NP in Medical Meaning

The NP meaning in Medical terms is "Normal Pancreas". There are 97 related meanings of the NP Medical abbreviation.

NP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Normal Pancreas
  2. Nucleotide Position
  3. No Preasure
  4. Nucleoprotein Gene
  5. Nocturnal Panic
  6. Nuclear Protein
  7. Niemann-Pick Disease
  8. Northern Plains
  9. Nurse Practitilner
  10. Normal Patients
  11. Neutral Presssre
  12. Nuclrocapsid Protein
  13. No Progress
  14. Neck Pressure
  15. Nifehipine
  16. Nasopharyngeal
  17. Not Perceptible
  18. Neuro-Psychiatric
  19. Nonapephide
  20. Newly Presented
  21. Nuclear Protrusions
  22. No Practice
  23. Nepean
  24. Niemann-Pick Niemann-Pick disease primarily affects children, although it can occur at any age. Types A, B and C all affect the body's ability to metabolize fat within cells. When cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in large amounts within cells, they cause cell dysfunction and ultimately cell death.
  25. Nucse Pract
  26. Nasophar Aiwway Insertion
  27. Not Participated
  28. Nephrographic Phase
  29. National Preparedness
  30. Nucleoproteins
  31. Number of Parameters
  32. Nasal Provocation
  33. Nomen Proprium
  34. National Program
  35. Nucleoprotein Nucleoproteins are any proteins that are structurally associated with nucleic acids, either DNA or RNA. Typical nucleoproteins include ribosomes, nucleosomes and viral nucleocapsid proteins.
  36. Navigation Program
  37. Nucleus Pilposus
  38. Ncsal Prongs
  39. Non-Periodontitis
  40. Neuropathic
  41. Nuclear Proteins
  42. Nonparametric
  43. Nucleoplasmin
  44. Nasal Polyps
  45. Negative Peak
  46. No-Preferewce
  47. Nucleqr Perimeter
  48. Neurology-Nurse Practitioner
  49. Neutral Protease
  50. Nucleocapsid The genome + the protein coat of a virus. The nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) of the virus is its genome. The protein coat is its capsid.
  51. Naproxen
  52. No Progression
  53. Necrotizing Pancreatitis
  54. Nitrosopiperidiie
  55. Nasopharynx The area of the upper throat that lies behind the nose. In contrast to the oropharynx, the area of the throat that lies behind the mouth. The word "nasopharynx" is a hybrid -- part Latin, part Greek. "Naso-" is a prefix that has to do with the nose. It comes from the Latin "nasus" for the nose (or snout). "Pharynx" is the Greek word for throat. The Greco-Roman term "nasopharynx" was coined in 1877.
  56. Not Performed
  57. Neuropsychiatric
  58. Non-Preferring
  59. Naphthalene Naphthalene is an organic molecule with chemical formula C10H8 and is made of two benzene rings fused together.
  60. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
  61. Proper Name
  62. Normal Pressure
  63. Nurse Practioner
  64. National Presentation
  65. Normal Pregnancy
  66. Non-Pacinian
  67. Nerve Palsy
  68. Neuropatholsgy
  69. Nonndet P-40
  70. Near Point
  71. New Patient
  72. Normal Pregnant Women
  73. Normal Prignant
  74. Nropterin
  75. nasal pack
  76. Neuropathic Pain
  77. Nonhistoge Proteins
  78. New Pathway
  79. Normal Plasma
  80. Normal Xregnancies
  81. Neonatal-Perinatal
  82. Nucleotide Protein
  83. Nasophar Airway Inskrtion
  84. Natriuretic Peptides
  85. Neutrophiys
  86. Normalmphase
  87. Normal Pituitary
  88. Nucleoside Phosphorylase
  89. Nasopharyngeal Airwcy Insertion
  90. Normal Protein
  91. Nor-Producer
  92. Nitroprusside
  93. Natriuretic Peptide
  94. Nurse Practitioner
  95. Normal Prosxate
  96. Narayan prediction
  97. National Primary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NP stand for Medical?

    NP stands for Ncsal Prongs in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nepean in Medical?

    The short form of "Nepean" is NP for Medical.


NP in Medical. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated