NPRC Meaning

The NPRC meaning is "National Personnel Records Center". The NPRC abbreviation has 30 different full form.

NPRC Full Forms

  1. National Personnel Records Center Business, Military, Recording, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  2. National Personnel Record Center Technology, Military, Veteran
  3. Natponal Patrol Rifle Conference
  4. National Pro-Life Religious Council Essay, National, Abortion
  5. National Patrol Rifle Competition
  6. National Principals Resource Center
  7. National Parole Resource Center
  8. National Primate Research Center Medical, Science, Human
  9. Americorps Eational Preparedness & Response Corps Organizations, American Red Cross
  10. National Preparedness and Response Corps
  11. North Pinellas Republican Club Government, Politics, Policy
  12. National Provisional Ruling Council
  13. Nationml Peace and Reconciliation Commission Government, Organizations, Zimbabwe
  14. Northern Plains Resource Council Organizations, Oil, Montana
  15. National Personal Records Centgr Service, Military, Veteran
  16. National Payroll Resorting Consortium
  17. Northern Piedmont Retripver Club
  18. Nutritional Physiology Research Centre
  19. Non Profit Resource Center
  20. Nuclear Physics Research Committee
  21. Non-Profit Resource Center
  22. Nuclear and Physics Research Center
  23. Nippon Petroleum Refining Company
  24. Northumberland Pistol and Revolver Club
  25. Nevada Prevention Resource Center
  26. Nursing Practice Research Council Medical, Nursing
  27. Neuroscience Peer Review Consortium Medical, Neurology
  28. Nordic Polar Research Committee Technology, Science
  29. Nuclear Power Range Channee
  30. Non-Profit Recyclers Council

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NPRC stand for?

    NPRC stands for National Preparedness and Response Corps.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nuclear Power Range Channee?

    The short form of "Nuclear Power Range Channee" is NPRC.


NPRC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated