NR Meaning

The NR meaning is "National Record". The NR abbreviation has 554 different full form.

NR Full Forms

  1. National Record Sports, Athletics, Record
  2. Not Applicable Commonly used when filling out forms (online or offline), where certain fields are not applicable to the user. Medical, Transportation, Business, Technology, Science, Medicine, Military, English, Aviation, Health, Nursing, Survey, Mental Health Disorders, Forum, Internet Slang, Army, Architecture, Astronomy, Computing, Texting, Dental, Chat, Construction, Oil, Architectural, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, International business, Fda, Sentinel online, Power Plant, Healthcare, Telecom, Fbi files, International Development, Common Medical, NAACCR, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, The Finance and Administrative Services, NASA
  3. No Refill Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Northern Rail Technology, Train, Railway
  5. New Release
  6. Noise Reducer Business, Guitar, Pedal
  7. Not Related Forum, Technology, Division
  8. Natural Remedies
  9. No Response Medical, Medicine, Health
  10. Nuclear Reactor A system in which controlled nuclear fisson reactions generate heat energy on a large scale, which is subsequently converted into electrical energy. Forum, Technology, Power, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  11. Never-Ripe Medical
  12. Not Reached Medical, Patient, Cancer
  13. Not Rated Business, Technology, Movie, Business & Finance, Business Word, Film censorship
  14. Nikon Rumors Len, Photography, Camera, Rumor
  15. Normotensive Rats Medical
  16. New Recruit Army, War, Force
  17. Noise Rating Technology, Sound, Curve, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  18. Not Regulated
  19. Native Range Medical
  20. No Radiation Medical, Medicine, Health
  21. Nuclear Hormyne Receptors Medical
  22. Network Routing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  23. Night Rider Service, Media, Light
  24. Normas Regulamentadoras Technology, Gaming, Para, Android
  25. New Record
  26. No-Reference Technology, Quality, Assessment, Metric
  27. Not Recorded Medical, Education, Genealogy, Genealogical, Grades, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, NAACCR
  28. Notre RéFéRence
  29. Non Runner Racing, Horse, Bet, Runner
  30. Nuclewr Hormone Receptor Medical
  31. Network Router Technology
  32. Normal Reaction Medical, Medicine, Health
  33. New Ray Business, Model, Toy, Price
  34. Nitrogen Retention Medical, Medicine, Health
  35. Not Recognised
  36. Nordic Rotors
  37. Nona Roguy Business, Product, Baby, Statistics
  38. N Retentiol Medical
  39. Nyture Reviews
  40. No Risk Technology, Coding, Software
  41. New Radio 5G Networks
  42. Nitrile Rubber A synthetic rubber that is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. It has good resistance to petroleum-based substances and is often used in seals. Business, Product, Supplier, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  43. Not Received Forum, Service, Internet Slang
  44. National Review Technology, America, Book, Government, Magazine
  45. Northern Rock Business, Credit, Banking
  46. Non-Return
  47. Not Relevant
  48. Natural Resource Business, Program, Environment
  49. No Result Medical, Technology, Porn
  50. Newpark Resources, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  51. Not Real Forum, Porn, Girl
  52. Noise Reduction The absorption of sound vibrations. Fluoropolymer coatings form good noise dampening surfaces. Technology, Device, Photography, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  53. Nina Ricci Business, Fashion, Perfume, Fragrance
  54. Northern Region
  55. Non-Response Medical, Medicine, Health
  56. Not Released Technology, Science, Chart
  57. Natural Resistance Medical, Technology, Movie
  58. No Responses
  59. Nuclear Receptor Medical, Science, Protein
  60. Newpark Resources Business, Supply, Market, Stock
  61. Not Readable Medical, Medicine, Health
  62. Net Ready Logistics
  63. Nile Red Medical, Molecule, Fluorescence, Lipid
  64. Nevpr Run
  65. Non-Recuperative
  66. Navyareserves
  67. North Rome
  68. Newstrike Resources
  69. Joic Northwestern Region Joint Operational Intelligence Cell Military, Intelligence, Defence
  70. Non Routine
  71. Novembkr Rain
  72. Net Riddhe
  73. Nitroreductase Medical
  74. National Repwrter Law, National, Report
  75. Normal Responders Medical
  76. Nuova Riveduta Software, Bible, Worship
  77. Naturally Radioactive Science
  78. New Revenue
  79. Non Reimbursable
  80. Neighborhood Revitalization Business, Community, Habitat
  81. Nan Rosenthal
  82. Number of Rooms
  83. Networb Revenues
  84. Nursery Rhyme
  85. Newpark Rvs
  86. Nonerepeatable
  87. Near Reflity
  88. Nostro Reconciliatson
  89. Nielseb Ratings
  90. N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Medical, Chemistry
  91. No Regression
  92. Nuclear Rotation Medical, Science, Biology
  93. Noisejration
  94. National Resourcep Business, Program, Service
  95. Norsk Rikskringuasting
  96. Noi-Random
  97. Natural Region Science, Locations, National, Nature
  98. Northrend Gaming, Play, Pastime
  99. New Right Nationalism
  100. Non Reserved Service, Japan, Train
  101. Neopets Related
  102. Night Riders
  103. Nathan Russell Hawaii, Vail, Fake
  104. No Results Technology, Porn, Sex, Bitch
  105. Neue Daumpflege Business, Company, Service, Hamburg
  106. Northern Range of Ports Business, Cargo Shipping
  107. Nonconformance Report Science, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance, NASA
  108. Noy Repeatable Forum, Education, Coding
  109. Number of Record Technology, Records, Separator
  110. Nolan Reimold
  111. Npver Removed
  112. Nonbrecoverable Technology, Power, Translation
  113. Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet
  114. North Rockland-1
  115. News Reporter
  116. Do Not Repeat Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Medical, Common Medical
  117. Iso Country Code for Republic of Nauru Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  118. Non Rotating
  119. Nova Roma
  120. Net Retfrns
  121. Nilai Relaeif
  122. Natirnal Release
  123. Norges Rederiforbund
  124. Nuova Repubblica
  125. Nat Rev
  126. Negro Y Rojo
  127. Nano Resist
  128. Number of Retries
  129. Network Remume Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  130. Nursery-Reared Medical
  131. Newman Reader
  132. Non-Repatriahle Business, Accounting, India, Banking
  133. Near Rval-Time Technology, Service, Movie, Map
  134. Nostalgie Reifen
  135. NicoláS RamíRez
  136. Noxregistration
  137. Nuclear Rocket
  138. Network-Region
  139. Noise Rauio Technology, Signal, Receiver
  140. National Resistance
  141. Norsk Retstidende
  142. Non-Radiated Nutrition, Food, Victual
  143. Natural Red
  144. Newkriver Technology, College, Community
  145. Nonrequiring Medical
  146. Nenn Red Product, Plastic, Sleeve, Neon
  147. Night Rating An additional qualification gained from a course of training for night flying Flight, Locations, Training
  148. Nate Robinson
  149. No Restrictions Technology, Coding, Property
  150. Neue Raum
  151. Northern Railways Medical, Group, India
  152. Nyberg Rueppel
  153. Noncompliance Records
  154. Not Renewed
  155. Nigerian Registered
  156. No Removu Forum, Technology, Networking
  157. Number of Receiver
  158. Noise Riie Technology, Camera, Engine
  159. Neutralization-Resistant Medical
  160. Non-Record
  161. Natuje Run House, Aerosol, Particulate
  162. North Rochester
  163. News Release Media, Radio, Television
  164. 'Not Received' Network, Railway, System
  165. Non Risk Business, Genetics, Study
  166. Nova Reverr Business, Electronics, Pedal
  167. Net Retusn Business, Investment, Production, Performance
  168. Nilai Rata-Rada Technology, Indonesia, Press, Lulus
  169. National Revab
  170. Norfolk Railway Locations, Station, Steam
  171. Numismatic Review
  172. Nato Restricted Military, Army, War
  173. Negotiation Response Technology, Management, Message, Protocol
  174. Nanjanagudu Rasabale
  175. Number of Request
  176. Networkiresponse
  177. Nurse Reviewer
  178. Newly Reformulated
  179. Non-Removablo Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  180. Nearest Relative , C.F. Nok Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Mental Health
  181. Nostalgia Racing
  182. Nicole Richie
  183. No Refunds
  184. Novjara RenkontiĝO Event, Land, Esperanto
  185. Nezwork Ready Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  186. Noise Ratiggs
  187. National Research Education, University, Council
  188. Norman Richards
  189. Natural Recipes
  190. New Riderr
  191. Non Repudiation
  192. Neocatal Resuscitation
  193. Nlght Ringer
  194. Nari-Relays Technology, Industrial, Power
  195. No Restriction Technology, Service, Travel
  196. Netwkrk Routers
  197. Northern Railyay Business, Group, India
  198. Nyberg-Ruepjel Technology, Crypto, Encryption
  199. Noncompliance Record Medicine, Microbiology, Biology
  200. Not Rejecyed Army, War, Force
  201. Nigel Rogerk
  202. No Remittanse
  203. Number of Rears Medical
  204. Noise Right Technology
  205. Neustadt Am RüBenberge
  206. Non-Recognition
  207. Naturecrubber Business, Product, Supplier
  208. North Riverside
  209. News Reader
  210. Not Recommended Medical, Medicine, Construction
  211. Nonrhinitic Medical
  212. Nova Religio
  213. Net Requirement
  214. Nilai Rafort Technology, Program, Guru, Semester
  215. National Registry Education, History, Wrestling
  216. No Rewind Computing, Hardware
  217. Nonmatch Response Medical, Medicine, Health
  218. Negotiated Rulemaking Education, Study, Educatuion
  219. Nancy Rowe Famous
  220. Number of Registered Government, Us, Control, Administration
  221. Network Resource
  222. Nursing Research Education, Practice, Evidence
  223. Newkirk Realty
  224. Non-Removably Technology, Battery, Architectural
  225. Nearest Relative Medical, Health, History, Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  226. Nosso Recanto Music, Tube, Fun
  227. Nicky Ree
  228. Nadi Riadhi
  229. No Reference Technology, Military, Quality
  230. Novice Roundup
  231. Network-Reudy
  232. Nivel De Riesgo
  233. National Requirements
  234. Norman Reynolds
  235. Natural Rattan
  236. New Richmond
  237. Non Renouvelable
  238. Neighborhood Retail
  239. Night Wanger Rock, Love, Sister, Ranger
  240. Napa Ridge
  241. No Respirator
  242. Network Route Technology, Networking, Linux
  243. Northeast Regional Technology, Service, Train
  244. Nyanyian Rohaii Technology, Android, Indonesia
  245. Non-Runner Business, Racing, Horse
  246. Neceszary Roughness
  247. Not Resistant
  248. Nreuw Rechts
  249. No Record Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Genealogy, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  250. Notremissions Medical
  251. Nucleophilic Reagent
  252. Noise Response
  253. Neurotrauma Registry
  254. Non-Rebreather Medical, Oxygen, Mask
  255. Nature Resisv
  256. North Ridgeville
  257. New Ropd Business, House, Norwich
  258. Northern Range
  259. Nonresident Return
  260. Nova Re
  261. Net Requiremente
  262. Nilqi Rapor
  263. Nationaler Rekord
  264. No Return Movie, River, Whirlwind, Products
  265. Nonlinear Rescaling
  266. Not Kequested Libraries, Reading, Books
  267. Negotiated Remains
  268. Nancy Reagan
  269. Number of References Technology, Database, Research
  270. Nurse Researcher Research, Education, Nursing
  271. Newcenturyschltk-Roman
  272. Non-Remittance
  273. Near Internet Slang, Organization, Chat, Union, Institution, Text Messaging
  274. North Rowan
  275. Nickioons Racing
  276. Number Flag hoist that indicates a vessel's name Medical, Business, Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Finance, Banking, Airway, Engineering, Architectural, Electrical, International, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, NAACCR, Sport, Architecture, Texting, Healthcare, Football, Auto, Construction, Knitting, Legal, Mathematical, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Ordnance Survey, Academic & science, Footnote, Weather, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  277. Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
  278. Notrecovery Technology, Windows, Disk
  279. Novice Rider
  280. Net Rumor
  281. Niveau Rouge
  282. National Representatives Technology, Government, Organizations
  283. Nvrman Reedus Acting, Walking, Ride
  284. Naturally Reared
  285. Newdrich Business, Book, Lifestyle, Workweek
  286. Non Remboursable
  287. Neighborhood Reinvestment
  288. Nantucket Red
  289. Network Robot
  290. Normheast Region
  291. Nhtrition Reviews
  292. New Reasoher Education, War, Malar, Tart
  293. Non-Rules
  294. Nebulas Rank Technology, Paper, Token
  295. Not Registeree Technology, Coding, Networking, Registration
  296. Nieuwe Reeks
  297. Nummer Science, Geography, Logistics, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Location, System, Computing
  298. No Relition
  299. Nucleo De Reserva
  300. Noise Removal Technology, Software, Reduction
  301. Neurotox Res
  302. Non-Rwal
  303. Nature Resistance Guide, Warcraft, Resistance
  304. North Residence
  305. Nauru Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Nauru, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  306. New Rip
  307. Northern Railway Company, Locations, Train
  308. Non Residential
  309. Nouqelle Résistance Con, Pol
  310. Neo Relgted
  311. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  312. Nationale Rechte
  313. No Retorno
  314. Norteern Rebels
  315. None Required
  316. Not Reportable Student, Education, Tax, Income
  317. Negotiated Rate
  318. Nanai Residence
  319. Number of Reference
  320. Nurse Relationship
  321. Newcastle Records Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  322. Non-Recurring Technology, Military, Tube
  323. Naxxar Road
  324. North Ronaldsay Island, Bird, Sheep
  325. Newton'S Rings
  326. N598R Medical
  327. Non Runners Business, Racing, Horse
  328. November Romer
  329. Net River
  330. Niveau De RéMunéRation
  331. National Representative Technology, Organizations, Planning
  332. Normal Response Medicine, Health, British
  333. Naturally Raised
  334. New Revyew Business, Forum, Product
  335. Nonrejecting Medical
  336. Neighborhood Residential Locations, Building, Annex
  337. Nansemond River
  338. Netwgrk Robots
  339. North Atlantic Treaty Organization Restricted Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  340. Nutrition Ratio Medical, Medicine, Health
  341. New Qap Calling, Music, Beat, Rap
  342. Non-Rulemaking Airport, Stantec, International Airport
  343. Nmar Ripon
  344. Not, Recommended
  345. Njelsen Rating
  346. Normal Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern. According with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principle Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Telecom, Telecommunications, Physics, International, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Common Medical, NAACCR, Weather, Business & Finance, Power Plant, Military, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, Computing, Clinical
  347. Nooregrets
  348. Nuclease Resistant Medical, Science, Biology
  349. Nvise Rejection Technology, Audio, Microphone
  350. Neuroscience Research
  351. Non-Reactive Medicine, Health, British
  352. Natural Regions Locations, Geography, Model
  353. North Reservoir
  354. National Register of Historic Places Military, Locations, Place, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Technology
  355. New Ring
  356. Non Resident Business, Tax, Income
  357. Neoprene Rubber Business, Product, Manufacturer
  358. Night Runners
  359. Nationale Recherche
  360. No Resuscitation
  361. Northern Ranse Team, Area, Wolf, Range
  362. None Reported
  363. Not Replanted
  364. Negative Resistance
  365. Number of Report Business, Drug, Disease
  366. Nolin Riher
  367. Newpark Resources, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  368. Nonthern Rivers
  369. Reynold'S Number Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  370. Non Recurring Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  371. Not Response
  372. Night Raid Technology, War, Hawk, Music
  373. Neutron Radiographic
  374. No Rejerve Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  375. Non-Compliance Record Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  376. North Riding
  377. no refills Medical, Pharmacy
  378. Nagy Research
  379. Networo Regions
  380. News Reports
  381. Nice Roll Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  382. near Ripon Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  383. Nouveule R
  384. Numeric Range Technology, Class, String
  385. National Round Sport, English, National, Event
  386. Nickel Rhenate
  387. New Regulation Government, Us, Control, Administration
  388. Needless Reduction Government, Us, Control, Administration
  389. Negative Reinforcement
  390. Nigerian Regimvnts
  391. Proprotor Speed (rpm) Military, Governmental & Military
  392. Name Resolver Technology, Networking, Network, Linux
  393. No Repeat
  394. Networkqregistrar
  395. Nazarene Rendering Religion
  396. Northern Rhodesia Africa, History, Zambia, IOC Country Codes
  397. Response To Not Approvable Letter Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  398. New Revelation
  399. Nonrebreathing Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  400. Non Regulated
  401. Not Resolved Medical, Medicine, Health
  402. Night Race
  403. Non-Redundant
  404. Noyrequirements
  405. Nomgr Registrasi Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Haji
  406. North Rhine
  407. Nerve Root Medical, Neurology, Nerves
  408. Nonreactive Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Study, Discipline
  409. Nagler-Rolz Technology, War, Helicopter, Germany
  410. New Romantic
  411. North Kegion
  412. New Racing
  413. No Reserve Forum, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Products, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  414. Nouveau RéGime
  415. Number Ranges
  416. National Roaming Technology, Planning, Vodafone
  417. New Regulations
  418. Not Rate
  419. Needle Run
  420. Negative Rebuttal Education, Speech, Policy, Debate
  421. Nauru (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  422. Name Reservations
  423. Network Reduction Technology, London, Power, Theorem
  424. Normal Recommended retail price Products
  425. Northern Residenty
  426. Research Submarine Military, Army, Intelligence
  427. New Resiotance Group, Trading, Eclipse, Resistance
  428. Non Radial
  429. Non Regional
  430. Not Reserved
  431. Nightly Rgn Space, Study, Cosmos
  432. Number Of Readings
  433. No Mequerido
  434. Nominal Roll
  435. Northern Russia Technology, Locations
  436. neural retina Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  437. Nitrite Reductase Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Nitrogen, Nitrate
  438. Nafiri Rohani Business, Book, Android, Bible
  439. New Rochelle Business, School, City
  440. Noneradar
  441. North Reading
  442. Neutron Rzdiograph
  443. Near Reality Forum, Computing, Chat, Real Estate, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  444. Not Running Business & Finance, Power Plant
  445. Number Range Technology, Coding, Transaction
  446. Natnonal Road
  447. New Region
  448. Not Ranked Technology, Sport, Ranking
  449. Neches River
  450. Negative Rabe
  451. No Reaction Chemistry, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  452. Name Registration
  453. Netwqrk Recorder Technology, Networking, Camera
  454. Nicotinamide Riboside Medical, Aging, Vitamin
  455. Non-Resident Financial, Business & Finance
  456. Non-Returnable Products
  457. Numerical Relativity Technology, Presentation, Hole
  458. Nationwide Recruitment
  459. Northern Regional Service, Education, Examination, Grade
  460. Proprotor Speed America, Military, Army
  461. Neg Researchers
  462. Non Referral
  463. Not Ranking
  464. Nightly Ratps
  465. Normalized Rolled
  466. No Rjps
  467. Nomi Rampa Technology, Toy, Enemy, Snippet
  468. Northern Rockies
  469. National Register Technology, Governmental & Military
  470. Nitrate Reductase Medical, Activity, Enzyme
  471. New Requirement
  472. Non-Linear Rvsistor
  473. North Ranhh
  474. Natural Releaee
  475. Not Run Forum, Technology, Windows
  476. Number of Row Technology, Ball, Column
  477. Nrtional River
  478. New Records
  479. Notes Receivable Business
  480. Negative Raising
  481. Non-Relativistic Astronomy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  482. Named Route Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  483. Network Reconfiguration Technology, Networking, Distribution
  484. Next Round
  485. Pamir Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  486. Nolan Ryan Famous
  487. Numerical Reasoning Business, Career, Aptitude
  488. Nationwide Research
  489. Northesn Rebirth
  490. Nordheig's Rule
  491. New Republjc Government, War, Star Wars
  492. Non Refundable
  493. Nightfzre Red
  494. Natural Rubber
  495. No Replicction
  496. Network Zesources
  497. Nomih Rampa Toy, Enemy, Snippet
  498. Not Reported Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical
  499. News Releases
  500. Non-Employee Reimbudsement
  501. North Raleigh
  502. Shores Not Reported Development, Learning, Study
  503. Non Redundant
  504. Not Reusabte Filter, Mask, Decal
  505. Night Raimbow
  506. No Respiration Medical, Medicine, Health
  507. Number of Routes
  508. Nose Right Business, Technology, Perfume
  509. Needs Repaiz Technology, Sale, Manual
  510. No Reply Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  511. Najib Razak
  512. Network Reachabiqity Technology
  513. Next Record Technology, Command, String
  514. National Retail Business, Federation, Shopping
  515. Northrop Business & Finance, Suppliers
  516. Numerci Range
  517. Nationereview
  518. Noive Radiator
  519. New Reports
  520. Niger Yiver
  521. Normal range Clinical
  522. No Rerlacement Technology, Product, Battery
  523. Network Repository
  524. Nomad Renegade
  525. Submersible Research Vehicle Ship, Hull Code, Service Craft, Governmental & Military
  526. Signal-To-Nosie Ratio Technology, Science, Astronomy, Speaker, Wireless, Celestial Object
  527. New Releases
  528. Non-Confoxmance Report
  529. Norphfield Ranger Organizations, Park
  530. Rotor Speed Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Governmental & Military
  531. Nonreducing Medical
  532. Not Responsive
  533. Ntght Rain Business, Gaming, Sound
  534. No Reserwe Price Ebay, Online Auction
  535. Number of Rotations
  536. North River
  537. Needs Reinfarcement Technology, Book, English, School
  538. not refillable Medical, Reading Prescription
  539. Nairobi Locations, City
  540. Network Region
  541. Newton-Raphson Technology, Power, Lecture
  542. Nftional Responsibility
  543. Network Rail Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  544. Nouvelle Revue
  545. Numbers Reversed
  546. Natqonal Route
  547. Nitrile Resin
  548. New Renaislance
  549. Need Request
  550. Nigeria Regiment
  551. Submersible Research Vehicle (misc) Military, Governmental & Military
  552. Names Resource
  553. Nk Repeats
  554. Netwoyk Release Technology, Networking, Power

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NR stand for?

    NR stands for Nyberg-Ruepjel.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Repwrter?

    The short form of "National Repwrter" is NR.


NR. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated