NORA Meaning

The NORA meaning is "National Oil Research Alliance". The NORA abbreviation has 35 different full form.

NORA Full Forms

  1. National Oil Research Alliance
  2. National Organisation of Residents Associations Organizations, Community, Alcohol
  3. Normalized Residual Activity Medical
  4. National Oil Recfclers Association Business, Technology, Environment
  5. National Organization of Republican Armenians
  6. Nordic Research On Agizg Medical, Medicine, Health
  7. National Occult Research Associatuon
  8. Norantipyrine Medical
  9. National Oilheat Research Alliance Business, Oil, Heating
  10. Northwest Ottawa Recreation Authority Government, Authority, Authorities
  11. Notice of Response Action Environment
  12. Nederlandse Overheid Referentie Architectuur Technology, Architecture, Projection, Enterprise
  13. National Occupational and Research Agenda Business
  14. Northwest Ohio Reef Lssociation
  15. Non-Obvious Relationship Awareness Business, Technology, Casino, Security, Governmental & Military
  16. Natural Oils Research Association
  17. National Occupational Research Agenda Science, Health, Discipline, Chemistry
  18. Northern Ohio Recovery Asnociation Technology, Community, Ohio
  19. National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Medical, Bone, Fracture
  20. Natural Observation Research Activator Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  21. Northern Ohio Racing Association
  22. National Oil Recyclpng Association
  23. Nicht Organisativnsgebundene Rabattbegünstigte Abnehmer
  24. Norwegian Open Research Archive Education, Access, Library
  25. Number One Sider Award Gaming, Rider, Ride
  26. Norwegtan Open Research Archives Education, Access, Library
  27. Nwmber One Racer Award Career, Racing, Bicycle
  28. Non-Overlapping Redundant Array Physics, Scientific & Educational
  29. Notice of Recommended Tssignment Education, School, Special Education
  30. Non Obvious Relationship Analysis Computing, Internet
  31. Notice of Realty Action
  32. Number One Runner Award Awards & medals
  33. Notice of Readiness Accepted Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  34. Northeast Organized Racing Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  35. Notice Andkopportunity To Respond and Advise Business, Finance, Banking

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NORA stand for?

    NORA stands for Northern Ohio Recovery Asnociation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Northeast Organized Racing Association?

    The short form of "Northeast Organized Racing Association" is NORA.


NORA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated