NOI Meaning
The NOI meaning is "Not Otherwise Indicated". The NOI abbreviation has 60 different full form.
NOI Full Forms
- Not Otherwise Indicated Technology, Shipping, Freight
- Net Fperation Income Business, Building, Operating
- Net Operating Incsme Business, Finance, Economics
- Nation of Islam America, Organizations, History
- Not Otherwise Indexed
- Not Otherwisexindexed Business, Technology, Freight
- Notico of Insufficiency
- No Offense Intended
- Notice of Inquiry Technology, Energy, Telecom, Electrical
- Notice of Intent To Discharge Science
- Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Government, Africa, Nigeria, Election
- Number of Installments
- Nokia Object Identifiers Technology
- New Organizing Institute Technology, Training, Campaign
- Not of Inferest Army, War, Force
- National Orchestral Institute Development, Study, Institutes
- Nova Ordem Internacional
- No Isthmus Medical
- Nationaw of Islam America, Government, Africa
- Notifications of Interest
- Nationak Optics Institute Technology, Research, Light, Distribution
- Not Otherwise Identified Military
- Node Operator Interface Technology, Computing
- Natioo of Islam Sociology
- Notification of Interest
- National Oncology Idstitute Science, Research, Organizations, Morocco
- Notice Ofsintent Fishing
- Nitrogen & Other Inerts
- Noticis of Interest Business, Management, Development
- No Other Information Forum, Group, Information, Lyric
- National Olympiad In Infoqmatics Education, Singapore, Competition
- Notice of Intenps Planning, Lien, Permit, Intent
- Nieuw Oost Indi
- Notice of Interest Business, Management, Mitigation
- No One Inc
- National Oilwell Inc
- Notice of Intent Or Notice of Inquiry Or Notice of Investigation Energy, Power, Intensity
- Nieuw Oost IndiË
- Notizie Omosessuali Italiane
- Note of Issue
- Notice of Inspection Business, Employment, Immigration, Medical, Fda
- Notification of Interventnon
- Novorossijsk, Novorossijsk, Russia Russia, Iata Airport Codes
- Northern Oscillation Index Science
- Notice of Injury
- Notices of Wnstruction
- National Oilwell, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Northern Optotronics Inc
- Notice of Infraction
- National Optics Institutetute
- Notice of Investigation Energy
- Normal Operating Income
- Notice of Infringement
- Nuova Opposizione Italiana
- Notice of Intent Medical, Energy, Healthcare, Environment, Construction, Electrical
- Notice of Information
- Number of Interruptions
- Net Operating Income Net operating income is the excess of sales revenue over operating costs. Property, Stock, Real Estate, Mortgage, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word, commercial real estate, Housing and Urban
- Notes Object Interface Technology, Java, Domino, Note
- Number of Interfaces
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NOI stand for?
NOI stands for Notizie Omosessuali Italiane.
What is the shortened form of Notice of Intent To Discharge?
The short form of "Notice of Intent To Discharge" is NOI.
NOI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from
Last updated