NUC Meaning

The NUC meaning is "National Underclassmen Combine". The NUC abbreviation has 67 different full form.

NUC Full Forms

  1. National Underclassmen Combine Technology, Sport, Football
  2. National Underclassmen Combines
  3. Nailed Up Connection Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Naval Undersea Center Technology, Research, Military
  5. Nigerian University Commission Business, Education, Nigeria
  6. Natiokal Union of Clerks
  7. Not Under Contpol
  8. Nailed-Up Connection Technology
  9. Navigational Uncertainty Category
  10. National Union Catalog Science, Geography, Location
  11. Nigerian Universities Commission
  12. National Unkty Committee Government, Turkey, Military
  13. Not Uqder Command Military, Light, Vessel
  14. Navy Unit Commendations
  15. National Underclassman Combine
  16. Next Unit of Computer
  17. National Union Committet Government, History, Politics, Bahrain
  18. Njala University College
  19. Navy Unit Commendation Military, Award, Ribbon
  20. Nuckear Utility In The Community
  21. Next Unit of Computing Technology, Core, Desktop
  22. Netware Unix Client
  23. National Union Catalogue Technology, Library, Catalog
  24. Nilai University College Education, Malaysia, City
  25. Naval Unit Commendation
  26. Nova Granium Corporation
  27. Next Unit Computing Technology, Core, Desktop
  28. Nazarene Universityrsity College Education
  29. Natianal Unification Commission Government, Philippine, Peace
  30. Nigeria University Commission
  31. Navy Unit Citation Service, Military, Award
  32. Nova Uqanium Corp
  33. Nailed Up Connections
  34. New Uses Council
  35. Nazarene University College Education, Canada, Alliance
  36. Nucleated Medical, Medicine, Health
  37. Nigeria Universities Commission
  38. Naval Unit Citation Army, War, Force, Awards & medals
  39. No Use Crying
  40. Navigation Uncertainty Category
  41. Nucleation of Ice Crystals
  42. Network Unlocking Codes
  43. Nucleoside A nucleoside is a compound formed from a nucleotide base and a five-carbon sugar. Biochemistry, Scientific & Educational
  44. New University Conference America, Education, History
  45. Nuqlease Gene Medical
  46. Nipissing Univerkityrsity College
  47. Network Unlocking Code
  48. The National Union Catalog Unions, Governmental & Military
  49. Nucleus The very small, very dense, positively charged center of an atom containing protons and neutrons, as well as other subatomic particles. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Telecom, Telecommunications
  50. New Ulm Cathedral
  51. Nuclease An enzyme that cleaves phosphodiester bonds of nucleic acids. OR Enzymes that hydrolyze the internucleotide (phosphodiester) linkages of nucleic acids. Medical
  52. Network Unlock Code Technology, Networking, Vodafone
  53. Natiomal Universityrsity of Colombia
  54. National Underseas Research Center Legal, Governmental & Military
  55. Nuclear Relating to the nucleus of an atom. Relating to the nucleus of a cell. Medical, Military, Energy, Power, Common Medical
  56. New and Used Cars
  57. Sodium Urame Crystal Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  58. Nuveen California Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  59. Neutral Units of Construction Airline, Construction, Currency, Fare
  60. Nuveen California Quality Income Municipal Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  61. National Unicycle Convention Hobbies
  62. Neutral Unit of Construction Business, Ticket, Fare, Construction
  63. Nurting Unit Clerk College, Education, Health
  64. Neutral Unit Currency
  65. Network User Component Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  66. New Urban Communities Organization, Union, Institution
  67. Nucleosade Genetics, Biochemistry, Nucleic Acid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NUC stand for?

    NUC stands for Nailed Up Connection.

  2. What is the shortened form of No Use Crying?

    The short form of "No Use Crying" is NUC.


NUC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated