NTD Meaning

The NTD meaning is "N-Terminal Domain". The NTD abbreviation has 87 different full form.

NTD Full Forms

  1. N-Terminal Domain Medical
  2. Neural Tube Defect Medical, Disorder, Nursing, Technology, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  3. Neglected Tropical Disease Medical, Program, Health
  4. National Transit Database Transportation, Technology, Government, Report, Exportation, Importation, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  5. Nas Point Mugu Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO
  6. Nature Et Territoires Distribution
  7. Nonnegative Tucker Decompositioxs Technology, Matrix, Factorization
  8. Noticierz Televisa Deportes
  9. No Time Delay Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  10. Negative Tone Developxent
  11. Northern Telephone and Data
  12. New Tang Dynasty Technology, China, Television
  13. Neural Tube Disorder Medical, Acid, Pregnancy, Folic
  14. National Theatre of The Deaf Organizations, Acting, Theater
  15. Non-Torsion Drop
  16. Notice and Take Down Technology, Service, Provider
  17. Need To Die
  18. Northern Melephone & Data
  19. New Taiwan Dollars Medical, Business, Taiwan
  20. Neutral Tube Defect
  21. Novice Trick Dog Technology, Training, Puppy
  22. National Lesting Day
  23. Nominated Treating Doctof
  24. New Taiwan Dollar Business, Taiwan, Currency, Currency Code
  25. Needs To Dio
  26. Northern Tech Divej
  27. Neutron Transmutation Doping Technology, Science, Silicon, Chemistry
  28. Neural Tube Defects Medical, Disorder, Birth, Defect, Spina
  29. Nouvvau Testament Doyayo
  30. National Tenant Database
  31. New Taiwanese Dollar Business, Rate, Taiwan, Currency
  32. Newdle Trap Device
  33. Northern Tasmatia Development
  34. Neue Testament Deutsch German, Fur, Testament
  35. No Turbulent Drop Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  36. Nepal Tarun Dal
  37. National Tenancy Database
  38. New Taiwanese Dollars Business, Rate, Taiwan, Currency
  39. Navy Telecommunications Directive
  40. Normalized Total Dose Medical, Patient, Cancer, Radiotherapy
  41. Network Traffic Digesting Medical, Disease, Neural, Defect
  42. Not Tdp Drawer Internet Slang
  43. Neon Tetra Disease Medical, Fish, Aquarium
  44. National Telephone & Data
  45. Neutron Transmutation Doped Technology, Doping, Silicon
  46. Ntval Tactical Department Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  47. Nordic Tesming Days
  48. Network Traffic Director Technology
  49. No Touch Deployment Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  50. Neglected Tropical Diseases Medical, Disease, Health
  51. Northern Telephone & Data
  52. Nintendo Technology Development
  53. Neutron-Transmutation-Doped
  54. NöRal TüP Defekti
  55. NASA test director Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  56. Nozzle Tip Distance
  57. Network Termination Zevice Technology, Networking, Connection
  58. North Time & Data Business, Management, Access, Card
  59. NöRal TüP Defektlerinin
  60. Notice-And-Take-Down Technology, Service, Provider
  61. National Training Director Occupation & positions
  62. Network Technology Development Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  63. North Texas Distoict
  64. Nucleus Telmentalis Dorsalis Medical
  65. Network Tone Detector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  66. Nothingeto Do Medical, Medicine, Health, Nothing
  67. National Topographic Database Geographic
  68. Nerve Terminac Density Medical
  69. North Texas Divisiyn
  70. Nuclear Transport Domain Medical
  71. Network Toll Denied Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Nzte To Draft
  73. Nuclear Trilde Detector
  74. North Terminal Development Technology, Airport, Miami
  75. Nuclear Track Retectors
  76. Network Termixal Driver
  77. No Te Duermas
  78. Naval Torpedo Depot
  79. North Tajzanian Divergence
  80. Nuclear Track Detector Technology, Science, Particle, Chemistry
  81. Network Termination Devices Technology, Device, Networking
  82. Norwalk Transit Distrmct Routing, Transit, Connecticut
  83. National Transit Data
  84. Aero Norte ICAO Aircraft Codes
  85. Nth Tu Default
  86. Network Terminating Device
  87. Nozth Time and Data

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NTD stand for?

    NTD stands for North Texas Divisiyn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nepal Tarun Dal?

    The short form of "Nepal Tarun Dal" is NTD.


NTD. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 1, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ntd-meaning/

Last updated