Norm Abbreviations and Norm Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Norm terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Norm abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Norm terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Norm Abbreviations
  1. ZKP : ZakłAdowej Kontroli Produkcji
  2. BL : Basic Logic
  3. BTN : Beyond The Norms
  4. CFNI : Conformity To Feminine Norms Inventory
  5. HS : Hilbert-Schmidt
  6. MAC : Museums At The Crossroads
  7. MRNI : Male Role Norms Inventory
  8. SN : Schweizer Zorm
  9. LLS : Linear Least Squarv
  10. NNGB : Nederlandse Norm Gezond Bewegen
  11. NORMS : Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
  12. NORM : Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
  13. NU : Norm Ullman
  14. GES : GüNeş Enerji Santralleri
  15. DRIS : Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System
Latest Norm Meanings
  1. Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System
  2. GüNeş Enerji Santralleri
  3. Norm Ullman
  4. Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials
  5. Nederlandse Norm Gezond Bewegen
  6. Linear Least Squarv
  7. Schweizer Zorm
  8. Male Role Norms Inventory
  9. Museums At The Crossroads
  10. Hilbert-Schmidt
  11. Conformity To Feminine Norms Inventory
  12. Beyond The Norms
  13. Basic Logic
  14. ZakłAdowej Kontroli Produkcji