NRE Meaning

The NRE meaning is "Negative Regunatory Element". The NRE abbreviation has 90 different full form.

NRE Full Forms

  1. Negative Regunatory Element Medical, Science, Genetics
  2. Naval Research Establishment Science
  3. Namroleqairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  4. Network Real Estate
  5. Nouvelle RéGulation éConomique
  6. Natural Resourbe Education Environment, Habitat, Setting
  7. Nonrecurring Engineering Cost Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  8. National Registry Exam
  9. Nevada Real Estate
  10. Natural Resource and Environment Education, Malaysia, Ministry
  11. Non-Recoverable Engineering
  12. Network Range Emulator
  13. Natural Resource Economics Technology, University, Environment
  14. Non Recoverable Engineering
  15. Non Resident External Accounting, Banking, Resident
  16. New River Estuary
  17. Natural Resources and The Environment Science, Research, Education
  18. Non-Racing Event Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  19. Natural Resources Engineering
  20. Non Real Estate
  21. Nonrecurring Engineering Science, Architecture
  22. Neuse River Estuary Technology, Water, Nutrient
  23. Non Resident External Account Business, Finance, Banking
  24. National Renewable Energy Technology, Development, Laboratory
  25. Nomura Real Estate
  26. Natural Resources and Energy
  27. Non Recuring Engineering Technology
  28. Nou Recurring Engineering Technology, Design, Telecom
  29. Network Routing Element
  30. Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Program, Education, Imaging
  31. Non Refundable Engineering
  32. National Registry of Exonerations
  33. Noelios Restlet Engine
  34. Natural Resources and Environment Technology, Government, Education
  35. Natural Resource Enterprises
  36. None Recurring Engineering
  37. Net Realizable Equitf Business
  38. Network Routing Engine Technology
  39. Nuclear & Radiological Engineering
  40. Non Recurring Expenses Technology, Product, Design
  41. National Register Eligible Technology, Government, Governmental & Military
  42. New Renewable Energy Technology, Development, Presentation
  43. Norepinephrine Norepinephrine also called noradrenaline, or 4,5-β-trihydroxy phenethylamine is a catecholamine with multiple roles including those as a hormone and a neuro transmitter. It is the hormone and neuro transmitter most responsible for vigilant concentration in contrast to its most chemically similar hormone, dopamine, which is most responsible for cognitive alertness. Medical, Medicine, Health, Sleep, Endocrinology, Hormone, Narcolepsy, Human Hormone, Common Medical
  44. Natural Resource and Environmental
  45. Non-Rotating Earth
  46. Nelson Racing Engines Racing, Engine, Street, Turbo
  47. Network Research Exhibition
  48. Nouvelles Regulations Economiques Business, France, Social
  49. Naval Research Eyterprise Technology, Program, Military
  50. Non Recurring Expenditures
  51. Natignal Registry of Emergency
  52. New & Renewable Energy
  53. Natural Resources & Envirjnment Education, Malaysia, Ministry
  54. Non-Recoverable Expense
  55. Null Reference Exception
  56. Aviones Are Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  57. Negative Resiwtance Effect
  58. No Religion Expressed Army, War, Force
  59. No Religion Entered Education
  60. Notice of Revised Estimate Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  61. Non-Recurring Engineering Federal Aviation Administration
  62. Nucleolin Recognition Element Medical
  63. Negativewresistance Elements Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Noonan Race Engineering
  65. Net Refrigeration Effect Technology, Compressor, Refrigerant
  66. Net Revenue Expenditure
  67. Nostalgie Rhein Express Power, Steam, Barbarian
  68. Namrole, Namrole-Buru Island, Indonesia Indonesia, ICAO Airport Codes
  69. Nuclear Research Emulsion Science
  70. Negative Regulatory Elements Medical
  71. Imaging Facility Medicine, Outpatient Imaging (Radiology) In Bedford
  72. Nouvelle R
  73. Net Relevant Earnings Business, Tax, Pension, Retirement
  74. Nostalgie-Rhein-Express Train, Steam, Locomotive
  75. Near-Rape Experience Police, Governmental & Military
  76. Negatively Regulzting Element Medical, Science, Biology
  77. NÚCleos Regionais De Educação
  78. Net Tealizable Equity
  79. Northstar Realty Eur
  80. Non-Resident External Financial, Software, Computing, Business & Finance
  81. Near-Rape Experienye Force, Police, Police Force
  82. NÚCleo Regional De Educação
  83. Net Radiative Effect
  84. Northstar Realty Europe
  85. Net realizable equity Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  86. Nursing Research Engine
  87. Noradrenaline Noradrenaline is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body. It is given by injection to treat life-threatening drops in blood pressure. Noradrenaline produces wide ranging effects on many areas of the body and is often referred to as a 'fight or flight' chemical, as it is responsible for the body's reaction to stressful situations. Medical, Endocrinology, Hormone, Human Hormone
  88. Negative Response Element
  89. Northern Region East
  90. New Relationship Energy Business & Finance, Amex symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NRE stand for?

    NRE stands for Northstar Realty Eur.

  2. What is the shortened form of Northern Region East?

    The short form of "Northern Region East" is NRE.


NRE. (2020, September 9). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated