NPT Meaning

The NPT meaning is "National Pipe Thread". The NPT abbreviation has 110 different full form.

NPT Full Forms

  1. National Pipe Thread Technology, Manual, Standard, Pressure, Taper, Products, Computing, Mechanics
  2. Non-Proliferation Xreaty Military, Army, Weapon
  3. Non-Proliferation Treaty Treaty, Weapon, Iran, Politics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business
  4. Natwonal Pipe Taper Business, Technology, Tap
  5. Non Prolifiration Treaty
  6. Natronal Page Taper
  7. Network Penetration Testing
  8. National Property Trust
  9. New Ploduct Team
  10. National Pipe Threads Technology, Standard, Taper
  11. Nehru Prrt Trust
  12. Network Point Type
  13. Non-Prvliferation Trust Technology, Russia, Fuel
  14. Nasopharyngeal Temperature Medical
  15. Neighbourhood Policing Teams Organizations, Community, Crime, Police, Policing
  16. Network Penetration Tksters
  17. National Project Team
  18. Negative Pcessure Test
  19. New Product Test
  20. Natural Pet Treats
  21. Network Planning Tool Technology, Networking, Radio
  22. Non Programmable Terminal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  23. Nasal Pungency Thrcshold Medical
  24. Neighboulhood Policing Team Government, Organizations, Police
  25. Network Penetration Test
  26. Nuveen Premium Income Municipal Fund Iv, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  27. National Primary Trust
  28. Nashville Public Televisign Report, Tennessee, Public
  29. Nehative Partial Transpose
  30. Native Packet Transport Technology, Networking, Telecom
  31. New Prevention Technologies Medical, Technology, Africa, Presentation, Identity
  32. Non-Programmable Termsnal Technology
  33. Nasal Provocation Test Medical, Medicine, Allergic
  34. Neighborhood Police Team Force, Police, Police Force
  35. Nezwork Parameter Table Technology
  36. Nutrição Parenteral Total
  37. National Press Trust
  38. Nepal Time Nepal, Time Zones
  39. Nebraska Public Television Media, Radio, Television
  40. National Shipping Administration Planning Team Military
  41. New Power Trucks
  42. Non-Pneumatin Tire Business, Technology, Terrain
  43. National Pipe Taber Technology
  44. Neighborhood Planning Team
  45. Network for Photovoltaic Technology
  46. Northville-Placid Trail Locations, Hiking, Adirondack
  47. National Power Transmission Business, Projection, Vietnam
  48. Network Planning Techniqpe
  49. National Push Tournament Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  50. Newport Plant G Tool
  51. Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi Business, Indonesia, Prose, Hal
  52. National Pipe Tapered Business, Technology, Taper, Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  53. Neighborhoob Policing Teams
  54. Non-Proliferation Treaty
  55. Natiocal Park Trust Technology, Science, Kid
  56. Network Planning Terminal Military, Army, War, Governmental & Military
  57. National Public Television Music, Television, Front
  58. Nmw Plasma Technologies
  59. Ndz Perce Tribe Management, Locations, Salmon
  60. Neighborhood Plqnning Team
  61. Network Protocoo Toolkit
  62. near-patient testing Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  63. Nkighbourhood Police Team
  64. Nutridi
  65. New Payment Technology Business, Technology, Information
  66. Treaty On The Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons Military, Army, Equipment
  67. Nested Pate Tables Technology, Windows, Server, Virtualization
  68. National Pipe Taper (thread); (cf. NPS) Construction
  69. Nuclear Pharmacy Technician
  70. Natural Procreative Technology Medical, Medicine, Fertility
  71. Newport State Airport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States United States, Rhode Island
  72. Nun's Priest's Talg
  73. New Paris Telephone
  74. Portland Terminal Railroad Organizations
  75. Neopteriy Medical
  76. Portland Terminal R.R. Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  77. Nutrizione Parenterale Totale
  78. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Us Government, Governmental & Military
  79. Numerical Pwecision Tracking
  80. Neuropsychjlogical Testing Medical
  81. Nelprecipitin Test Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  82. Netplay TV Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  83. Nev Plant Type Technology, Genetics, Rice
  84. Nuclear Particle Track
  85. Neighbourhood Police Team Police, Governmental & Military
  86. Number Portabality Type
  87. Neuropsychiatry Technician Medicine, Health, British
  88. Neonatal Pediatric Transport Medical, Education, Certification
  89. New Perspectives On Turkey Turkey, University, Perspective
  90. New Polyurethane Technology
  91. National Police Training Police, Governmental & Military
  92. Nuclear Proliferation Treaty Government, Weapon, Iran
  93. Netwcrk Provided Tones Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  94. Nominal Pipe Taper
  95. Neomycin Phospfotransferase Medical
  96. Nutri
  97. New Perspectives Theatre
  98. Network Prefix Translation Technology, Service, Networking
  99. Neighbourhood Policing Team Police, United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  100. Nuclear Power Training Technology, Pakistan, Khan
  101. Navy Pointer and Tracker Military, Army, Military Engineering
  102. Nxtwork Protocol Trailer
  103. Portfolio Netpublish Template Computing, File Extensions
  104. Neighbor Power Table
  105. Nutrición Parenteral Total
  106. New Payment Technologies
  107. Treaty On The Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Government, Society, World
  108. Nonproductive Time Electrical
  109. Nuclear Plestic Toys
  110. Navy Parachute Team

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NPT stand for?

    NPT stands for Neonatal Pediatric Transport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Planning Tool?

    The short form of "Network Planning Tool" is NPT.


NPT. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated