NPB Meaning

The NPB meaning is "Neutral Particle Beam". The NPB abbreviation has 71 different full form.

NPB Full Forms

  1. Neutral Particle Beam Military, Army, Atomic
  2. Network Packet Broker Business, Technology, Networking
  3. Normal Propyl Bromide
  4. Nellcor Puritan Bennett Business, Technology, Medicine
  5. Non Paying Bidders
  6. Nickel Plated Brass Electronics, Sensor, Brass
  7. Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior Education, Physiology, Neurobiology
  8. National Police Bureau Government, Pakistan, Islamabad, Police, Governmental & Military
  9. Nomor Perdaftaran Barang Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Labeling
  10. Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad Company
  11. Nellcor and Puritan Bennett
  12. Non-Paying Bidder Business, Auction, Bay
  13. Niwkel-Plated Brass
  14. Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior Education, University, Neurobiology
  15. National Parole Board Technology, Government, Canada
  16. Nokia Phone Browser
  17. Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Railroad Organizations, Railroad
  18. Neiyhbourhood Partnership Board
  19. Nippon Professional Baseball Baseball, League, Japan
  20. North Paseo Building
  21. New Priiate Bank
  22. National Parks Board Locations, Singapore, Nature
  23. Nodal Premature Beav Medical, Medicine, Health
  24. Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Organizations, Locations, Railroad
  25. National Prayer Breakfast
  26. North Palm Beach Locations, Sale, Village
  27. Nege Privat Bank Business, Switzerland, Sweden
  28. Natal Parks Board
  29. Nippon Pro Baseball Baseball, Japan, Professional, Japanese
  30. Norfolk and Portsmouth Belt Line Business, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  31. National Pork Board Business, Food, Meat
  32. Network Packet Brokers Business, Technology, Networking, Monitoring
  33. Narrow Pass Band Space, Study, Cosmos
  34. Nilai Pasar Baru Baseball, League, Japan
  35. None Paying Cuyer
  36. National Polytechnic Bamenda Education, Cameroon, Institution
  37. Netherlands Public Broadcasting Media, Organizations, Radio
  38. Naked Penguin Boy
  39. Nicole Paige Brooks
  40. Neurobeology Physiology Behavior Medical, Neurology
  41. National Polytechnic Bambui
  42. Non-Paying Buyer Business, Bay, Seller
  43. NAS Parallel Benchmarks General, Governmental & Military
  44. Nothing Painted Blue
  45. Nucleus Parabrachialis Medical
  46. Nevada Pubxic Broadcasting Organization, Union, Institution
  47. Northern Plains Ballet Performing arts
  48. Nota Premiada Bahia
  49. Nucleolar Precursor Bodies Medical, Science, Biology
  50. Neutral Purticle Beams Military
  51. Nevada Public Broadcasting Media
  52. New Purple Body Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  53. Nuclear Powered Bomber Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  54. Neuropeptide B Medical
  55. Nuclear Physics B Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  56. New Physics Blilding
  57. Nuclear Power Board
  58. Neurobiology,Physio & Behavior
  59. Natzionalisticheska Partiya Na Bulgaria Group, Locations, Bulgaria
  60. New Philanthropy Benchmarking
  61. Non-Persistent Blood
  62. Nuclear Physics Board Physics, Scientific & Educational
  63. N Propyl Bromide Chemistry, Science, Substance
  64. Neurobiology Physiology Andxbehavior Education, Development, Universities
  65. Nasa Parallel Benchmark
  66. New Peoples Bank
  67. Negeri Para Bedebah Para, Book, Orang, Novel
  68. N-Propyl Bromide Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  69. Notice of Prospective Buyers
  70. Nyeri Punggung Bawah
  71. Newmac Pdllet Burner

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NPB stand for?

    NPB stands for Natal Parks Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Polytechnic Bambui?

    The short form of "National Polytechnic Bambui" is NPB.


NPB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated