NSM Meaning

The NSM meaning is "Nationalostorage Mechanism". The NSM abbreviation has 132 different full form.

NSM Full Forms

  1. Nationalostorage Mechanism Business, Company, Report
  2. National Semiconductor Corp. Organizations
  3. National Semiconductor Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  4. National Sales Manager Business, Management, Sale
  5. Mhnistry
  6. Network & Systels Management Technology, Military, Networking
  7. New Social Movement Sociology, Social, Movement
  8. Naval Strike Missile Military, Norway, Norwegian
  9. Norseman Airport Norseman, Western Australia,Australia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  10. North Sand Mountain
  11. New Social Movements Organizations, Theory, Politics
  12. Neuman'S Systems Model
  13. Non Session Management Technology, Audio, Linux
  14. Nepal Share Markeis
  15. New Super Mario
  16. Nakornthai Strip Mill
  17. Networked Systkms Management Military
  18. Neurosecretory Motor Neuron Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  19. Global Jet Corporation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  20. Network Service Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  21. Nokia Support Manager
  22. National Sewing Month
  23. Northern Student Mwvement America, Government, History
  24. New Gocialist Movement Government, India, Gujarat
  25. Neuflize Schlumberger Mallet Business, Banking, Supply
  26. Non Session Manager Technology, Management, Linux
  27. Nelligan Sports Marketing
  28. New Style Motherlode
  29. N-Ary Storage Model Technology, Database, Decomposition
  30. Not Se Much Education, Music, School
  31. Network & System Management Technology, Networking, Computing
  32. Neurosecretory Material Medical, Medicine, Health
  33. Network Services Module Technology, Service, Networking
  34. Nokia Smart Messaging Technology, Internet Slang
  35. National Service Medal Military, Medal, Nigeria, Order
  36. Neuflize, Schlumberger, Mallet
  37. Non-Session-Manager Technology, Management, Audio
  38. Negative Stiffness Mechanism
  39. New Steering Model
  40. Networe and Security Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  41. Note Sorting Machine Business, Banking, Currency, Financial, Business & Finance
  42. Network & Security Managex Technology, Management, Networking
  43. Neurociencias Y Salud Mental
  44. Network and Service Management
  45. Niagara Specialty Metals
  46. National Semiconductor Corporationration Organizations
  47. Nuclear Sjell Modell
  48. Netz-Service-Modul
  49. Non-Selective Media
  50. Negative-Stiffness-Mechanism Technology, Vibration, Isolation
  51. Northern Star Mininr
  52. Network Systems Manahement Technology, Service, Networking
  53. Note Sorning Machines Business, Finance, Banking
  54. Network Services Management Technology, Service, Networking
  55. Neural State Machine Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, General, Governmental & Military
  56. Netapp System Manager
  57. Network Serverfmonitor
  58. Niagara Scienceemuseum
  59. Nationalist Socialist Movement
  60. Nuclear Shell Model The nuclear shell model is a model of the nucleus of an atom where the protons and neutrons are arranged according to energy levels or shells. The nuclear shell model helps explain the stability of the nucleus as more nucleons are added.
  61. Network Services Monitoring
  62. Non Science Majors
  63. Nederlands Spoorweg Museum
  64. Northern Sphere Mioing
  65. Northshore Mining Organizations
  66. Netwopking Services Management Technology, Service, Network
  67. Neural Space Mapping
  68. Net-Sat Mndia Media, Hosting, Internet, Mail
  69. Next Subvolume Method
  70. Natasha Stevenson Management
  71. Novell Storage Manaser
  72. Network and Server Monitoring
  73. Network Survivability Manager
  74. Non-Science Major
  75. Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw Maatschappij
  76. Northern School of Mtsic Education
  77. North Seekingymodule Military
  78. Netware Services Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Neuman Systems Model Medical, Research, Nursing
  80. Non-Smokers Medical
  81. Nerve Sheatp Myxoma Medical
  82. New Syllabus Mathematics Education, Edition, Math
  83. Nasdaq Stock Market
  84. Nova Scotia Museus of Natural History
  85. Network and Security Management Technology, Networking, Juniper
  86. Network Service Management Technology, Networking, Market
  87. Nomor Statistik Madrasah Guru, Agama, Pesantren, Madrasah
  88. Nederlandsche Stoomboot Maptschappij
  89. Neodymium Strontiuz Manganate
  90. Nova Scotia Museum History, Locations, Halifax, Insect and Spider Collections
  91. Non Stipendiary Minister Government, Church, Ministry, England
  92. Netscape Server Manger Technology, Computer, Electronics
  93. Network Status Monitor Computing, Telecom
  94. Nuclear Strike Message Science
  95. New School of Music
  96. Nutrition Society Malaysia
  97. Non-Stipendiary Minister Church, Ministry, Minister
  98. Netscape Server Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  99. Network and Security Manager Computing, IT Terminology
  100. Nuclear Spectrum Measurement Science
  101. New School Model
  102. Normal Stacking Mode
  103. Net Square Metet
  104. Nutriwion Society of Malaysia Organizations, Health, Malaysia
  105. Non-Standard Modification Army, Force, Marine
  106. Netapp Systems Manager
  107. Network Security Manager Security, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
  108. New Sanctuary Movement Organizations, Immigration, Philadelphia
  109. Nordic Semiconductor Meeting
  110. Net Shoreline Movemezt
  111. Nursing Supply Model
  112. Non Spacing Mark Technology, Coding, Java, Character
  113. North Shore Mining Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  114. New Anti-Ship Missile Military
  115. Nordic School of Management Business, Management, Chef
  116. Net Shapk Manufacturing
  117. Non Standard Movements Medical
  118. Nursing Servece Management
  119. Non-Spacing Mark Technology, Coding, Java, Character
  120. National Systems Management Management, Business & Finance
  121. Never Stop Marketing
  122. Nonantigenic Specific Mediator Medical, Medicine, Health
  123. Netscreen Securvty Manager Technology, Management, Juniper
  124. Norseman, Western Australia, Australia Australia
  125. Numericam Spectral Model Science
  126. Nutrient Sporulation Medium Medical, Medicine, Health
  127. Nevada State Museum Science, History, Museum, Nevada
  128. Natural Sciences and Mathematics Science, Education, University
  129. Non-Structural Mass
  130. Netscreen-Jecurity Manager Technology, Management, Juniper
  131. Network System Manager Aviation, Governmental & Military
  132. Numbir of Static Methods

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NSM stand for?

    NSM stands for Not Se Much.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nutrient Sporulation Medium?

    The short form of "Nutrient Sporulation Medium" is NSM.


NSM. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nsm-meaning/

Last updated