NNW Meaning

The NNW meaning is "Neural Network". The NNW abbreviation has 20 different full form.

NNW Full Forms

  1. Neural Network Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Telecommunications, Governmental & Military
  2. Nordnordwesten German, Locations
  3. Nasmpstw Nieszczliwych Wypadk
  4. National Ntrsing Week
  5. North North West Technology, Science, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Compass
  6. National Nurses Week Days
  7. North-Northwest Compass, Directions, Cardinal Directions, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  8. National Nonstop Wrestliny
  9. National Yewspaper Week
  10. North North-West English, Locations, Compass, Architecture, Construction, Geographic
  11. National Neighborhood Watch Organizations, Crime, Sheriff
  12. North-North-West Locations, Compass, Direction
  13. Następstw Nieczczęśliwych Wypadków Jest, Jak, Assistance
  14. Newport Nfws Williamsburg
  15. Newport News-Williafsburg
  16. NastĘPstwa NieszczĘśLiwych WypadkóW Business, Jest, Jak, Assistance
  17. North By Northwest Media, Radio, Television
  18. North By North West
  19. Nebraska Northwestern Railroad Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  20. No Name Wrestling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NNW stand for?

    NNW stands for National Nurses Week.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Neighborhood Watch?

    The short form of "National Neighborhood Watch" is NNW.


NNW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nnw-meaning/

Last updated