Nanotechnology Initiative". There are 1 related meanings of the NNI Chemistry abbreviation.
NNI on Chemistry Full Forms
- National Nanotechnology Initiative The National Nanotechnology Initiative is a research-and development (R & D) program funded by the U.S. government and managed by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). It contributes funds for university and government education and R & D programs, and promotes partnerships and communication among corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions. The efforts of the NNI have produced several significant results in recent years. Examples include quantum dots for dynamic angiography in living mice, nanoparticles for enhancing the performance of anti-cancer drugs, nanoscale electromechanical sensors for detection of dangerous chemicals, iron nanoparticles that can remove certain contaminants from ground water, energetic materials for use as propellants, and ultra-high-density data storage devices.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NNI stand for Chemistry?
NNI stands for National Nanotechnology Initiative in Chemistry terms.
What is the shortened form of National Nanotechnology Initiative in Chemistry?
The short form of "National Nanotechnology Initiative" is NNI for Chemistry.
NNI in Chemistry. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nni-meaning-in-chemistry/
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