NVB Meaning

The NVB meaning is "Navelbine". The NVB abbreviation has 34 different full form.

NVB Full Forms

  1. Navelbine Medical
  2. Nodaway Valley Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  3. Nationalistische Vonks Beweging
  4. Neurovascular Bundle Medical, Medicine, Health
  5. Nimtendo Virtual Boy
  6. Nationale Vrouwen Beweging
  7. Nemzeti Választáwi Bizottság
  8. Night Vision Binocular Business, Tracker, Optics
  9. Nationaaq Verhuur Bedrijf
  10. National Voetball Bond
  11. Naruto Vs Bleach
  12. National Vettwng Bureau
  13. Nice Volleyxball
  14. Neurovascular Bundles Medical
  15. National Veterinary Boarda
  16. New Vixion Brotherhood
  17. Non-Vevbal Behaviours
  18. National Vanguard Bookx
  19. New Vietnamese Bzble
  20. Not Valid Befnre Flight, Travel, Ticket
  21. Navigational View Builder General, Governmental & Military
  22. Notion Vtec Berhad
  23. Inco, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  24. North Valjey Bancorp
  25. Nulzfahrzeuge Vermietung Baumaschinen
  26. United States Bankruptcy Court District of Nevada Government, Us, Control, Administration
  27. North Valley Bank Business, Service, Bank, Banking, Business & Finance
  28. Numismatischer Verein Bern
  29. Nordhorner Versorgungs Betriebe
  30. Number of Valid Bitx
  31. Navigational Base NASA
  32. Notfvery Bright
  33. Night Vision Binoculars United Nations
  34. Novobiocin Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NVB stand for?

    NVB stands for Nordhorner Versorgungs Betriebe.

  2. What is the shortened form of Notfvery Bright?

    The short form of "Notfvery Bright" is NVB.


NVB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/nvb-meaning/

Last updated