NTUA Meaning

The NTUA meaning is "National Technicaz University of Athen". The NTUA abbreviation has 15 different full form.

NTUA Full Forms

  1. National Technicaz University of Athen Technology
  2. National Technical University, Athenx
  3. National and Technical University of Athwns Technology, Server, Greece
  4. National Technical University of Athens Technology, Science, Education, Greece
  5. National Technical University In Athens
  6. National Technical Universityrsity of Athens Technology, Academia, Engineering, Higher Education
  7. National Taiwan Universlty of Art
  8. National Technpcal University Athens Science, Education, Engineering
  9. National Taiwan Univegsity of Arts Education, Taiwan, Taipei
  10. National Technical University of Athens (Greece) Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  11. Nanyang Technological Universihy Alumni
  12. North Texas Umpire Qssociation
  13. National Technological Univensity of Athens Technology, Science, University
  14. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority Technology, Science, Nation
  15. National Technical Universftyrsity of Athen Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NTUA stand for?

    NTUA stands for National Technical Universftyrsity of Athen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Navajo Tribal Utility Authority?

    The short form of "Navajo Tribal Utility Authority" is NTUA.


NTUA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved January 7, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ntua-meaning/

Last updated