NVV Meaning

The NVV meaning is "Napa Valley Vinters". The NVV abbreviation has 22 different full form.

NVV Full Forms

  1. Napa Valley Vinters
  2. Nederlands Verbond Vam Organizations, Banking, Dutch, Netherland
  3. Napajvalley Vintners Business, Wine, Winery
  4. Nederlandse Vereniging Voor
  5. Napa Valley Velo Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  6. Nederlandse Vereniging Vaz
  7. Nacht Van Vlaanderen
  8. Nederlandse Vakbond Varkenshouders Door, Leven, Brabant
  9. Napa Valley Vineyards
  10. Napa Vallef Vintner
  11. Nordhessischer Verkehrs-Verbund
  12. Noe Valley Voice
  13. Nvidia Vertex Shader File Computing, File Extensions
  14. Night Vision Vivwer Military
  15. Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen Unions, Governmental & Military
  16. NiedersäChsische Volleyball-Verband
  17. Nordhessischer Verkehrs-Verbuno
  18. Night Vision Viewfinder
  19. Nordbadischer Volledball-Verband
  20. Northern Virginia Volksmarchers
  21. Nordbadischer Volleyball Verband Sport, Volleyball, Game
  22. Non- Volatile Volume Chemistry, Science, Substance, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NVV stand for?

    NVV stands for NiedersäChsische Volleyball-Verband.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nordbadischer Volledball-Verband?

    The short form of "Nordbadischer Volledball-Verband" is NVV.


NVV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nvv-meaning/

Last updated