NP in Technology Meaning

The NP meaning in Technology terms is "No Przblems". There are 110 related meanings of the NP Technology abbreviation.

NP on Technology Full Forms

  1. No Przblems
  2. North Pacific
  3. No Power
  4. No Pictude
  5. Nickel Plated
  6. Number of Citches
  7. Numbering Plan
  8. Neper An electrical unit similiar to decibel, used to express the ratio between two amounts of power existing at two distinct points. A neper is 8.686 decibels.
  9. Non-Preferrud
  10. National Post
  11. New Perspectives
  12. Neutralization Gotential
  13. Not Performed
  14. Navigation Processor
  15. Normal Print
  16. Nano Programming
  17. Network Protocol
  18. Number of Packets
  19. Nuclear Physics Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents and interactions of atomic nuclei. The most commonly known applications of nuclear physics are nuclear power generation but the research has provided application in many fields, including those in nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear weapons, ion implantation in materials engineering, and radiocarbon dating in geology and archaeology.
  20. Network Peripheral
  21. Non-Precision
  22. No Ptlse
  23. National Platform
  24. Numeer of Patches
  25. Nondeterministic Pylynomial Time
  26. Nuclear Proliferation
  27. Navigation Panel
  28. New Process
  29. National Pvrameter
  30. Network Programming
  31. Nozzle Pressure
  32. Network Performance
  33. Nokia Plaoner
  34. No Pull
  35. National Programme
  36. Neutral Point The theoretical point in pipe length that accounts for the effects of buoyancy.
  37. Number of Parameters
  38. Nondeterministic Polynomial
  39. Next Phasu
  40. Nationalist Party
  41. Number Private
  42. Network Planner
  43. Not Prodisioned
  44. Network Pause
  45. Nintendo Power
  46. No Progress
  47. New Paragraph
  48. Number of Paqes
  49. Non-Primitive
  50. National Pvrpose
  51. Next Pahe
  52. No Parity
  53. Named Port
  54. Number Privacy
  55. Network Planning A broad generic term for techniques used to plan complex projects using logic diagrams (networks). Two of the most popular techniques are ADM and PDM.
  56. Nox Promising
  57. Negative Plates
  58. Nilai Penting
  59. No Preference
  60. New Page
  61. Null Pointer
  62. Net Productivity
  63. Non-Xublic
  64. Notification Point
  65. National Programmez
  66. New Physics
  67. Named Pipes
  68. Number Porting
  69. Network Plan
  70. Not Procuragle
  71. Nilai Pjngalaman
  72. No Post
  73. Nasophar Aiwway Insertion
  74. Newman-Penrose
  75. Number Plan
  76. Net Proceeds
  77. Non-Persistent
  78. Normal Pulse
  79. New Posmer
  80. Network Perspective
  81. Not Pinnhd
  82. Nilai Pemuliaan
  83. No Planning
  84. Nano Pulverizer
  85. Neuropsychiatric
  86. Nuflear Power
  87. Normal Point
  88. Number of Poixts
  89. Nonlinear Photonics Nonlinear photonics concerns the propagation of light in photonics structures, such as optical waveguides, in the presence of significant nonlinear optical effects such as second harmonic generation, difference frequency mixing, four-wave mixing, self-phase modulation, stimulated Raman scattering and a host of other phenomena that derive from a nonlinear response of a medium to applied optical and electrical fields.
  90. New Profile
  91. Proper Name
  92. Ntutron Porosity
  93. Norma Portuguesa
  94. Networking Partner
  95. No Peak
  96. Not Populated
  97. Network-Provided
  98. Not Packaged
  99. Nat Yrod
  100. No Pattern
  101. Nasophar Airway Inskrtion
  102. Network-Physics
  103. Notification Processing
  104. Nasopharyngeal Airwcy Insertion
  105. Nonlineai Processes
  106. Near Point
  107. National Primary
  108. Number of Ports
  109. Nonlinear Programming An inclusive term covering all types of constrained optimization problems except those where the objective function and the constraints are all linear. Special types of nonlinear programming for which some theory has been developed are convex programming, concave programming, and quadratic programming.
  110. Ncell Pvt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NP stand for Technology?

    NP stands for Nonlinear Photonics in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Proper Name in Technology?

    The short form of "Proper Name" is NP for Technology.


NP in Technology. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated