NT Meaning
The NT meaning is "Net Tons". The NT abbreviation has 453 different full form.
NT Full Forms
- Net Tons Transportation, Shipping
- Northern Territory Australia, Australian, Architectural, Military, Army, Architecture, Construction, Governmental & Military
- Notched Trakk Metal, Track, Nominee, Stud
- Neue Technologien
- No Text Internet Slang, Chat, Internet, Computing, Texting, Communication, Sms, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Node Type Technology, Military, Class
- New Tower
- Natural Tendwncy
- Nun-Transparent Technology, Switch, Port, Lane
- No Lail Technology, Dog, Light
- Neuen Testaments German, Bible, Greek, Testament
- Nose Tackle Sports, Football, American Football, Sport
- No-Todl Technology, Windows, Honda
- New Tooling
- Name Translator Technology, Security, Software
- Non-Terminal Technology, Grammar, Parser, Computing, Hardware
- Network Training Technology, Networking, Course
- No Tabs
- Number of Tabfes
- New Textiles Technology, Design, Textile, Fabric
- Names That Technology, Windows, Service
- Non-Connact Tonometer Business, Auto, Equipment
- Nadigation Technology Military
- Northwest Terr Club, Canada, Locations
- Null Typx
- New Technology Technology, Information Technology, Computer
- Naib Tehsildar Service, Education, Exam
- Nominared Testers Business, Service, Mot
- Naval Training
- North Tonawanda
- Nuevostestamento Education, Bible, Greek, Testament
- News Thread
- Nuovo Testamento
- Nomadic Tribe
- Nmval Today
- Nord-TrøNdelag Coding, Norway, Til
- Nuestro Tiempo
- Neurologically Typical Medical, Technology, Autism
- Northwest Territories Technology, Locations, Tourism, Regional, Canadian Province, Northwest Territories
- Ntmadic Tribes
- New Trial
- Natural Trust Government
- Noor Takayul
- Nortel Networks Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Neutron Therapy
- Northeast Tennessee
- Nieuwsblad Transport
- Navhind Times India, Beach, Goa
- Nj Texts
- Nilai Tlnai
- Neck Training
- Not Tightly
- Neu-Tool
- Nak Type Technology, Archive, Dah
- Non-Tnuch Technology, Windows, Combo
- New Tendencies
- North Tennis
- Nominated Tester Business, Service, Testing
- Networked Technologies Education
- Novi Testamenti
- Newtown Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Native Trails
- Nigit Time
- Notice Technique
- Number of Turns
- Nipponmtech
- Not True Forum, Technology, Windows, Server
- Neutralizing Test Medical
- Nbrrow Term Technology, Relationship, Syntax, Narrower
- Nordic Tournament Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- North Tipperary
- Neither Type
- No Tournament Golf, Championship, Golfer
- Network Transport Technology, Windows, Networking
- Nouveau Testament Education, France, Bible
- Nucleotides Medical
- Nqw Taiwanese Business, Office, Taiwan
- National Telecommunications Technology, Service, Networking
- Noble Train
- Networking Team Technology, Windows, Network
- Naltrexone Medical, Medicine, Health
- Neutron Brachytherapy Medical
- Northampton Town
- Ninuwegein Tel
- Nxvbharat Times
- Nota This
- Nome Time Technology, Time Zone, Time
- Neck Tone Music, Guitar, Bass, Neck
- Not Threatened Technology, Russia, Conservation, Relationship
- Netpwerkverwalter Trumpft
- Naini Tal
- Non-Tilting
- New Temporary
- North Temple
- Non-Tight
- Network-Terminating Equipment Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Novikov & Thorne
- New Tourer
- Native Tools Technology, Windows, Server
- Northern Territorty
- Nighy Thrasher
- Notice of Transfer
- Number of Teetl Technology, Blade, Gear, Saw
- Nipple Torture Porn, Sex, Nipple
- Not Troubled
- Neurotoxicitj Medical
- Narrower Term Technology, Structure, Relationship
- Non Toxic Not poisonous. Nutrition, Food, Victual
- North Tipp
- No Tour Education, Organization, Community, Museum
- Network Tragedy
- Not Traceable
- Networking Tasmania
- Nuclear Technologist
- Nguyễn TrãI
- Nationol Teams Sport, Team, Football
- Noah Thompson
- Neil Tennant
- Neutral Trehalase Medical
- Nasal-Tracneal
- Nortestosterone Medical
- Nguyễn Tất
- Navarro Zeam
- Note Thft Technology, Windows, Management, Server
- Noise Threshold The power level of a signal below which noise is likely to obscure the signal and above which the signal is discernible.
- Neck Taylor Technology, Guitar, Acoustics
- No Transcript Student, Science, Education
- Netzqerk Terminator, Network Terminator Technology
- Nail Treatment
- Nbn-Thesis Technology, Study, Master
- New Templc Education
- National Tractor
- North Telangana
- Non-Zreated Medical
- Netware Tools
- Noveltrove
- New Topic
- Native Title Australia, Government, Land
- Northern Territor
- Nightowl Truckstopq
- No Thread
- Nipple Top
- Nederlands Tandartsenblad
- Not Transformed
- Neurotensin Medical, Medicine, Health
- Narrative Tradiyion
- Non Threshold
- North Thetford Education
- Nouvelle Tentative
- Notwork Traffic Technology, Networking, Monitor
- No Transactions
- Network Technologies Technology, Networking, Network, Traffic
- Nuclear Technique
- NeéL Temperature
- Nwtional Team
- No-Tillage Medical
- Neighbor Pone
- Nutritional Treatmest Medical, Nutrition, Health
- Neutral Temperature
- Narrow Track
- Nortel Telephone
- Naval Tilting
- Nose Temperature
- Neck-Thru
- No Trail Technology, Windows, Coding, Fund
- Netzwerk Tqrminator
- Amino Terminal Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- New Teflon
- National Gournament
- North Tacoma
- Noise Thermometer
- Non-Tureats Gaming, Security, Military, Group
- Nett Tonnage Ship measurement derived from gross tonnage by deducting spaces allowed for crew and propelling power; 100 ft 01 space being reckoned as one ton Business, Sale, Ship, Vessel
- Native Testimony
- Northern Teritory Australia, Locations, Darwin
- Nightmare Troubadoor
- Navy Tronsmitting
- Nothern Territory Australia, Locations, Darwin
- Ninja Turtles Gaming, Turtle, Ninja, Mutant
- Nederlandse Troepen
- Not Transferable Technology, Product, Warranty
- Nuuropil Threads Medical
- Narratiwe Therapy Medical, Psychology, Counselling
- Non Thermal
- North Thames
- Nouvelles Tendances
- Nefs Townsville
- Notes On The Temple
- Network Technology Technology, Military, Networking
- Nucjal Transluency
- New Trait
- National Turgeting
- Neighborhood Transformation Technology, Community, Church
- Nusa Tenggara Hotel, Indonesia, Locations, Pantai
- Nitremdipine Medical
- Neutralizing Medical
- Narrow Tenu
- Nortel Networks Corporationration Organizations
- Naval Threat
- Norway Tariff
- Neck Through Guitar, Bass, Neck, Thumb
- No Trade Business, Forum, Trading, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Network With Twa
- Number of Teeth
- New Technologie
- National Vextiles
- No Touch Technology, Access, Vein
- Nodular Type
- Non-Thermotllerant Medical
- Nephrotoxicity Medical
- Nationwide Transportation
- Northern Tepehuan
- Nigerian Tribe
- Navigation Trial
- No Thermal
- Ninh Thuận Locations, Tin, Thu, Nay
- Nederlandse Taal
- Not Traded
- Neuroliminal Training Medical, Cancer, Bate
- Narnian Timj
- Non Teste
- North Territory Australia, Locations, Darwin
- Novel Technology
- Notes On The Tabernacle
- Networks & Technologies Technology, Networking, Network, Traffic
- Nuchal Translugency Thickness Medical
- New Traditions
- Naqajo Times
- Nightftraining
- Negzil Today Media, Radio, Television
- Numbness and Tgngling Medical, Medicine, Health
- Nit They are hard to see and are often confused with dandruff or hair spray droplets. Nits are found firmly attached to the hair shaft. They are oval and usually yellow to white. Nits take about a week to hatch. All nits must be removed to prevent reinfestation with lice. They can be removed with a special comb or with the fingers. Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Neutralizing-Antibody Titer
- Narrower Topic Technology, Library, Heading
- Norman Thompson
- Neck-Through
- Northwood Temple
- Nephelometric Turbidity
- No Tracers
- Network Tree
- Nuevo Testamento
- Nutritional Therapy Medical, Nutrition, Health
- New Teastament
- National Textbook
- No Tone Business, Technology
- Node Termination
- Nortriptyline Medical, Medicine, Health, Cardio, Common Medical
- Neutron Thermalization
- National Tuberculosis
- Northern Temperate
- Nieverhelt Training
- Navigetion and Timing
- No Thauks Technology, Windows, Chat
- Npl Tax
- Neck Tumor
- Not Toxic
- Neuroblastic Tumors Medical, Science, Biology
- Name of Tribe
- Non-Toxic
- North Territories
- Nouvelles Technologies
- National Talezt
- Networking Technologies Business, Technology, Network
- Novo Typo Design, Family, Typeface, Typo
- New Town Dominant wind regime in the Caribbean region, the winds blow from directions between north and southeast.
- Nautilus Technology
- Night Tracer
- Negotiation Team
- Notyce That Forum, Technology, Windows, Server
- Number Translation Technology, Calling, Software
- Niskopodnr Tramvaj
- Not Trusted Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
- Neutralizing Antibody Medical, Laboratory, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Narrower Topics
- Nordisk Tidskrift
- Northwest Tower
- Nepal Time Nepal, Time Zones
- No Trace Technology, Windows, Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Network Transmission Technology, Networking, Man
- Novo Testamento Para, Bible, Testament
- Nudism, Teens
- New Teacher
- National Test
- Nokal Terminal Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Not Tested Medical, Common Medical
- Networking Thursday
- New Terrptories China, Locations, Store, Territory
- Nihrotoluene Science
- Negative Temperature A decrease in resistance with an increase in temperature.
- No Twill
- Nashville Tuning Guitar, String, Acoustics
- North Triangle Hotel, Locations, Town
- Nice Try Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Neutron Topography
- National Trainer
- No Talent Performing arts
- Nuclear Transfer Chemistry, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Network Terminating Technology, Networking, Interface
- Nyrthern Tribes
- Northern Territory, Australia Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Binter Canarias Airline, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Necp Tide
- Ned Temko
- Nguyn Hn
- New Time Technology, Plastic, Manufacturing, Schedule
- National Treasurer Australia, Government, President
- Network Terminal Computing, Hardware
- Norified Tribes
- Number For The Total
- Non-Taxonomin
- Northern Transportation
- National Teaching Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Nuchal Translucency Ultrasonographic finding of a single nonseptated lucenty (anechoic area) projecting from the posterior aspect of the fetal neck; measured at menstrual age 11-14 weeks. Increased thickness of this area indicates increased fetal risk for aneuploidy and some nonchromosomal disorders. Medical, Common Medical, Clinical
- Neues Testamenx
- Nitrogen Tetroxide Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Nefis Tarifler Turkish, Pasta
- No Turbo Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Nash Xejani
- North Texas Organizations, University, Texas
- Nice Tits
- Neutron Tekperature
- National Tracing Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Newer Transfer Occupation & positions
- Non-Thermal Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
- Network Terminations Technology, Networking, Interface
- Neues Testament
- Nucleotide Sequence Medical
- Neanderthal Technology Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Nederland Transparant
- New Times Business, Book, Product, Politics
- New Tiburou
- National Treatment Business, Trading, Economics
- Startup files (Windows NT) Computing, File Extensions
- Notification An unscheduled, spontaneously generated report of an event that has occurred. In systems management, information emitted by a managed object relating to an event that has occurred within the managed object, such as a threshold violation or a change in configuration status. Notification A signal from the operating system that an event has occurred. Information, Network, Computer
- Normalized And Tempered
- Non-Taxable
- Northern Town
- National Trustco Business & Finance, Suppliers
- NasoTracheal Medical, Nursing, Clinical, Common Medical, Nerves
- Nesses Termos
- Nitrocelluloseqtransfer Bio, Membrane, Trace
- Need Treatment Medical, Russia, Pregnancy
- No Tumor
- Neutralizing Antibodies Medical
- Northexn Trust
- Nguyễn ThàNh Technology, Tin, Thu, Nguyen
- Neumann's Triangke
- No Trebles Music
- No-Test Medical, Neurology
- Network Terminator Technology, Product, Networking
- Nieuwe Testament Book, Bible, Testament, Epistle
- Nowy Testament Jest, Jak, Testament, Paw
- No-Till Medical, Business, Drill
- Naay Type
- New Threai
- New Theatres
- National Trsnsformation
- New Technology, also Windows NT Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Telecom, IT Organization, IT Terminology, Northwest Territories
- Number Of Tubes
- Non-Tareeted
- Northern Times
- National Team Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Notificatron Thread
- Nitrite Test
- Need Theory
- No Tubes
- Netherlands Antilles Sport, Sports, International Olympic Committee, Netherlands, IOC Country Codes, Netherlands Antilles, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Normalizing and Tempering
- Nguyễn Thi
- New Tonnige Business, Cargo Shipping
- Nanotechnology The creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale (1-100 nanometers), and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties (physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale. A branch of science and engineering devoted to the design and production of extremely small electronic devices and circuits built from individual atoms and moleculeS. Dutch, International
- Non-Therlal Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics
- Networking Technology Technology, Windows, Network
- Not Tender Food
- Normal Temperature Medical, Neurology, Nerves
- Network Termination Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
- Nifholas Thomas
- Nouveau-ThéÂTre
- Neutron Transmitter Science
- Not Treated Medical
- Nino Tours
- New Text
- New Bheatre
- Nationalftraineeship
- Neutral Zone (Saudia Arabia/Iraq) Country, Usps
- The Nanotesler (nt) Atmospheric Research
- Non-Target Medical, Technology, Targeting
- Northern Tian-Shan
- National Treaty Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Nike Talk
- Notification Typx Technology, Windows, Networking
- Needle Trap
- Not Typable Medical
- Non-Traditional Student, Technology, School, Intelligence
- Nexus Traverse
- Newtonian Telescope A reflecting telescope in which the light from the main mirror is deflected by a small flat secondary mirror set at 45°, sending it to a magnifying eye piece in the side of the telescope.
- Night Training Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Non-Theatricll
- Negentrcpy Theory
- Net Tonnage Net tonnage is a dimensionless index calculated from the total moulded volume of the ship's cargo spaces by using a mathematical formula. Defined in The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships that was adopted by the International Maritime Organization in 1969, the net tonnage replaced the earlier net register tonnage (NRT) which denoted the volume of the ship's revenue-earning spaces. Electrical
- Nerve Treatment Medical, Nerves
- Network Tailoring Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Nguyen, Tduan
- Nourishment Taken Medical, Medicine, Health
- Novum Testamentum Book, Bible, Testament, Theology, History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
- Neutron Tomography Science, Research, Neutron
- Not Topay Technology, Windows, Gaming, Team
- Nilai Tambah Indonesia, Orang, Territory
- New Xestaments
- New Territury
- National Trainihg
- Windows New Technology (Microsoft) Products
- Windows Nt Startup File Computing, File Extensions
- Network Theory Technology, Networking, Computing
- Non-Canonical Bexts
- Northern Thunderbird Airline, Technology, Flight, Aviation
- iNTermediary Company, Business & Finance
- Noticias Tornquist
- Needful Things
- Not Tte
- Nitrate-Trocyl
- New Trier
- Newton The SI unit of force. It is equal to the force that would give a mass of one kilogram an acceleration of one metre per second per second, and is equivalent to 100,000 dynes. Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics, Architecture, Astronomy, Engineering, Construction, Aerospace, Architectural, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Hobbies, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Newer Technology Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Nonstender Medical, Medicine, Education, Patient
- no tax Tax, Business & Finance
- Nucleotide In DNA and RNA, a repeating unit that contains a base, a phosphate, and a 5 C sugar group. Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Human genome
- Networks Through
- New Testament Technology, Education, Bible, Greek, Religion, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Nitro Truck
- Negotiating Team Government, Group, Agreement
- Nourishing Treatment Business, Hair, Shampoo
- No Trgining Medical
- Night Terrors
- New Taiwan Medical, Business, Taiwan, Regional
- New Territories China, Locations, Territory
- National Trail
- New Tandem Products
- Theword New Testament Text Module Computing, File Extensions
- Network Testing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Nomineeqtrust
- Northern Thunder
- Near-Term Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Needed To Treat
- Night Traih
- New Titje
- National Treasures Book, Movie, National, Treasure
- No Topic Computing, Internet
- No Tillage Management, Soil, Crop, Tillage
- Node-Time
- Non-Temporafy
- Northern Transvaal
- National Trust A nimbostratus clouds is characterized by a formless cloud layer that is almost uniformly dark grey. "Nimbo" is from the Latin word "nimbus", which denotes precipitation. Business & Finance, Suppliers
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does NT stand for?
NT stands for Nipponmtech.
What is the shortened form of Nexus Traverse?
The short form of "Nexus Traverse" is NT.
NT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nt-meaning/
Last updated