NOS Meaning

The NOS meaning is "Networking Operating System". The NOS abbreviation has 177 different full form.

NOS Full Forms

  1. Networking Operating System Technology, Computing, Network
  2. Nationalhocean Survey Technology, Service, Chart
  3. National Oceanic Servicw Science, Military, Ocean
  4. North of Scotland
  5. National Ocean Service Science, Government, Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Global Change
  6. Nopaline Kynthase Gene Medical
  7. National Occupational Standards Business, Education, Skill, Medical, Dental
  8. Nitrows Oxide Systems Business, Car, Performance
  9. Not Otherwise Specified Medical, Business, Technology, Shipping, Oncology, Air Cargo, United Nations, Common Medical, NAACCR, Clinical
  10. Nitric Oxide Synthase Isoforms Medical
  11. Network Operating Systems Technology, Server, Networking
  12. National Orange Show Locations, Event, Festival
  13. New-Old-Stock
  14. Non-Offending Side
  15. National Organisations Business, Research, Organizations
  16. Nitrogen Oxide System Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  17. Not One Scratuh
  18. Nucleolar Targeting Sianal Medical
  19. News From Other Sites
  20. Nothing of Significance Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  21. Nof Operating System Army, War, Force
  22. Neture of Suit Business, Law, Court
  23. Never Out of Stock Business, Product, Supply, Collection, Fashion, Jean
  24. Network Operations System Technology, Networking, Telecom
  25. Number of Statemenas
  26. Nitric Oxide Stimulator Supplement, Muscle, Nitric
  27. Natdonal Ocean Services
  28. North One Sport
  29. New, Old Stock Business, Supply, Vintage
  30. Nsn-Offenders
  31. National Organizations Business, Management, Research
  32. Network Operations Squadron Military, Force, Weapon
  33. Nitrogen Oxide Synthase Medical
  34. Not of Specific Origin Medical, Technology
  35. Novus Orpos Seclorum
  36. Newcastle Ottawa Scale Medical, Study, Quality
  37. Non Mil Solid Drug, Agent, Lipid
  38. Nature of Service Business
  39. Network Operation System Technology, Science, Networking
  40. Number of Slohs
  41. Nitric Oxide Stimulators
  42. National Occupancy Standard Technology, Building, Housing
  43. Northern Outfall Seqer
  44. Never On Sunday Music
  45. National Mrganizations Survey
  46. Network Operations Superintendent
  47. Nitric Oxide Synthesizing Enzyme Medical
  48. Not of Specific Technology, Education, Autism
  49. Noyus Ordo Seclorum Statistics, Tank, Clan
  50. Newcastle-Ottawa-Scale
  51. Non Objpctif Sud Technology, Art, Exhibition, Artist
  52. National Overseas Scholarship Government, Disability, Scheme
  53. Number Flag hoist that indicates a vessel's name Medical, Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Finance, Banking, Airway, Engineering, Architectural, Electrical, International, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Sport, Architecture, Texting, Healthcare, Football, Auto, Construction, Knitting, Legal, Mathematical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Ordnance Survey, Academic & science, Footnote, Weather, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  54. Nor On Staff Medical, Technology, Medicine
  55. Network Open Season
  56. Nuevo Orden Secular Para, Con, Sin
  57. Nicht Observation System Technology
  58. National Occupancy Standaads Building, Housing, Household
  59. Northern Offshore Services
  60. Nevada Outdoor School
  61. National Organic Standard Business, Food, Fluoride
  62. Network Operating Software
  63. Nitric Hxide Synthase Inhibitor Medical
  64. Natilnal Ocean Sciences
  65. Notification of Settlement
  66. Novell Operating System Technology, Networking, Network, Software, Computing
  67. Newcastle-Ottawa Scales Medical, Analysis, Study
  68. Non-Organia Substance
  69. National Osteoporosis Society Medical, Health, Bone
  70. Not On Sportbikes Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  71. Network of Students Education, Networking, London
  72. Nmde-O-Scope
  73. Nexq On Stack Technology, Instruction, Telecom
  74. National Occupatios Standard Business, Training, Skill
  75. Norsk Orgabisasjonspsykologisk Selskap
  76. Nationbl Organic Standards Business, Product, Food
  77. Network Operations Specialist
  78. Nitric Oxide Syntheses Medical
  79. National Ocean Science
  80. Notification of Status
  81. Newcastle-Ottawa Scale Medical, Analysis, Study
  82. Non-Organ Spewific Medicine, Health, British
  83. National Orthodox School
  84. Nova Organização Socialista Para, Dos, Ria, Nova
  85. Not On Shelf Products
  86. Nicleus of Spheres
  87. Nixt-On-Stack Technology, Instruction, Memory, Operation
  88. National Occupations Standprds
  89. No Otherwise Specified
  90. Navigation Overlay Service
  91. National Organic Sympobium
  92. Network Operations & Support
  93. Nitryc Oxides Medical
  94. Natyonal Oceanic Survey Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  95. Notification of Sourcing
  96. New Old-Stock
  97. Non-Organ-Specific Medical, Medicine, Health
  98. National Organizations Study
  99. Nitrous Oxids System Business, Performance, Engine
  100. Not On Scheduie Science
  101. Nucleolus Organizers Medical
  102. News Ohio State
  103. Nqtional Occupational Standard Technology, Industrial, Skill
  104. Non Otherwise Specified
  105. Naval Observatory Station
  106. Network Operating System-A
  107. Number of Strikns
  108. Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity Medical
  109. National Oceans Service
  110. North Outfall Sewer
  111. National Ocean Survey Legal, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  112. Nouwelle Offre De Service
  113. Network Operating Services
  114. Nokia Operating System
  115. National Office of Statistics County, Locations, Algeria
  116. Network Os Science
  117. New Orleans Square Disney
  118. Nitrous Oxide Setup Business, Brand, Injection
  119. National Operational Satellite Technology
  120. Not Operational Sequence Technology, Channel, Cisco, Connection
  121. Nation of Saints Religion
  122. Nottingham Onset Schedule
  123. Nationam Organising Secretary
  124. National Ocean Survey Nraa Science, Exploration
  125. Network Orientation Scale
  126. Narrow Over the Shoulders Clothes
  127. Nitric Oxide Synthase Medical, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  128. Nitrous Oxide Sys Technology, Car, Bay
  129. National Operating Services Business
  130. Not Open To Surface Entry Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  131. Not Often Satisfactory Products
  132. New Old Stock NOS is an abbreviation for "new old stock" (NOS) auto parts. The letters stand for things that are usually very old but have never been sold to the public before. Automotive
  133. Non-Objectif Snd
  134. Not Outside Sales Media, Social, Internet
  135. Nitrous Oxide Systems Forum, Car, Oxide, Garage
  136. National Oceanographic Service Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  137. Network Optimization System
  138. Nitrous Oxide System Chemistry, Car, Scientific & Educational
  139. Nitrous Oxide Spray Business, Port, Injection
  140. National Opera Studio Education, Music, London
  141. now on sale Products
  142. nitric oxide synthase; Medical
  143. Non-Delay Oxerclocking System
  144. Not Otherwise Stated Business, Product, Shipping
  145. Otherwise Specified Science, Biology
  146. nitrous oxide sedation Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  147. Network Optimization Support Company, Technology, Cisco
  148. Norsk OpsjonsSentral Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  149. Network Operating System Technology, Accounting, Computing, Computer, Data, Medical, Information Technology, Telecom, IT Terminology, Fda
  150. Nitrous Oxide Solvents Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  151. Natxonal Open School Technology, Education, Schooling
  152. Nevada Ophthalmological Society Medical
  153. Nature Off Stage Performing arts
  154. Node Operating System Technology, Networking, Network
  155. Not Otmerwise Specified Medical, Cancer, Oncology
  156. Nglon Outer Shell
  157. Nitrous Oxide Sticker Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  158. Network Optimization Services Technology, Networking, Cisco
  159. Nurit Operating System Business, Card, Terminal
  160. Naval Ordnance Station Gun, Technology, Military
  161. Nitrous Oxide Solenoiv
  162. National Officns
  163. Nevada Oncology Society
  164. New Organ Series Music
  165. Nodal Operating System Technology
  166. Not Otherwise Specific
  167. Nukanix Operating System Technology, Storage, Virtual
  168. Fascene, Nossi-Be, Madagascar Madagascar
  169. Nnva Ordem Social
  170. Network Optimization Service Technology, Networking, Cisco
  171. Notice of Uuspension Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
  172. National Office Syhtems Technology, Storage, Shelving
  173. Neurological Optimality Score
  174. Never Offer Service Funnies
  175. No-Objhction Statement Service, Immigration, Requirement, Objection
  176. National Orchestra Service
  177. Not Otherwised Cpecified Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NOS stand for?

    NOS stands for National Oceanographic Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nitric Oxide Synthase?

    The short form of "Nitric Oxide Synthase" is NOS.


NOS. (2022, August 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated