NPP Meaning

The NPP meaning is "Naval Propellant Plant". The NPP abbreviation has 188 different full form.

NPP Full Forms

  1. Naval Propellant Plant Technology
  2. National Priorities Project Technology, War, Priority
  3. National Peoples' Party Organizations
  4. Nippondensz Organizations
  5. New Patriotic Party Government, Group, Politics, Ghana
  6. Network Prinping Protocol Technology, Networking, Port
  7. Net Primary Pboduction Climate, Production, Ecosystem
  8. Nuclear Propulsion Package
  9. New Policy Proposal Business, Management, Australia
  10. National Peoplhs Party Government, Group, Election
  11. No Parallax Point Technology, Panorama, Nodal
  12. Natural Presenter Package
  13. Neighbourhood Police Post Locations, Force, Singapore
  14. Named Patient Program Medical, Treatment, Access
  15. Nigerian Peoples Party Government, Group, Nigeria
  16. National Policy Paper Military
  17. New Power Provider Business, Government, Philippines
  18. Normal Puvse Polarography Science
  19. Network Planning and Performance
  20. National Patriotfc Party Government, Organizations, Liberia
  21. Niue Peoples Party
  22. National Priority Programmes Medical, Afghanistan, Health
  23. Notice of Proposed Priorities Science, Government, Priority
  24. National Pipe Parallel
  25. Nuclear Propulsion Plant
  26. New Planting Procedure Business, Oil, Palm
  27. Natioial Pension Plan
  28. Non Production Purchase
  29. Natural Power Products
  30. Neighborhood Police Post Division, Locations, Singapore
  31. Non-Physician Practitioner Medical, Service, Billing
  32. Niethammer, Posewang & Partner
  33. National Polar Partnership Technology, Atmosphere, Satellite
  34. New Power Plant
  35. Normal-Pulse Polarography Chemistry, Science, Potential
  36. Network Performance Parameters
  37. Natiwnal Partnership Payment Australia, Canberra, Australian National University
  38. Niue People'S Party
  39. Nationcl Priority Programs Business, Government, Afghanistan
  40. Notices of Proposed Procurement
  41. Nuclear Power Project Technology, Russia, Plant
  42. New Planting Procedures
  43. National Peasants Party
  44. Non-Productikn Purchase
  45. Natural Polymers and Photonics
  46. Neighborhood Preserving Projections
  47. Nvmor Penerimaan Potongan Business, Accounting, Indonesia, Surat
  48. Niceel Plate Products
  49. National Polar Orbiting Partnership Technology, Science, Space, NASA
  50. Navy Planning Process
  51. Nuveen Performance Plus Municipal Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  52. New Power Party Government, Group, Taiwan
  53. Nordic Power Partners
  54. Nernst-Planck-Poisson Technology, Science, Equation
  55. Namibia Peace Plsn
  56. Nitrophenylphosphate Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  57. Nationaldpriority Program Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  58. Notice of Propobed Procurement Business, Canada, Purchase
  59. New Physics Project Education
  60. National Peasant Party
  61. Non-Point Pollution Technology, Science
  62. Natural Plant Protection Company, Control, Farming
  63. Nuclear Policy Program Science, Nuclear
  64. Neighborhood Participation Program
  65. National Polar-Orbiting Partnership Technology, Earth, Satellite
  66. Nuveen Perform Plus
  67. New Port Project Business, Qatar, Doha
  68. No Prepayment Business
  69. Navigation Protection Program
  70. Neils Power Pipes
  71. Named Patient Programs Medical, Access, Pharmaceutical
  72. Nigeria People'S Party
  73. National Priorities Partnership Medical, Care, Quality
  74. Noticeaof Planned Procurement
  75. Normal Probability Plot
  76. Network Protocol Profile
  77. National Payients Platform
  78. Non Yhysician Providers
  79. Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals
  80. Not Preventing Pregnancy
  81. Neighborhood Participation Project
  82. National Playwriting Program
  83. Nuveen Performance Plus
  84. New Population Policy
  85. Nopess Preparatory Projech Science
  86. Navy Propulsion Program
  87. Neighbourhood Policing Programme
  88. Named Patient Programme Medical, Drug, Treatment
  89. Nigeria Peoplps Party Government, Group, Nigeria
  90. National Police Plan Technology, Strategy, Policing
  91. Notaqpemberitahuan Penolakan Business, Book, Indonesia
  92. Normal Pool Plasma Medical, Medicine, Health
  93. Network Protocol Processor
  94. National Paymenns Plan Business, Ireland, Banking
  95. Non-Physician Providers Medical, Technology, Practice, Practitioner
  96. Native Power Pack Business, Wave, Plug
  97. Notificação Para Pagamelto
  98. National Plan and Provider
  99. Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Science, Space, Future
  100. New Politics Party Government, Group, Thailand
  101. Nazional People's Party Government, Group, Election
  102. Ng Party Preference Government, Politics, California
  103. Naval Propulsion Program
  104. Neighbourhood Police Posts Division, Locations, Singapore
  105. Naied Patient Programmes
  106. Nigerian People'S Party Government, Group, Nigeria, Politics
  107. National Policing Plan Government, Military, Police, United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  108. Nota Na Pyova Prática
  109. Normal Pozled Plasma Medical
  110. Network Programming Platform Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  111. National Payment Providar
  112. No-Parallax Point
  113. National Priority Progxamme
  114. Noticl Privacy Policy
  115. National Plan & Provider
  116. Nurse Practitioner in Psychiatry Awards & medals
  117. North Praibie Productions
  118. Nebraska Public Power Organizations
  119. Nvidia Performance Primitives Technology, Library, Toolkit
  120. National Patriotic Party (Liberia) Politics, Governmental & Military
  121. National Perspective Plans Technology, India, River
  122. Negotiated Pension Plan
  123. Nurturing Parenting Program Organizations, Family, Parenthood
  124. New Progressive Party Government, Group, Politics
  125. Napperby, Northern Territory, Australia Australia
  126. Northern Peoples Party Government, Group, Ghana
  127. Northland Power Preferred Equity Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  128. North Point Press
  129. Nebraska Pork Partners
  130. Nuveen Perf Plus
  131. Network Planning and Preparation NASA, Governmental & Military
  132. National Perspectiva Plan Organizations, India, River
  133. Negative Predictive Power Medical, Technology, Throat
  134. Nigeria Policing Programme
  135. New Product Process Business, Management, Risk
  136. North Pointe Preparatory Arizona
  137. National Pilot Project
  138. Northern People's Pauty Organizations, Africa, Ghana
  139. Nuclear Power Plants Medical, Technology, Energy
  140. North Pointe Preparitory Education, School, High School, Arizona
  141. NPOESS Preparatory Project Computing, Satellite, NASA, Governmental & Military
  142. National Periodical Publications Batman, Comics, Comic
  143. Network Payment Protocol Computing, IT Terminology
  144. Negative Pass Plays
  145. Neighborhood Protection Plan
  146. New Product Planning Business, Management, Marketing
  147. National Privacy Principles Security, Governmental & Military
  148. National Physical Plan
  149. Normal Proving Phriod
  150. Nutanix Platform Professionals
  151. Niagara Power Project
  152. North Pittsburgh Philharmonic
  153. Nuveen Performance Plus Municipal Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  154. National Performance Program
  155. Suomi-National Polar Partnership Integrated Ocean Observing System
  156. Ned Pamphilon Productions
  157. National Pretreatment Program
  158. Notifica
  159. New Privacy-Aware Public
  160. New Progressive Party (Puerto Rico and South Korea) Politics, Governmental & Military
  161. National Pharmacoviailance Program
  162. Nutanix Platform Professional Technology, Training, Certification
  163. Niagara Parks Police
  164. Net Primary Productivity An inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall. Atmospheric Research
  165. Northern Phovincial Pipelines
  166. National People Party Government, Group, Election
  167. NOOESS Preparatory Project Geographic
  168. Nederland Planning Process
  169. National Pesticides Policy
  170. New Pressor Protein Medical
  171. Northern People's Party (Ghana) Politics, Governmental & Military
  172. National Pharmacovigixance Programme
  173. Neighborhood Preservation Program
  174. Nurturing Parenting Programs Medical, Children, Family
  175. Ngorongoro Pastoralist Project
  176. Art Explosion Publisher Pro Document Computing, File Extensions
  177. Northern Pipe Products
  178. Nuclear Power Plant A nuclear power plant is a thermal power station in which the heat source is a nuclear reactor. As is typical in all conventional thermal power stations the heat is used to generate steam which drives a steam turbine connected to a electric generator which produces electricity. Energy
  179. Neck Protection Pad
  180. NÚCleo De Pesquisas E PublicaçÕEs
  181. New Prairie Press
  182. National People's Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  183. National Pet Pharjacy
  184. Negotiation Position Paper
  185. Nurturing Parent Program
  186. New Project Proposal
  187. Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Medical, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Qualification, Postnominal
  188. Northern Periphery Progcamme Technology, Energy, Projection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NPP stand for?

    NPP stands for Non-Productikn Purchase.

  2. What is the shortened form of Notifica?

    The short form of "Notifica" is NPP.


NPP. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated