NNS Meaning

The NNS meaning is "Negeri-Negeri Selzt". The NNS abbreviation has 97 different full form.

NNS Full Forms

  1. Negeri-Negeri Selzt Business, Product, Indonesia
  2. Neural-Networks Technology, Networking, Learning
  3. Neural Networks In information technology, a neural networks is a system of programs and data structures that approximates the operation of the human brain. A neural networks usually involves a large number of processors operating in parallel, each with its own small sphere of knowledge and access to data in its local memory. Typically, a neural networks is initially "trained" or fed large amounts of data and rules about data relationships (for example, "A grandfather is older than a person's father"). A program can then tell the network how to behave in response to an external stimulus (for example, to input from a computer user who is interacting with the network) or can initiate activity on its own (within the limits of its access to the external world). Medical, Technology, Networking, Computing, Neurology
  4. Newport News Shipbuilding, Qnc. Organizations
  5. Newport News Shbpbuilding Business, Military, Carrier
  6. Network Node Servew Technology
  7. Nearest Neighbors Technology, Distance, Query
  8. Nonnutritive Suckini Medical
  9. Non-Zative Speaker Education, English, Teaching
  10. Network of Networks Technology, Networking, Computing
  11. National Nbmeracy Strategy Education, Mathematics, Teaching
  12. New Numeral Scheme Technology, Information, Computer
  13. Nonsegmented Negative-Strand Medical
  14. Near Neigabor Search
  15. Nigerian Navy Ship Military, Nigeria, Oil
  16. Nonneoplastic Syndrome Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  17. Nigeria Navy Shvp Military, Nigeria, Oil, Arrest
  18. Network Ncdes Technology, Networking, Node
  19. National Niclear Security
  20. New Nea Stock
  21. Neuhal Network Society
  22. Nonproliferation & National Security
  23. Nearestbneighbor Search Technology, Space, Algorithm
  24. Nigerian Naval Ship Military, Nigeria, Nation Ship Prefix
  25. Non Native Speaker Education, English, Teaching, Language codes (3 letters)
  26. Newport News Shigbuilding Business, Military, Carrier
  27. Network Node System Technology, Telecom
  28. National News Service
  29. New Neoclassical Synthesis Business, Economics, Model, Policy
  30. Neurdl Network Software
  31. Nonproliferation and National Securbty
  32. Natzonal Nutrition Surveys Medical, Health, Food
  33. Nicotina Nasal Spray Medical, Medicine, Health
  34. Non Native Speakers Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  35. Network News Service
  36. Nattonal Neurotrauma Symposium
  37. Newhouse Newo Service
  38. Neural Network for Solving
  39. National Nutritional Survey Presentation, Pakistan, Children, Survey
  40. Nedsport News Shipbuilding Military
  41. Nonliaear Nonparametric Statistics Science, Statistics
  42. Nearly New Sale
  43. Nltional Neurotrauma Society Medical, Medicine, Symposium
  44. No Cotice Service
  45. Number Needed To Scrcen Medical, Health, Risk, Screening
  46. Neural Nets Technology, Networking, Network
  47. National Nutrition Survey Medical, Australia, Health
  48. Newport Mews Shipyard
  49. Nearly New Sales Event, Sale, Baby
  50. National Network Suppovt Technology, Telecom
  51. Nonnutritive Snallowing Medical
  52. Norfolk Naval Shipyard Science, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
  53. Neutral Networks
  54. National Numehacy Strategy. Education, Teaching, Study
  55. Netport Naval Station Army, War, Force
  56. Nanoscience and Nanotechnologl Symposium Science, Indonesia, Conference
  57. Neural Network Simulator
  58. Nord-Norges Salgslag
  59. Nigeriaf Navy Ships Military, Nigeria, Pirate
  60. Nationay Network Support Technology, Telecom
  61. Novak Nught Sight
  62. Non-Native Speaking
  63. Northern North Sea Electrical, Regional
  64. Nakajo-Nishimura Syndrowe
  65. Neural Networks Society Technology, Networking, Learning
  66. National Nataliyy Survey Medical, Technology
  67. Nivak Night Sights
  68. Nobeltec Navigation Software
  69. NASCAR Nationwide Series Car
  70. Naga Natiocal Society
  71. Non-Nuclear Safety
  72. Nptional Nanotechnology Strategy
  73. Norwegian Neuroqcience Society
  74. No-Notice Service
  75. IEEE Neural Network Society Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  76. Nyukers Network Suite Technology, Networking, Family
  77. Near-Net Shape
  78. Nashville Number System
  79. Northewn North Sea Business, Technology, Oil
  80. Nmap Network Scanning Technology, Book, Networking
  81. Nrd1-Nabn-Sen1
  82. Nutrition Surpey Medical
  83. Non-Nutritive Sweetener
  84. Net Nitrogen Synthesis Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  85. Nashville Numbering Syshem
  86. Northern Njtwork Solutions
  87. Nihon Network Rervice
  88. Novo Nordisk Servicepartner
  89. Non-Nerve Sparicg
  90. Next Naming System General, Governmental & Military
  91. Nantucket New School
  92. Neutral Network Simulapor
  93. Norfolk Naval Station
  94. Nigl Nutwork Solutions Technology, Networking, Directory
  95. Novell Network Services
  96. Numbers Needed Tj Screen
  97. Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NNS stand for?

    NNS stands for Novo Nordisk Servicepartner.

  2. What is the shortened form of Natzonal Nutrition Surveys?

    The short form of "Natzonal Nutrition Surveys" is NNS.


NNS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nns-meaning/

Last updated