NOD Meaning

The NOD meaning is "Non-Obese Diabetic". The NOD abbreviation has 82 different full form.

NOD Full Forms

  1. Non-Obese Diabetic Science, Diabet, Mice
  2. Nodule A small collection of tissue that is palpable at any level of the skin or in another tissue of the body. Nodules characteristically range in size from 1 to 2 cm in diameter. Medical
  3. Nodulation Genes Medical
  4. Nitrogenous Oxygen Demand The amount of oxygen required to oxidize any ammonia present in a water. Technology, Science, Treatment, Chemistry
  5. Night Observation Device Vision, Military, Army
  6. New Orleans District Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  7. Network Outward Dialing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. Night Optical Devices Vision, Military, Man, Airsoft
  9. National Oceanography Directorate
  10. Nocturnal Oxygen Desaturation Medical
  11. Nederlandse Onderzoek Databank Science, Database, Research, Education
  12. Notice of Discharge
  13. Night of Decadence College, Education, Group, Party
  14. Networks On Demand
  15. Nasa Optical Disk Technology
  16. Nitric Oxide Dioxygenase Medical, Cell, Invention
  17. Nectar of Devotion
  18. Notice of Discipline Medical, Medicine, Development
  19. Night Observation Devices Technology, Vision, Military, Device
  20. Network On Demand
  21. Naito Oyanagi Disease Medical, Technology
  22. Nitric Oxide Donor
  23. Near-On-Demand Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Norsk Oseanografisk Datasenter Science
  25. Nightingale On Demand
  26. Netscape Open Directory
  27. Number of Dollar
  28. Non-Obese Diabetic Mice Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  29. Ni Obsn Device
  30. Navy Ordnance Depot
  31. Norden-Norddeich Airport Airport, Locations
  32. Nephrology On-Demand Medical, Store, Kidney
  33. Number of Dollars Business, Accounting, Economics, Money
  34. Nonobese Diabetic Medical, Medicine, Health, Chemistry
  35. Nintendo Optical Disc
  36. National One Design
  37. No Other Details
  38. Nemocnica Na Okraji Disku
  39. Number of Dogs
  40. Non-Obese Diabetes Medical, Cell, Mice
  41. Night Optical Device Vision, Military, Light, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  42. National One-Design
  43. No Obvious Deformities
  44. Nederlandse Onderzoeks Databank Technology, Research, Education
  45. Notice of Disposal
  46. Noman Building Solutions Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  47. Network One Distribution
  48. Nurse On Duty
  49. Norden-Norddeich, Norddeich, Germany Germany, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  50. Norddeich Airport Norden, Lower Saxony,Germany Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  51. New Order of Druids
  52. Nuclear Oligomerization Domain Medical, Human genome
  53. Number of Directories
  54. Nurse of The Day Medical, Service, Health
  55. Notice of Default Technology, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  56. New Onset Diabetes
  57. Not Otherwise Diagnosed Medical, Technology
  58. Number of Deaths Medical, America, Health
  59. Numerical Optical Disk Technology
  60. No Obvious Direction Computing, File Extensions
  61. Newly Observed Domains
  62. Notice of Discrepancy
  63. Notice of Deficiency (canada) Fda
  64. Number of Days
  65. Naturally Occurring Denitrfication Media
  66. Network Out-Dialing
  67. Notch Opening Displacement
  68. National Origin Desegregation Education
  69. Nucleotide-Binding Oligomerization Domain-Containing Medical, Genetics, Protein
  70. Niggaz of Destruction
  71. Notice of Determination Electrical
  72. Network Operations Division
  73. Norsk Oseanografisk Datacenter
  74. Netobjects Fusion File Computing, File Extensions
  75. News On Demand Technology, Service, Media
  76. Nucleotide-Binding Oligomerization Domain Medical, Genetics, Receptor
  77. Notice of Deficiency Medical, Financial, Environment, Business & Finance, Fda
  78. Network Operations Domain Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Navajo Ordnance Depot
  80. National Organization on Disability Medical, Disability
  81. New Orwellian Dictionary
  82. Nuclear Operations Division

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NOD stand for?

    NOD stands for Nephrology On-Demand.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nodule?

    The short form of "Nodule" is NOD.


NOD. (2021, March 22). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated