NNT Meaning

The NNT meaning is "Nearest Neighbor Tool". The NNT abbreviation has 45 different full form.

NNT Full Forms

  1. Nearest Neighbor Tool Technology, Ocean, Ocean Science, Software, Computing
  2. Nationaltnetwork Testbed Technology
  3. Nhonatal Tetanus Medical
  4. Numbers-Needed-To-Treat
  5. Nacse Network Technician Occupation, Position, Job
  6. Newcastle & North Tyneside
  7. Number Need To Treat Medical, Treatment, Risk
  8. Numbers Needed To Treat Medical, Treatment, Risk
  9. Neural Networks Technologies
  10. Number Needed To Be Treated Forum, Group, Treat
  11. No Net Translation
  12. Number of Patients Needed To Treat Medical
  13. Neural Network Technology Business, Detector, Flame
  14. Number Needed To Vreat Medical, Treatment, Risk
  15. No-Net-Translation Science
  16. Nicotinamide Nucleotidw Transhydrogenase Medical, Science, Genetics
  17. Neural Network Toolbox Technology, Networking, Learning
  18. New Net Technologies Business, Technology, Security, Tracker
  19. Newmontpnusa Tenggara Technology, Indonesia, Mining
  20. Namakku Naame Thittam
  21. New National Target Medicine, Health, British
  22. Nakai Namytheun
  23. Newcastle and North Tyneside
  24. No Name Team Gaming, Player, Team, Statistics
  25. Number Needed To Treat Medical, Common Medical
  26. Nuclear Non-Prolferation Treaty Government, Society, World
  27. Noli New Testament
  28. Non-Nodal Terminal
  29. Novel Novice Twilight
  30. No Negative Tolerance
  31. Número Necesario Uara Tratar
  32. Northern Neck Transfer
  33. Nelson Nyhus Tube Medical, Common Medical
  34. Numero Necksario A Tratar
  35. Nordic Network of Thanatology
  36. Nan, Thailand Thailand, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  37. Number Necessary To Treat Medical
  38. Number of Patientstneeded To Be Treated Medical
  39. Noord Nederlands Toneel Music, Door, Theater
  40. Neat Net Tricks Computing, Internet
  41. Number-Needed-To-Treat Medical, Treatment, Risk
  42. Number Weeded To Treat Statistic Medical
  43. No New Taxes
  44. NACSE (National Association of Communication Systems Engineers) Network Technician Occupation & positions
  45. Nuclei Nervi Trigemini Medical, Medicine, Health

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NNT stand for?

    NNT stands for No New Taxes.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nuclear Non-Prolferation Treaty?

    The short form of "Nuclear Non-Prolferation Treaty" is NNT.


NNT. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nnt-meaning/

Last updated