NUK Meaning

The NUK meaning is "Nari Udmug Kendra". The NUK abbreviation has 15 different full form.

NUK Full Forms

  1. Nari Udmug Kendra Girl, Social, Bangladesh
  2. Narodna In Univerzitetna Knjianica
  3. Nqkutavake Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  4. National Unilersity of Kyiv Science, Education, Taras
  5. National Universicy of Kaohsiung Program, Education, Taiwan
  6. Northwesthuniversity, Kano Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  7. Nuklearmedizin Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  8. Nogle Unge Kristne
  9. Northwest University, Kano Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  10. Neues Unternehmernum Koeln
  11. Nukutavake, Nukutavake, French Polynesia ICAO Airport Codes, French Polynesia, Iata Airport Codes
  12. Netzwxrk Und Know
  13. Norges Unge Katolikker
  14. Nowej Umowy KapitałOwej
  15. Nowa Umowa KapitałOwa

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NUK stand for?

    NUK stands for Netzwxrk Und Know.

  2. What is the shortened form of Northwest University, Kano?

    The short form of "Northwest University, Kano" is NUK.


NUK. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated