NOB Meaning

The NOB meaning is "Nitrite-Oxidieing Bacteria". The NOB abbreviation has 65 different full form.

NOB Full Forms

  1. Nitrite-Oxidieing Bacteria Medical
  2. News of Botlywood Movie, Khan, Hindi
  3. Nederlands Onderwater Bond Technology, Science
  4. Naval Order of Battle Military, Army, Genealogical
  5. Number of Bits Technology, Coding, Class, Decoding
  6. Nord-Ostsee-Bahn Company, Technology, Hamburg, Train
  7. Nightmare of Battle
  8. Naval Operations Base Military, Locations, Station
  9. Nord Ostsee Bahn Hamburg, Train, Railway
  10. New-Open-Kox Technology, Product, Cisco
  11. Nederlands Onderwatersport Bond
  12. New Orleans Buccaneers Basketball, Basketball Team
  13. Naval Operating Base Military, War, Ship
  14. Nord-Ostsee Bahn
  15. Neuro-Oncology Branch Medical, Cancer, Tumor
  16. Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond Sport, Organizations, Diving
  17. New Orzginal Box
  18. National Organisation of Beaters Dog, Shooting
  19. Nord-Ost-Bahn
  20. Navy Operating Base
  21. New Officd Buildings
  22. Neo Organic Bmoform
  23. No Other Business
  24. Naval Order-Of-Battle
  25. New Effice Building
  26. Notes Over Bonds Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Technology, Legal, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  27. No Original Box
  28. Naval Operating Bases Military, Ship, Station
  29. Number of Bills
  30. Norwegian Locations, Legal, Governmental & Military
  31. Newell's Old Goys
  32. Norma Operacional Básica
  33. Nieht On Broadway
  34. Naval Operation Base
  35. Number of Balls
  36. New Open Box Technology, Product, Computing
  37. Nederlands Omroepproduktie Bedrijf Technology, Traffic, Vector, Ericsson
  38. NemzetköZi Olimpiai Bizottságot
  39. Nuclear Oversight Board
  40. Nosara Airport Nosara, Costa Rica Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  41. nitrite-oxidizing bacteria Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  42. North Office Building
  43. NemzetköZi Olimpiai Bizottságnak Sport, Meg, Blatter
  44. Nuclear Order of Battle Military, Army, Intelligence
  45. National Officer, level B United Nations
  46. Nature of Business Business, Tax, Training, Income
  47. NemzetköZi Olimpiai Bizottság Sport, Meg, Budapest
  48. Not On Board
  49. Network Operations Board
  50. Nosara, Nicoya, Costa Rica Costa Rica, ICAO Airport Codes
  51. Number of Branches
  52. Nemzetk
  53. Note Over Bond
  54. Network Operator Byte Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  55. Narodno Oslobodilacka Borba Politics, Governmental & Military
  56. Number of Banking Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  57. Nemzeti Olimpiai Bizottság
  58. Note Against Bond Spread Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance
  59. Network of Business
  60. Non Objective Beliefs Religion
  61. Nederlands Omroepproductie Bedrijf
  62. Note Against Bond Business, Finance
  63. Net Operating Balance
  64. No One Better Occupation & positions
  65. Northwest Ohio Blacksmiths

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NOB stand for?

    NOB stands for Nord-Ostsee Bahn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nuclear Order of Battle?

    The short form of "Nuclear Order of Battle" is NOB.


NOB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated