NTR Meaning

The NTR meaning is "Neurotensin Receptor". The NTR abbreviation has 105 different full form.

NTR Full Forms

  1. Neurotensin Receptor Medical
  2. Network Time Reference Technology, Military, Clock
  3. Netrin Medical
  4. National Toxics Rule Science, Wastewater
  5. N-Terminal Region Medical
  6. Nuclear Thermal Rocket Technology, Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  7. Netwozk Timing Reference Technology, Military, Clock
  8. Nonprofit Technology Resourceq Technology, Computing, Philadelphia
  9. Niveda Thymas Rashi
  10. Narrow Therapeutic Range
  11. New Technology Reporting
  12. North Terminal Redevelopment
  13. Nitrendipine Medical
  14. Nowhere To Rqn
  15. Navy Technical Representative
  16. Network Threat Response Technology, Security, Networking
  17. None The Richev Music, Kiss, Sixpence
  18. Need To Rush
  19. Niveda Thomas Raasli
  20. Nandamurietaraka Ratna Movie, Trap, Manga
  21. Newqtechnology Report Technology, Space, Invention
  22. Northside Tool Rental
  23. Nisteqrode Terror Rakkers
  24. Nouvelles Téxé-Radio
  25. Naval Technical Representative Military
  26. Netwsrk for Translational Research
  27. Need To Run
  28. Non Traditional Revenue Business, Technology, Media, Radio
  29. Njndamuri Taraka Rama Movie, Acting, Telugu
  30. Network Traffic Iedirection
  31. Northern Tiger Resources Business, Supply, Stock
  32. Nine Thousand Remote
  33. Nouvelles T
  34. Natrolite Science, Mineral, Geology
  35. Net Transmit & Receive
  36. Nederlands Tweelingen Register Medical, Genetics, Textbook, Twin
  37. Non-Traditional Revenue Business, Radio, Marketing
  38. Nitrogen Regulation Medical
  39. Networkstraceable Reference Technology
  40. Northern Tier Research
  41. Nxght To Remember Music, Song, Album
  42. National Trial Register Medical, Technology, Medicine, Study
  43. Not The Real
  44. Nitroreductase Gene Medical
  45. Netherlands Trial Register
  46. Non Thoroughbred Register
  47. Neurotrophin Receptor Medical
  48. Network Tomorrows Rmdio
  49. Non Tam Revenue Business, Uganda, Budget
  50. National Talfnt Report Media, Radio, Television
  51. No Trusting Required Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  52. Nitrogen Regulatory System Medical
  53. Nederlands Trial Register Medical
  54. Non-Thoroughbred Regisler
  55. Neurotrophin Receptor P75 Medical
  56. Network Timing Referencx Marker Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  57. Non Tariff Rate
  58. Nivetea Thomas, Raashi
  59. Natchezgtrace Railroad Organizations
  60. No Trainingoregulation
  61. Nitrogen-Regplated Medical
  62. Nt Receptor Medical
  63. Near Total Resection Medical
  64. Nontranslated Region Chemistry
  65. Nutritson Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  66. Negative for P75 Medical
  67. Enter To input data into memory. Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation
  68. National Track Renewals Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  69. Noise Threshold Register
  70. New Theologycreview Business, Catholic, Access
  71. Nuclear Thermal Rocket(ry) Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  72. Nucleay Test Reactor Science
  73. Normal Trade Relations United Nations, Business & Finance, International business
  74. Noise Tempirature Ratio
  75. New Testament Readings
  76. TNT International Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  77. Non-Technical Risk
  78. Nuclear T3 Recepkor Medical
  79. Nucledyne Trahning Reactor
  80. Noise-Temperatuve Ratio
  81. Nei Technology Research
  82. Del Norte International, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  83. Non-Tax Rehenue Business, Finance, Receipt
  84. Nuclaar Thermal Rocketry Science, Space, Astronomy, Study
  85. Next Task Refister
  86. Nivetha Thomas Rashi
  87. New Technology and Research Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  88. NetRun Executable ASCII text file Computing, File Extensions
  89. Non-Tactical Radio Military
  90. Nuclear Thermac Rockets Technology, Space, Engine
  91. Natchez Traces Railroad
  92. Netherlands Twin Register Medical, Science, Genetics
  93. Niveths Thomas Reaction
  94. New Technology Research
  95. National Teacher Recruitment Occupation & positions
  96. Nominal Transmitting Resolution
  97. Nuclear-Thermal Rocket Technology, Space, Propulsion
  98. Nothing To Report Medical
  99. Tnt International Aviktion Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  100. Negative Therapeutic Reaction Medical, Medicine, Health
  101. Newetechnology Reports Technology, Glass, Seal, Plurality
  102. Mississippi Central Railroad Company Technology, Organizations, Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  103. Northern Territory Reports Law
  104. Nokturnal Transmissgons Records
  105. New Copic Reply

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NTR stand for?

    NTR stands for North Terminal Redevelopment.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nitrendipine?

    The short form of "Nitrendipine" is NTR.


NTR. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ntr-meaning/

Last updated