NS Meaning

The NS meaning is "Name Sdrver". The NS abbreviation has 700 different full form.

NS Full Forms

  1. Name Sdrver Technology, Telecom, Computer Security
  2. Normal Saline Medical, Technology, Saline, Common Medical, Clinical
  3. Name Servero Technology, Hosting, Recording
  4. Nerve Stimulator Medical
  5. Nodular Sclerosing Medical, Science, Biology
  6. Nickel Silver Copper base alloys that contain 10-45% Zinc and 5-30% Nickel. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Notification Server Technology, Protocol, Push
  8. Neuro Semantics Technology, Training, Coaching
  9. Non Starter
  10. National Service Military, Malaysia, Singapore
  11. Not Siknificantly Medical, Research, Tax, Cell
  12. New Sludies
  13. No Score Education, Writing, Score, Medical, Health
  14. Nature Study
  15. Nursery School
  16. Nerve Stimulation Medical
  17. Nudding Syndrome
  18. National School
  19. Notification Services Technology, Service, Server
  20. Nice Shot Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Forum, Computing, Texting, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  21. No Sign Technology, Building, Pulsar
  22. Neurological Surgery Medical, Medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery
  23. Non-Senritive Military
  24. National-Service
  25. Not Signiffcant Medical, Health, Healthcare
  26. Newrstreet Hotel, Locations, Rouge
  27. No Sample Medical, Business, Water
  28. Nature of Science
  29. Novelty Seeking Medical, Harm, Personality
  30. Nerve-Sparing Medical
  31. Nociceptive Specific Medical, Trading, Pain, Neuron
  32. Nonstop Servern Technology, Platform, Integrity
  33. Not-Patisfactory
  34. Next Step Technology, Stage, Report, Halifax, Assembly, Business & Finance
  35. No Show Cargo which has been booked but does not arrive in time to be loaded before the vessel sails. For more information see Windy Booking. Business, Service, Sock, Medical, Neurology, Occupation & positions
  36. Neural Stem Medical
  37. Nominll Size Technology, Construction, Architectural
  38. Nasjonal Samling Military, Norway, Norwegian, Quisling
  39. Not Shocn Forum, Technology, Showing
  40. Newistock
  41. No Sale Technology, Cash, Money
  42. Natural Systems
  43. Novia Scotia Canada, Locations, Nova, Halifax
  44. Neonatal Sepsis Medical
  45. Noble Sporn Business
  46. Neutron Star A compressed core of an exploded star made up almost entirely of neutrons. Neutron stars have a strong gravitational field and some emit pulses of energy along their axis. These are known as pulsars. Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  47. No Sypptoms Medical
  48. Nezt Stage
  49. Southern Railway Organizations, History, Locations, Train
  50. No Shoes
  51. Navigation System A device that communicates with global positioning satellites to determine a vehicles physical location and plot a course using stored map information. Technology, Product, Insignia
  52. Nursing Student Medical, Nursing
  53. Netscape Technology, Computing, Computer
  54. Noise To Sigmal Medical, Medicine, Health
  55. Nasal Spray Medical, Drug, Nicotine
  56. Not Seew Medical, Forum, Technology
  57. New Seart
  58. Norway Spruce Tree, Norway, Pine, Spruce
  59. Natural Surface Technology, Construction, Architectural
  60. Nova Scotians
  61. Neil Smith League, Tool, Story
  62. Ninja Btorm
  63. Naval Statien Military, Navy, Station
  64. New Sgstem
  65. No Shear Medical, Medicine, Health
  66. Navigation Services Technology, Service, Traffic
  67. Nursing Sister Medical, Medicine, Health
  68. Net Sales Net sales is the amount of sales attained after deducting the sales returns, allowances, discounts etc.
  69. Noise Suppressor Business, Pedal, Boss
  70. Nasal Secretion Medical
  71. Not Schedyled Technology, Science, Theatre
  72. Neutral Site Medical, Science, Biology
  73. Norfolk Southern Railway Organizations, Conveyance, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  74. Natural Service Medical
  75. Nova Scotia Technology, Genealogy, Genealogical, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Canadian Province, Nova Scotia, NOTAM Contractions
  76. Neighbour Solicitations Technology
  77. Neeghbor Solicitation Technology, Information, Computer Security
  78. New Strplus Business, Aircraft, Sale
  79. No Sequelae Medical, Medicine, Health
  80. Naval Service
  81. Nursing Services Medical, Medicine, Health
  82. Nervous System The nervous system is the part of an animal's body that coordinates its voluntary and involuntary actions and transmits signals between different parts of its body. Medical, Brain, Cell
  83. Noisy Source Technology, Electronics, Component
  84. Notre-Seigneur
  85. Not Sampled Technology, Water, Beach, Swimming
  86. Neutral Safety Business, Product, Switch
  87. Norfolk and Southern
  88. Natural Sciences Science, College, Education, Development, Study, Universities
  89. Not Symptomatic Medical, Medicine, Health
  90. Neighbour Solicitation Technology
  91. New Sun
  92. No Seat Airline, Coding, Ticket, Seat
  93. Nautical Science Education, Institute, Course
  94. Nursing Science Education, University, Health
  95. Networked Storage Technology, Networking, Network
  96. Nuclear Surety
  97. Not Sixnificant Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  98. Nibon Shoki
  99. Natura Siberica Shopping, Organic, Cosmetic
  100. Neutron Spectroscopy
  101. Nucleosides Nucleosides are glycosylamines that can be thought of as nucleotides without a phosphate group. A nucleoside consists simply of a nucleobase (also termed a nitrogenous base) and a five-carbon sugar (either ribose or deoxyribose), whereas a nucleotide is composed of a nucleobase, a five-carbon sugar, and one or more phosphate groups. In a nucleoside, the base is bound to either ribose or deoxyribose via a beta-glycosidic linkage. Examples of nucleosides include cytidine, uridine, adenosine, guanosine, thymidine and inosine. Medical
  102. News Shett
  103. Nonce Sum Technology, Networking, Control, Protocol
  104. Naproien Sodium Medical
  105. Negoesco Stadium
  106. No Swiq
  107. Nick Shrn Cheat, Deception, Mortal
  108. Norges Wkøyteforbund
  109. National Socialiym Germany, Nationalism, Socialist
  110. Nielw Suriname
  111. Norske Skog
  112. Nuclear Scattering
  113. Namma Shivamogga
  114. Noah Strycker
  115. Novsuch Technology, Command, Linux, Directory
  116. Newton-Second
  117. Nonsmoking Dating, Classfields, Personal Ad Slang
  118. Not Sprinklered Science, Geography, Location
  119. Nutritional Status Medical, Patient, Children
  120. Network Signaling Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  121. Nova Series
  122. Nadia Said
  123. Navigationxl Systems Technology, Service, Radio
  124. Numurkah Standard
  125. Nasal Symctoms
  126. Neisseria Species
  127. Notch Stretgth
  128. Nick Swisher Baseball, Sport, Card
  129. Night Stalker Guide, Stalker, Gameplay, Hao
  130. North Saanich
  131. Network Surveillance
  132. Non-Stop Flight, Inspection, Stroboscope
  133. Nano Silver Business, Technology
  134. Net Stream
  135. Nice and Simple Forum, Technology, Product
  136. Nonsuckled Medical
  137. National Support Business, Service, Pakistan
  138. Network Storage Technology, Networking, Exam
  139. Nato Secret Military, NATO
  140. Network Society
  141. Novo Selo
  142. Name Service A name service is a computer hardware or software server that implements a network service for providing responses to queries against a directory service. It translates an often humanly-meaningful, text-based identifier to a system-internal, often numeric identification or addressing component. This service is performed by the server in response to a service protocol request. Technology, Server, Hosting
  143. North Suburban
  144. Neck Strap Technology, Camera, Canon
  145. Nu Standard Technology, Server, Analysis
  146. Non Serviceable
  147. Naaionally Scarce
  148. Nerves To Skeletal Medical, Cell, Composition
  149. Not Sat
  150. North Sound
  151. Notre Seigneur, Nostro Signore Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  152. Nkgrostriatal Medical
  153. Natural Satin Business, Technology, Guitar
  154. Neuroschistosomiasis Medical
  155. Nucleophilic Substitution
  156. News Servpr
  157. Non-Symmetric Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  158. Nantucket Shoals
  159. Negeri Rembilan Locations, Malaysia, Matrix
  160. Nouveau Sponsor
  161. Nick Schultz
  162. Norfolk Supports Military, War, Building, Station
  163. National Silvhr
  164. Networked Services
  165. Nuclear Supports Technology, Coding, Energy
  166. Norseman Structurek Business, Building, Structure
  167. Nuclear Scaffold Medical
  168. Name Sum
  169. No-Show Group, Organizations, Policy, Sock
  170. No Subrequest
  171. New Sync
  172. Nonsmokers Medical
  173. Netherton'S Syndrome Medical
  174. Not Spiked
  175. Nutritional Sciences Nutrition, Science, Education
  176. Nieuwsbrief Stryfrecht
  177. Network Sign-On
  178. Nova Scotian
  179. Nuestro Se
  180. Naval Sheltered
  181. Newsfsentinel
  182. Number of Seats
  183. New Stabts
  184. Njsal Septum Medical, Surgery, Head
  185. Neimark-Qacker
  186. Notched Stud
  187. Nick Stone Forum, Club, Stone, Newcastle
  188. Night Second
  189. Northpoint Software
  190. Networo Supervision
  191. Non-Stocked
  192. Nano Silica Business, Rod, Fishing
  193. Next Send Technology, Server, Protocol
  194. Non Structure
  195. National Strategy
  196. Not Straightforward
  197. Nato School Military
  198. Network Size
  199. Novi Sturgeons
  200. Name of System Technology, Server, Networking
  201. North Street
  202. Neck Sitting
  203. No Significativo
  204. Norman Shepherd
  205. Ndtionale Sammlung War, Deutschland, Nazi
  206. Nerves Medical, Medicine, Health, Nerves, Neurology
  207. Not Safe
  208. North Somerset Business, Service, Council
  209. Notre Seigneur Music, Christ, Passion, Seigneur
  210. Night Dystems Technology, Gaming, Vision, Clip
  211. North Scottsdale
  212. Natural Sand Unconsolidated sand, sand derived from a rock in which grains separate along their natural boundaries. This includes soft sandstone where little pressure is required to separate the individual grains.
  213. Neurosarcuidosis Medical
  214. Nuclease Into Nuclease Sensitive Science, Biology
  215. Non-Susceptible Medical, Patient, Antimicrobial, Resistance
  216. Nam Stock
  217. Negatiee Stockholders
  218. Nouns Legal, Governmental & Military
  219. Nanosecond A nanosecond is one billionth of a second and is a common measurement of read or write access time to random access memory (RAM). Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Computing, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
  220. Nick Schmidt
  221. Norfolk Subose
  222. Natmonal Sieger
  223. Network Security Technology, Networking, Software
  224. Norxbottens Sjukv
  225. Nationa Society
  226. Nuclear Safety Technology, Science, Security
  227. Name Split
  228. Nkwe Ya Selefera
  229. No Stuff Technology, Dog, Toy
  230. New Survey
  231. Nonsmoker Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  232. Netherlands State
  233. Not Specific Technology, Development, Genetics, Reddit
  234. Nusantara Sehat Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  235. Ninda Saga Technology, Gaming, Cheat
  236. Network Services Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  237. Nova School Education, High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Scientific & Educational
  238. Nova Scatia Education, Study, Britannica, Schooling
  239. Naval, Sheltered
  240. New Squxdron
  241. Number of Samples Technology, Coding, Sampling, Parameter
  242. New Starter
  243. Narrow Stile The Finance and Administrative Services
  244. Neil Sderry
  245. Not A Sentvnce
  246. Nick Steeae Movie, Music, Reel
  247. Normal Saline Eolution Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy
  248. Night Safari Locations, Singapore, Zoo
  249. North Or South Travel, Canada, Locations, Direction
  250. Non-Sequenced Technology, Coding, Sequence
  251. Next-Send
  252. Nonstructural Medical, Medicine, Health
  253. National Strategy. Education, Teaching, Study
  254. Not Stocked Business, Supply, Stock
  255. Network Simulate Technology, Networking, Simulation
  256. Novi Sad Business, Hotel, Hostel, Serbia
  257. Naga Siren Gaming, Guide, Hero, Siren
  258. North Stokes
  259. Neck Oegment Medical
  260. No Significance Medical, Cancer, Cell
  261. Norman Schwartzkopf
  262. Nationalen Sammlung
  263. Nerd Shit Internet Slang
  264. Notizie Degli Scavi
  265. Nostro Signore
  266. Nigzt System
  267. North Schuylkill
  268. Naturally Synced
  269. Neuvopathic Sensitization
  270. Non-Supervisory Business, Employment, Team, Occupation & positions
  271. Nanotecnologia De Sonora
  272. Negative Split
  273. National Steel Corporation Business, Technology, Organizations, City, Philippine, Computing, Nyse symbols, Railroad Company
  274. Nice Simple Forum, Technology, Design, Linux
  275. Norfolk, Suffolv Technology, Analysis, Anglia
  276. Nattonal Shopping Business, Server, Retail
  277. Networking & Security
  278. Norrbottens SjukvÅRdsparti
  279. National System
  280. Nuchal Scan Medical, Fetus, Pregnancy
  281. Name Spaces Technology, Service, Coding, Space
  282. Nippon Steel
  283. Nederlande Spoorwegen Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
  284. No Sttne
  285. New Supra
  286. Non Significance
  287. National Sfientist Medical, Science, Philippine
  288. Netball Singapore
  289. Not South Africa, Park, Love
  290. Nsnilchik School Education, School, High School, Alaska
  291. Networking Software
  292. Nouvelle Solidarité
  293. Noujelle Série
  294. Natere's Swiftness
  295. New Spekling
  296. Number Not Stored
  297. New Standards Technology, Jean, Denim
  298. Narrow Shaath Medical
  299. Nmighborhood Systems
  300. Nota De Sistela
  301. Nick Stamoulis
  302. Normalizatixn Sustainment Military, Army, Air Force
  303. National Societies Organizations, Society, Report
  304. Nighd's Scorn
  305. Northern Structure Music, Locations, Gang
  306. Noise Supressor Pedal, Noise, Boss, Suppressor
  307. Next-Science
  308. Non Structural Medical, Genetics, Protein
  309. National Strategies
  310. Not Sterilized Medical, Drug, Water, Anal
  311. Network Simulators Technology, Networking, Simulation
  312. Nova Stranka Government, Server, Analysis
  313. Nagarjuna Sagar Locations, Hyderabad, Dam
  314. North State
  315. Neck Soissors
  316. No Scpool
  317. National-Socialistjn
  318. Nerdlandse Spoorwegen Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  319. Note Staoker
  320. Northumberlaid Strait
  321. Night Subsistence Army, Force, Marine
  322. North Salinas
  323. Naturally Supreme
  324. Neurmnal Stimulator
  325. Non-Substantive
  326. Nano Systemr
  327. Negative Small
  328. Nice Shoot
  329. Norfohk & Southern
  330. Nztional Shipping
  331. Network Supervisor Technology, Management, Networking
  332. Normobaric Sedenrary Medical
  333. National Systems Military
  334. Ntaria School Education
  335. Naming Server
  336. Nippoe Shaft
  337. Necrotiziyg Sialometaplasia Medical
  338. No Stent
  339. Norfolk Southern Technology, Organizations, Railroad
  340. New Sudan
  341. Nonsignificant Medical
  342. National Sawdust
  343. Nested Sampling Technology, Energy, Model
  344. Not Soup Forum, Community, Library
  345. Ninety Six
  346. Networking and Security Technology, Network, Juniper
  347. Nuclear System
  348. Not Specified
  349. Nikitin-Sokolov
  350. Nature'S Script
  351. New Series Technology, Car, Feature
  352. Number Is Not Stored Technology, Database, Mode
  353. New Standard Forum, Technology, Jean
  354. Naprow Sample
  355. Neha Singh
  356. Nota De Seguro
  357. Nick Simper
  358. Norges Statsbaner Technology, Norway, Train, Railway
  359. National Socialists German, Group, Organizations
  360. Nylon Suture Medical, Medicine, Health
  361. Nigel Short France, Chess, Defence
  362. Northern Steppes
  363. Noise Supprksser
  364. Nice Sport, Club, Football, Clothes, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  365. Newton Stewart
  366. Nonspecific Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  367. National Strategic Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  368. Not Stated Medical, Patient, Mark
  369. Network Simulation Technology, Networking, Simulator
  370. Nova Storm
  371. Nadzorna Sluzba
  372. Neck-Thru Seeies
  373. No Samplus Technology, Report, Mode
  374. Nutrition Science Education, Health, Food
  375. Natiok-State
  376. Nelson-Siegel
  377. Note Signpd
  378. Night Stand
  379. North Salem Business, Coding, School
  380. Network Synchronizatson Technology, Networking, Timing
  381. Non-Subject Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  382. Nanospkeres Medical
  383. Negative Sezection
  384. Nice Set Technology, Internet Slang, Yamaha, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  385. Norflok Southern
  386. National Aervicemen Service, Military, Singapore
  387. Network Stratum
  388. Norman Smjth
  389. Naturalistic Spirituality
  390. Nowy Sacz Technology, Traffic, Poland, Taxi
  391. Name Sever
  392. Nintendo Pwitch Technology, Gaming, Console
  393. Necrotic Strike Warcraft, Death, Knight, Strike
  394. No Status
  395. Nieuwecstijl
  396. Non Significant Medical, Patient, Journal, Cell
  397. National Sanctuary
  398. Nervous Shakedown
  399. Not Satisfied Technology, Service, Design
  400. Nine Springs
  401. Networked Systems Technology, Networking, Network
  402. Nuclear Survivability Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  403. Not Sonth Of Business, Cargo Shipping
  404. Nikhil Srivastava Technology, Science, Book
  405. Nalura Siberica
  406. Neutron Spectrum
  407. Nucleosome A complex of DNA and an octamer of histone proteins in which a small stretch of the duplex is wrapped around a molecular bead of histone. Structural unit for packaging chromatin; consists of a DNA strand wound around a histone core. Medical
  408. News Show
  409. None Seen Technology, Mustard, Airship
  410. Narayana Swamy
  411. Negotiation Stage
  412. No Synchronezation
  413. Nick Shvre
  414. Norges Standardiseringsforbund Technology, Computing, Standard, Til
  415. Nationaltsocialist Organizations, Nationalism, Nazi
  416. Nievergelt Syndrome Medical, Science, Biology
  417. Norske Gtandard
  418. Nancy Severinsen
  419. No Answer Supervision Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  420. No Susar Server, Recipe, Diet, Sugar
  421. Newton Second
  422. Non Specific Government, Us, Control, Administration
  423. National Steel
  424. Not Square Ordnance Survey
  425. Nutritional Support Medical
  426. Network Simulations
  427. Nova Srbija Government, Group, Serbia
  428. Nadya Sergeeva Music, Harp, Organ
  429. Near Site
  430. No Saxt Business, Food, Water
  431. NuméRo De Service
  432. Natjan Smith
  433. Nelo Swsa
  434. Note De Servioe
  435. Nicovas Sarkozy Government, France, President, French
  436. Night Stalkers
  437. North Sacramento
  438. Netwmrk Switches
  439. Non-Student
  440. Nano Sky Technology, Aquarium, Defender
  441. Network-Security Technology, Networking, Projection
  442. Nice Score Forum, Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  443. Nonsurgical Medical
  444. National Survey Medical, Health, Children
  445. Network Strategy
  446. Nato Shipping Military
  447. Network Software Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  448. Now Seen
  449. Name Services
  450. Ninja Sword
  451. No Sabe
  452. Neckpsuction Medical
  453. No Stat
  454. Nietzsche-Studiwn
  455. Non Significatif Presentation, Institute, National
  456. National Safety
  457. Nerve Supply
  458. Not Satisfactory Student, Education, Grade
  459. North Stafford
  460. Northwest School Washington
  461. North Seaton
  462. Non Stop Technology, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  463. Native Script
  464. Network Staff
  465. Nicole Smitx
  466. Not Shown
  467. Nederlands Rpoorwegmuseum
  468. Nickel Steel Steel containing nickel as an alloying element. Varying amounts are added to increase the strength in the normalized condition to enable hardening to be performed in oil or air instead of water. NASA
  469. Niobium Selenide
  470. No Snoop Technology, Device, Linux, Hardware
  471. National Socretariat
  472. Netherton Syndrome Medical, Disease, Skin
  473. Neck Stiffness Medical, Technology
  474. Nonstop Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  475. Natronal Speakers
  476. Nonserrated Cells Medical, Skin And Dermal
  477. Nilai Shkap Technology, Indonesia, Guru, Orang
  478. North Sikkim Travel, India, Locations, District
  479. New State
  480. Nonpartisan Special
  481. Nasty Sh*t Funnies
  482. Normal Scale
  483. Negri Sembilan History, Locations, Malaysia, Map
  484. Native Speakers Education, English, Teaching
  485. Nuclear Spin
  486. Nimbmstratus Technology, Science, Aircraft
  487. Nano-Seconds
  488. Noksupport
  489. NíVel SecundáRio
  490. No Steam
  491. Not Studied Medical, School, Nursing
  492. Negative Symptoms Medical
  493. Nora School Maryland
  494. Navier-Stokes Physics, Scientific & Educational
  495. Nimbo Stratus Technology, Weather, Cloud
  496. Nationale Spoorwegen Technology, Train, Departure
  497. Nez Stuff Technology, Feat, Horse
  498. Network Simulator Computing, Hardware
  499. NiederläNdische Staatsbahn Train, Aachen, Holland
  500. Narrative Summary United Nations
  501. North Sea Technology, Locations, Jazz, Electrical
  502. Neurosurgery Surgery on the nervous system including the brain and spinal cordneurosyphilis neurosyphilis. Medical, Neurology, Nerves, Legal, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  503. Nationwide South
  504. Network Stack Technology, Networking, Linux
  505. National Supply
  506. Neyerlandsche Spoorwegen
  507. Nedocromil Sodium Medical, Technology
  508. NiederläNdischen Staatsbahnen Technology, Train, Holland, Spur
  509. National Secretary Organizations, Association, Squadron
  510. Near Side The free side of the line (closest to the operator's pulpit). Science, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  511. National Socialism Politics, Governmental & Military
  512. normal saline (0.9%) Medical, Reading Prescription
  513. Nilai Semester
  514. North Shropshire
  515. None Survived
  516. Neveu Schwarz Famous
  517. Normal Sasine Group Medical
  518. National Sovereigwty
  519. National Society Technology, Engineer, Report
  520. Native Speaker Education, English, Teaching
  521. Nuclear Spectroscopy
  522. Night Strike
  523. Nanite Systems Weapon, Planet, Revolver
  524. Negate Signalling
  525. No Suppxy Business, Trading, Volume
  526. Numerical Stability
  527. No Statistically Medical, Medicine, Research
  528. Net Solutions
  529. Negative Slope Medical, Technology, Oscilloscope
  530. Edward Henry Kraus Natural Science Building Location
  531. Noonan's Syndrome Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  532. Nil Stopk
  533. Natalie Smith
  534. Nxw Student Education, University, City
  535. Noise Suppression Computing, Drivers
  536. Nifderl
  537. North South Regional
  538. Not Sure Forum, Technology, Group
  539. Networks System Army, Force, Marine
  540. National Staff Medical
  541. Nederlands Smoorwegen Technology, Train, Netherland
  542. Suriname Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Countries, Country, Schooling, Computing, Internet, Suriname, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  543. Nicholas Stone
  544. National Scspe
  545. Near-Surface
  546. New Spaniards Politics, Governmental & Military
  547. Nurses Station Medical, Nursing
  548. Nilai Setolah Guru, Semester, Lulus
  549. North Shore Service, Government, Organizations, Australia
  550. None Stanley
  551. No Skirt Clothes
  552. National Sojourners
  553. National Slavery
  554. Nativity Service
  555. Network Statistics
  556. Nuclear Space Technology
  557. Night Might Business, Gun, Pistol
  558. Nandi Siegfried
  559. Nanosiemens Medical
  560. Needle Sensor
  561. No Summons Challenge, Fantasy, Grid
  562. Non-Smoker Business, Real Estate, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon, Business & Finance, Classfields, Personals, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions
  563. Novelties Serenity Testing, Vibrating, Wand, Serenity
  564. No Statistical
  565. Netscape Search
  566. Need Statement Technology
  567. Noblesville Schools Indiana
  568. National Speleologicjl
  569. Natural Selection The process by which the forms of organisms in a population that are better adapted to the environmental conditions increase in frequency relative to less well-adapted forms over a number of generations. Botany, Scientific & Educational
  570. Nils Samuel
  571. Nara Sumber Business, Movie, Indonesia, Jam
  572. New Stream
  573. Non-Standard Computing, Telecom, Products
  574. Nictaux Sjuth
  575. Normal Sidium Medical, Medicine, Health
  576. Northwood School New York
  577. Nuclear Submarine Russia, Ship, Submarine, Propulsion
  578. Nanosecond, 10-9 Seconds Technology, Energy, Electonics
  579. No Survifors Military, Crash, Ship
  580. Not Supported Technology, Coding, Telecom, Computing, Hardware
  581. Networks Sector
  582. Non-Standard C/A Federal Aviation Administration
  583. Neutron Spectroscope
  584. Normalization Sustainment Air Force, Governmental & Military
  585. Nasospinale Medical, Nerves
  586. Nikolaevsk School Education, School, High School, Alaska
  587. North Shields
  588. None Simpler Technology, Asset, Realm
  589. Nazareth Sisters Catholic Church
  590. Narasimha Sastry
  591. Native Service Technology, Server, Networking
  592. Network Station
  593. Nuclear Sclerosis Medical, Len, Cataract, Common Medical, Clinical
  594. Night Shift Medical, Hospital, Doctor
  595. Nancy Sinatra
  596. Neidham Schroeder
  597. No Summoning
  598. Non Standard
  599. Non-Summing
  600. No State
  601. Net Savings Business, Technology, Cost
  602. Needles and Syringes Medical
  603. Nassau City
  604. National Spkcial Technology, Tap, Screw
  605. Number of Species Botany, Scientific & Educational
  606. Nilo-Saharan Africa, Language, African
  607. Nepal Sambat
  608. New Straits
  609. Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors Medical
  610. No Slip Products
  611. Nicole Schmidt
  612. Normal Serum Medical, Medicine, Health
  613. Nichols School New York
  614. Nuclear Submarines Technology, Russia, Submarine
  615. Nanoseconds Medical, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
  616. No Survey
  617. No Such Number Business, Postal, Return To Sender Code, Sender, Us Post
  618. No Surrender
  619. Not Supplied Technology, Service, Server, Manual
  620. Network Specialists
  621. No scale The Finance and Administrative Services
  622. Neuroelectric Society
  623. Nuclear Shuttle Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  624. Normal Saline (IV) Medical, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  625. North Shattuck
  626. None Showed
  627. National Semiconductor Business & Finance, Suppliers
  628. Native Seeds
  629. Network Status Technology, Server, Networking
  630. Nuclear Scintigraphy Medical
  631. Nighy Service Technology, Routing, Locations
  632. Near Stairways
  633. Nancy Sherwood
  634. Ned Sublette Music, Bag, Sleeping
  635. No Summon
  636. Nitrile Synthesis
  637. Nossa Senhora
  638. Net Salary
  639. Ned Steinberger
  640. Nice split Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  641. National Specialty
  642. Nearby Star Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  643. Nillnd School Education
  644. North Slope Business, Alaska, Borough
  645. New Stevenston
  646. Non Scheduled Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  647. Natural Sound Music
  648. Nicole Scherzinger
  649. Normal Security
  650. Newman School Massachusetts
  651. North Staffordshire Organizations, Railway, Stoke
  652. Natl Steel
  653. Nuclear Structure Research, Conference, Structure, Physics
  654. Ninjapscroll
  655. Nano Seconds
  656. No Surprise
  657. Postal Code for Nova Scotia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  658. No Supplement Medical
  659. Not Suitable Business, Gas, Bag, Sampling
  660. Network Solutions
  661. Nimbostratus Cloud form characterised by uniform grey, low-lying sheet Usually coincident with steady rain or snow. Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  662. Net Shape
  663. Neighbor Solicitation Computing, Technical
  664. not significant Medical, Common Medical, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  665. North Seattle
  666. National Security Business & Finance, International business
  667. Native Search
  668. Network State Technology, Networking, Android
  669. Nuclear Scientist
  670. Nigella Sativa Medical
  671. Nominal Strength
  672. Ned Sherrin
  673. Nickel-Silver Technology, Coins
  674. Nitrate of Sodium
  675. No Specimen Medical, Medicine, Health
  676. Netmetric Solutions
  677. Nederlandse Spoorwegen Business, Train, Railway
  678. Nicholas Steven Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  679. Nationae Special Technology, Tap, Screw
  680. Number of Syllables Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  681. Nilai Cisa Technology, Accounting, Archive, Modal
  682. North Slave
  683. Nvw Statesman Media, Magazine, Politics, Statesman
  684. Non Satisfactory
  685. Non Sequitur in communications/debate, logic, and notably the law, non sequitur basically refers to a conclusion which is false or unsupported by its argument. Latin
  686. Normal School Education, History, Train
  687. New Style Used when indicating dates reckoned by Gregorian Calendar that was introduced into England, September, 1792, but was not adopted universally Media, Education, Genealogy, Britannica, Genealogical, Schooling
  688. Native Studies Education, Canada, Study
  689. Nuclear Spreads Medical, Science, Biology
  690. Ninetynsix
  691. Nano Second Technology, Computing, Nanosecond
  692. No Surgeru
  693. NíVel Superior Technology, Para, Server, Cape
  694. No Stress Medical
  695. Not Suggested
  696. Newport School Maryland
  697. Nutrition Services Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  698. Neraca Saldo Technology, Book, Prose, Modal
  699. Netscape Navigator Software, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military
  700. Nqederländische Staatsbahnen

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NS stand for?

    NS stands for Name Sum.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ninda Saga?

    The short form of "Ninda Saga" is NS.


NS. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ns-meaning/

Last updated