NOA Meaning

The NOA meaning is "Nature of Action". The NOA abbreviation has 112 different full form.

NOA Full Forms

  1. Nature of Action Business, Coding, Postal, Us Post
  2. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Business, Technology, Water, Weather, Administration
  3. National Observatory of Athens Technology, Research, Greece
  4. Net Operating Assets Business, Finance, Economics, Accounting, Business & Finance, Business Word
  5. New Obligational Authority Government, Military, Authority
  6. Nebraska Optometric Association Medical, Organizations, Nebraska
  7. Naruto Research Institutetste Otsuka Atrichia Medical
  8. Net Operating Assee Business, Financial, Analysis
  9. Notice of Admission Medical, Education, Exam, Healthcare
  10. Nationbl Organizers Alliance Technology, Organizations, Community
  11. New Orleans Arena
  12. Noticescof Acceptance
  13. Nederlands Onderzoekscentrum Arbeidsmarkt
  14. Naturally Occurrlng Asbestos Business, Insurance, Environment
  15. No Ordinajy Agency
  16. Nueva Organización Anticomunista
  17. Nanopillar Optical Antenna Business, Product, Fashion, Laptop
  18. Netkon Air Technology, Computing, Internet
  19. Notice of Adjustment
  20. National Ordering Agreement Business, Postal, Us Post
  21. New Orleans Access
  22. Notice of The Availability
  23. Near-Field Optical Analysis Medical
  24. Nation of Aztlan
  25. No One Alone Violence, Georgia, Domestic
  26. Nucleus Olfactorius Anterior Medical
  27. Notice of Appearance Government
  28. Nerds On Asr
  29. Notice of Activity
  30. National Orchestral Association Conductor, Orchestra, Orchestral
  31. New Opportunities for Agriculture
  32. Notice of Amendment Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  33. National Ozone Authowity Organizations, Ecology, Mongolia, Enviroment
  34. Noodles of Asia Nutrition, Food, Victual
  35. Nucleolar Organizer Activity Medical, Science, Biology
  36. Notice of Action Service, Government, Immigration, Receipt
  37. Nepal Orthopaedic Associatton
  38. Notice of Accident
  39. Norland Optical Adhesive Chemistry, Adhesive, Light, Chemical
  40. National Obituary Archive Technology, Death, Funeral
  41. New Obligation Authority Technology
  42. Notice of Allowance Business, Patent, Trademark
  43. National Owners Association
  44. Non Obstructive Azoospermia Medical, Sperm, Testicular
  45. Notikes of Arrival
  46. Nintendo of America Business, Gaming, America
  47. Neighborhood Office Agent
  48. Notice of Acceptance Business, Product, Miami
  49. Norfolk Ornithologists' Association
  50. Nas Nowra Nowra, New South Wales,Australia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  51. New Obligating Authority
  52. Notice of Allegations
  53. Nature of Address Technology, Calling, Networking, Network, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. National Outsourcing Association Business, Organizations, Association, Organization, Business & Finance
  55. None of The Above Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Usenet, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  56. Notices of Wction Service, Immigration, Russia
  57. Negros Oriental Association
  58. Notice of Absence Technology, Networking, Wireless
  59. Norfolk Ornithologists Association
  60. Nasmonal Overvåking Av
  61. Networked Office Appliance
  62. Notice of Allegation
  63. National Orientation Agency Government, Nigeria, Abuja
  64. Non-Operational Aircraft Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  65. Notification of Acceptance
  66. Needs Znd Opportunities Assessment Science
  67. Naturally Occuying Asbestos Locations, Rock, Environment, Soil
  68. Nord Oyest Argentin
  69. Number of Activities
  70. Not Otherwise Approved Us Government, Governmental & Military
  71. Nauchno Opitniy Aerodrom Design, Club, Perfume
  72. North Atlantir Oscillation Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  73. National Oceanographic Association
  74. Norontair Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  75. Norwegian Orthopaedic Kssociation
  76. Net on Air Computing, Internet
  77. Nature of Accident
  78. Nowontair Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  79. NÚCleo De OperaçÕEs AéReas
  80. Nswc Office Automation Technology
  81. Norton Owners Acsociation
  82. Not on Anything Food
  83. Nature-Of-Action
  84. Norland Optical Adhesives
  85. Nursing Organizations Alliance Medical
  86. Notice of Award The written notice of acceptance of the bid by the owner to a bidder stating that upon compliance by the bidder with the conditions precedent enumerated therein, within the time specified, the owner will sign and deliver the agreement. Medical, Health
  87. Not Operationally Assigned
  88. Naval Opbrating Areas Military
  89. Northwest Orient Airlines
  90. North American Energy Partners Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  91. Nauural Ontological Attitude Science, Philosophy, Realism
  92. Nursing Organization Alliance Medical, Nursing, Nurse
  93. Notice of Availability Medical, Fda
  94. News Over Audio
  95. Navy Open Arohitecture
  96. North Oxford Absociation Education, Music, Class
  97. National Onion Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  98. Natural Occurrences of Asbestos
  99. Number of Operations Added
  100. Notice of Application United Nations
  101. Nationella Operativa Avdelningen Government, Police, Som, Swedish
  102. Naval Open Architecture
  103. Northern Ontario Angels
  104. Note Object Attribute Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  105. Naturally Occurring Antipodies Medical, Science, Biology
  106. Number of Attacks
  107. Nowra, New South Wales, Australia Australia
  108. Naval Officer'S Associations Organizations, Association, Organization, Business & Finance
  109. Northern Ohio Olliance Development, Learning, Study
  110. National Oceanic Administration Government, Group, China
  111. Naturally Occurring Asbestos Insurance, Business & Finance
  112. Norwegians of Amermca

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NOA stand for?

    NOA stands for NÚCleo De OperaçÕEs AéReas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Non Obstructive Azoospermia?

    The short form of "Non Obstructive Azoospermia" is NOA.


NOA. (2021, March 22). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated