NRR Meaning
The NRR meaning is "José Aponte De La Torre Airport". The NRR abbreviation has 74 different full form.
NRR Full Forms
- José Aponte De La Torre Airport Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code
- Noise Reduction Rate Business, Hearing, Rating
- Noise Reduction Rating Technology, Hearing, Noise, Products
- National Research Register Medical, Technology, Development, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Neural Regeneration Research Medical, Medicine, Neural
- Norma Regulamentadora Rural
- Nuclear Regulatory Research Technology, Science, Reactor
- Neutron Resonance Radiogrmphy
- Nasal Respiratory Resistance Medical, Medicine, Health
- Non Residential Retrofit
- Natural Resource Report
- Normal Rate of Return Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Nuclear Receptor Resource Science, Database, Protein, Medical, Human genome
- Neutral Red Retention Medical
- Nuclear Reactor Regulation Technology, Science, Nuclear
- Non-Residential Retrofit
- Natural Resource Reports
- Normal Radiation Region Medical, Science, Biology
- Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Government, Organizations, Us
- Neutral Red Release Medical, Science
- Nobles Rock Railroad Technology, Organizations, Governmental & Military
- Non Repudiation of Receipt
- Natural Resources Recovery
- Non Return Rate Fertility, Dairy, Cow
- N Newton, Number of turns in an inductor, North, Revolutions per minute, Negative, Normal force, number, rotational speed, Normal distribution, Load factor, rotational speed, safety factor, Nano, number of required track spacings, number of search and rescue units.
- Nrc Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Neuro Retinal Rim
- Net Run Rate Rate, Run, Cricket, Farming & agriculture
- Non-Repudiation of Receipt Technology, Message, Sender
- New Rivea Rapids
- Natural Resources Research Education, University, Energy
- Non-Return Rates Medical
- Neukoretinal Rim Medical
- Norske Rasekattklubbers Riksforbund Technology, Norway, Cat, Norwegian
- Net Reproduction Rate Medical, Fertility, Population
- Non-Renewable Resources
- New Range Rover
- Natural Resource Restoration Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Non-Return Rate Medical, Products
- Neuro-Rztinal Rim Optometry, Ophthalmic, Optometric
- Normas Regulamentadoras Rurais Technology, Para, Dos, Lei
- Non-Recurring Revenue
- Newquay Road Runners
- Nasen-Rachen-Raum
- Non-Resident Renewal
- Non-Reversing Relay
- Nilai Rata-Rata
- No Rules Riders Hobbies
- Noise Reduction Ratio Hearing, Noise, Plug, Ear
- Navy Research Requirements Military, Governmental & Military
- Non-Reciprocal Reflectivity
- New Rural Reconstructvon
- Newriv. Npv S Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Noise Reduction Rating-33
- Natureair ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Noise Reduction Regulations
- New Ruby Red Business, Motorcycle, Yamaha, Paint
- Naracoota Resources Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Noise Reduction Rating-26 Business, Hearing, Ear
- National Rescue Ride Police, Governmental & Military
- Noble Rock'N'Roll Railroad
- New River Qetail
- Novice Rig Roundup Android, Play, Novice
- Noise Reduction Ratings Technology, Hearing, Ear
- No Reply Requested Computing, Communication, Internet, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- NíVel De Redução De RuíDo
- Now Really Relevant
- Noise of Redqction Rating Science
- No Reply Required Computing, Communication, Internet, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Nutrition Research Reviews Medical, University, Health
- Nuclear Reactor Reflector
- Nittany Road Riders
- New Rock Revolution Music
- Nuclear Risk Reduction Environment, Habitat, Setting
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NRR stand for?
NRR stands for Non-Reciprocal Reflectivity.
What is the shortened form of Nuclear Reactor Reflector?
The short form of "Nuclear Reactor Reflector" is NRR.
NRR. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from
Last updated