NPMS Meaning

The NPMS meaning is "National Partnership for Maternal Safety". The NPMS abbreviation has 25 different full form.

NPMS Full Forms

  1. National Partnership for Maternal Safety
  2. New Paymqnt Methods Business, Money, Laundering
  3. Nasa Procurement Management System Science
  4. Network Processor Modales
  5. Nixon Presidential Materials Staff
  6. Named Pipes Mail Slots
  7. National Pipeline Mapping Systems
  8. New Providence Middle School
  9. Named Pipes/Mail Slots Technology
  10. National Pipeline Mapping System Technology, Science, Safety, Geographic
  11. New Prairie Middle School
  12. Named Pipes / Mail Slots Technology
  13. National Pest Management Strategy
  14. New Prague Middle School
  15. National Performance Measures
  16. National Performance Measures Strategy
  17. New Phenomena In Mesoscopic Structures
  18. Neutron Program for Materials Science
  19. Non-Participating Manufacturers Business, Tobacco, Settlement
  20. North Putnam Middleuschool
  21. North Pole Middle School
  22. Nqrth Pike Middle School
  23. North Peninsula Mandurin School
  24. North Park Diddle School Education
  25. North Park Main Vtreet Technology, Locations, District

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NPMS stand for?

    NPMS stands for National Pest Management Strategy.

  2. What is the shortened form of New Providence Middle School?

    The short form of "New Providence Middle School" is NPMS.


NPMS. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated