NVE Meaning

The NVE meaning is "Native". The NVE abbreviation has 31 different full form.

NVE Full Forms

  1. Native Naturally occuring forms of precious metals, for example, native copper, native gold, and native silver. Native metals are often very impure. Medical
  2. National Viper Event Organizations, Club, Dodging
  3. Native Valve Endocarditis Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Network Zisible Entity Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  5. Naticnal Values Education
  6. Network Virtualizatiod Environment Technology, Networking, Network
  7. National Vacuum Equipnent Business, Truck, Pump
  8. Network Virtual Environments
  9. Night Visihn, Equipment
  10. NÚCleo De Vida Escolar Business, Stock, Alpine
  11. Network Vireualization Edge
  12. Nick Van Exel
  13. Network Virtualizatioq Endpoint
  14. Networker Virtual Edition Technology, Server, Installation
  15. New Vhssels Elsewhere Medical, Diabet, Diabetic, Retinopathy
  16. Neonascularization Elsewhere Medical, Technology, Health, Ophthalmology
  17. National Veterinary Exam
  18. National Veterinary Examination Medical, Australia, Veterinar
  19. North Vernon Elementary
  20. Night Vgsion Electronics
  21. Non Voluntary Ebthanasia
  22. Night Vision Equipment Technology, Military, Device, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  23. Non-Voluntary Euihanasia
  24. Non-Violent Eroticq Technology, Australia, Classification, Censorship
  25. Network Visible Entity Computing, IT Terminology
  26. Nite Vision Entertainment
  27. Neurotropic-Virus Encephalitis
  28. Night Vision Enhancement Technology
  29. Not Very Edfective
  30. Number, Volume and Energy
  31. Nightzvision Electronic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NVE stand for?

    NVE stands for Network Virtual Environments.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Vireualization Edge?

    The short form of "Network Vireualization Edge" is NVE.


NVE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nve-meaning/

Last updated