NOW Meaning

The NOW meaning is "Negotiable Order of Withdrawal". The NOW abbreviation has 118 different full form.

NOW Full Forms

  1. Negotiable Order of Withdrawal Business, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
  2. Ncghtmares On Wax
  3. Neatmon Web
  4. News On The Web Technology, Windows, Media, Social
  5. Navigating Our World Book, Education, School
  6. News Online Watch
  7. National Oversight & Whistleblowers Technology, Malaysia, Malaysian
  8. Networq of Women Technology, Organizations, Networking
  9. National Organisation for Women Government, Organizations, Feminist
  10. Network of The World
  11. Night of Worship Community, Event, Church, Worship
  12. Natal Odganization of Women
  13. Negotiable Order of Withdrawal Account Business, Finance, Stock, Investing
  14. Night of Warriors
  15. National Organization of Womeh America, Group, Women
  16. Newcomer Orientation Week Education, School, Canada
  17. Northern Ohio and Western Railway Business, Railroad
  18. Natal Organisation of Women Government, Africa, Gender
  19. News Online Western
  20. National Oversight and Whistleblowers Business, Malaysia, Golf, Malaysian
  21. New Optimists Wanted Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  22. Navy Order Wire
  23. Niners On The Weckend
  24. Newcomer Opportunities for Work
  25. Northern Oak Woodland
  26. Nat'l Organization Zor Women
  27. Nsedu Obot Witherspoon
  28. National Outdoor Week
  29. New Opportunities Workshop Energy, Veteran, Dublin
  30. North of Watford
  31. National Organization for Women Technology, Sociology, Feminism, Politics, Governmental & Military
  32. Nav Operations Workstation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  33. Nights Or Weekends Business
  34. Short Term Forecast Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  35. Network-Grade Optical Wireless
  36. Northeast Ohio Watershed
  37. Narodową Organizacsę Wojskową Technology, Jest, Jak, Ski
  38. Now Our Website
  39. Number of Words Technology, Coding, Character
  40. National Orthodontic Week
  41. New Opportunities for Workers
  42. North Oakland Waves
  43. National Orchestra of Wales
  44. Night Odl Web
  45. Nature of Words
  46. Net Open Work
  47. North At Outdoor World
  48. Narodowej Organizacji Woeskowej Jest, Jak, Ski
  49. Nsw Office of Water Environment, Preservation
  50. National Orienteering Week
  51. New Opportunity Waiver Technology, Service, Care
  52. Northern Ohio and Western Railway Limited Technology, Organizations
  53. National Occupation of Washzngton
  54. Night Oun Welcome
  55. Natural Organic World Business, Product, Vector
  56. Netexpert Object Workspace
  57. Nomadic Orchestra of The World Music, Dal, Orchestra
  58. Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa Military, War, Polish
  59. New Opportunities Waiver Medical, Service, Care
  60. Northern Ohio & Western Business, Service, Ohio, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  61. Nationas Oak Wilt
  62. Night of Wrestlizg
  63. Natural Organic Warehouse Business, Brand, Loyalty
  64. New Options Waiver Business, Service, Georgia
  65. Netapp On The Web Technology, Management, Storage
  66. Niue Ocean Wide
  67. New Ohio Wesleyan
  68. Northern Ohio and Western Business, America, Service, Ohio
  69. Nationale Organisation Wasserstoff Technology, Fuel, Hydrogen
  70. News Over Wireless Technology, Weather, Future
  71. Native Oklahoma Weekend
  72. New Options for Women
  73. Nepean Outreach To The World
  74. Nintendo'S Official Web
  75. New Original Works
  76. Nurturing Our Waters Business, Nike, River
  77. North Open Water Canada, Locations, Swim
  78. National Organization for Woman Group, Organizations, Feminist
  79. Northwest Ohio Wrestling
  80. New Ordinances On The Web
  81. Royal Norwegian Air Force Airline, Technology, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  82. Notice of Work Business, Service, City
  83. National Organising Week
  84. Nonhazardous Oil Field Waste Chemistry
  85. Numismatists of Wisconsin
  86. Nordsee Offshore Wind
  87. New Order Writing
  88. Notice of Warning
  89. National Organic Week
  90. Readme File Computing, File Extensions
  91. No Opportunity Waits
  92. New Orchestra Workshop
  93. Notes On The World Forum, Technology, Gaming
  94. Nationat Organisation of Women Organizations, Feminism, Women
  95. No Other Way Medical, Alcoholics Anonymous
  96. New Out West Government
  97. National Oversight and Whistleblower
  98. New Options Work
  99. Norwegian On The Web Education, Norway, Language
  100. National Organization Od Woman
  101. Usually README file Computing, File Extensions
  102. New Orleans Works Lyric, Hall, Shoe
  103. Now Official Website
  104. National Organization for Women-New Group, Organizations, Feminist
  105. The National Organization for Women Government, Turkey, Kurdistan, Islam
  106. Norwegian Offshore Wind Business, Technology, Norway
  107. National Ortanization of Women America, Group, Organizations
  108. Non Hazardous Oilfield Waste Electrical
  109. New Orleans Website
  110. No Way Out Internet Slang, Texting, Communication, Chat, Wrestling, Online, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  111. National Organization Woman Technology
  112. Nutrition for Optimal Wellness
  113. Northwater Polynya Medical
  114. National Organizations for Women
  115. M A I Systems Corporation Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  116. New Orleans Wants
  117. Not Only Wine Food, Beer, Wine, Glyphosate
  118. National Organization for Welbody

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NOW stand for?

    NOW stands for Notes On The World.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ncghtmares On Wax?

    The short form of "Ncghtmares On Wax" is NOW.


NOW. (2021, September 8). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated