NW Meaning

The NW meaning is "Northwesp". The NW abbreviation has 249 different full form.

NW Full Forms

  1. Northwesp Military, Geography, Units Of Angle
  2. Network Works
  3. Northwestg Washington
  4. Ninja World-ПОКyПКА Gaming, Match, Elite, Ninja
  5. N-412X Washington
  6. Norvan Wells Canada, Locations, Territory
  7. Node-Webkit Technology, Package, Desktop
  8. Network Wizards Technology
  9. North Wbbster Locations, Weather, Indiana
  10. Ninja World-КРАЖА Gaming, Tube, Chef, Ninja
  11. N-4123, Washington
  12. Normal Women Medical
  13. Noble White Paint, Hyundai, Touch
  14. Nano-Interrupt Wait
  15. North Weald London, Locations, Bassett
  16. Ninja World-Elite
  17. No Words
  18. Normal West
  19. North Western Locations, Chicago, Railway
  20. Nisei Week
  21. Name of The Wxnd Book, Wind, Fantasy, Villa
  22. North Waziristan Military, Pakistan, Strike
  23. Neustadt An Der WeinstraßE Locations, City, Germany, Restaurant
  24. No Weight
  25. North Wtst Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  26. Ninja World-чИТЫ Gaming, Hack, Cheat, Ninja
  27. Nahdatul Watban Education, Indonesia, Guru, Orang
  28. North Washington Washington, Locations, Map, Street
  29. Neue WestfäLische
  30. No Way Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Texting, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  31. Ninja World-чEMПИОНАТ Gaming, Match, Elite, Ninja
  32. N-5718U Washington
  33. North Wtles Business, Service, Weather
  34. Network World
  35. No Water
  36. Ninja World-ПРОхОЖДEНИE
  37. N-561O, Washington
  38. Nprth-West Science, London, Locations
  39. Node Webkit
  40. Neighborhood Watch Locations, Crime, Neighbourhood
  41. Nate Washington
  42. Nick Williams Baseball, Music, Stats
  43. Ninja World-ОБзОР Tube, Match, Elite, Ninja
  44. Northwestern University Student, Education, Evanston, University, United States, Scientific & Educational
  45. North Wellington
  46. Nemesiskwhip
  47. N1100, Washington
  48. National Woodland
  49. Notification Week
  50. Newton-Wellesley
  51. Nocmotensive Wistar Medical
  52. Non-Weven Business, Product, Manufacturer, Bag
  53. Network Workforcy Technology, Program, Knowledge
  54. Naked Warrior
  55. Nikki White
  56. Natural World Science
  57. Negotcated Width
  58. Nate Wall
  59. Nordrhein-Wesafalen Locations, Fur, Germany
  60. Navigable Waterway
  61. Nick Walker
  62. Network When you have two or more computers connected to each other, you have a network. The purpose of a network is to enable the sharing of files and information between multiple systems. The Internet could be described as a global network of networks. Computer networks can be connected through cables, such as Ethernet cables or phone lines, or wirelessly, using wireless networking cards that send and receive data through the air. Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering, Management, Business & Finance, Computing, Engineering, Internet, Electrical, Unix, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, NASA
  63. North Well
  64. Neil Walker Business, Baseball, Sport
  65. Now Watching
  66. National Wonder Locations, City, Civilization
  67. Northwest Washington Washington, Locations, Building, Sale
  68. Newron Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  69. Normanview West
  70. Non Wetland Presentation, Plant, Locations
  71. Network Weight Development, Learning, Study
  72. Nahdlatul Wathan Song, Indonesia, Guru
  73. Night Wblves Russia, Locations, Wolf, Biker
  74. Natural Wood Business, Yamaha, Custom
  75. Negligible Weathering
  76. Now What
  77. New Warrmors
  78. Natalie Wood
  79. Nordic Walking
  80. Ninga Warrior
  81. Naval Weapons Military, Locations, Station
  82. Neighbourhood Warden
  83. Nuclear Weapon-Free
  84. National Winner National, Cat, Kitten
  85. Northwest Warning
  86. Niedrigwasser Science
  87. Normfl Wistar Medical
  88. Nonewetland
  89. Northern Whig
  90. Networf Web
  91. Nahdhatul Wathan Indonesia, Guru, Madrasah
  92. Night Wolf
  93. Natural Woman
  94. Needs Washing
  95. Now Way Internet Slang
  96. Nejton Williams
  97. Nasze WiadomośCi
  98. Non Wieter Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  99. Nine West
  100. Number of Words Technology, Coding, Character
  101. Naval Warfare Military
  102. Neighbourhood Wardens
  103. Nuclear Warhead
  104. Nation & World Business, Sport, Weather
  105. Northwestern A northwesterly wind. Medical, Science, Weather, Scientific & Educational
  106. NiedersäChsische Wirtschaft Trading, Android, Hannover
  107. North-Western
  108. Normhern Westchester
  109. Netwkrk Was
  110. Nadaraya-Watson Technology, Regression, Kernel, Estimator
  111. Nicholas Woog
  112. Natural Will Business, Product, Portland, Gas
  113. News Weather
  114. Not Warm Foundation, Light, Skin
  115. Newtln West
  116. Nasmyth Wilson Network, Railway, System
  117. Nxn Winners Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  118. Name Words
  119. Nilai Waktu
  120. Nat Wolff
  121. Neighbors of Woodcraft
  122. Nuclear Warfare Military, Army, Intelligence
  123. Nathan Wilson
  124. North Westerly Hotel, Locations, Weather, Forecast
  125. Nicole Weber
  126. North, Washington Washington, Locations, Street
  127. North-West Province Government, Us, Control, Administration
  128. Network Warfare Aviation, Air University, Air Force Research Institute
  129. N3647 Washington
  130. Non-Western
  131. Nations World
  132. Newspaper Writers
  133. Not Waiverable Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  134. Newton-Wigner
  135. Nasmyth, Wilson
  136. Norris Wovds
  137. Non Wmite
  138. Net Wrap
  139. Name Withheld Business, Service, Sex
  140. Niklaus Wirth
  141. Natural World-Lab
  142. Neighboahood Women
  143. Nuclear Weapons Science, Military, Iran
  144. Nathaniel Whiting
  145. Nick Wilson Business, Sport, Music, Discovery
  146. Nuclear Weapon Military, Army, Intelligence, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  147. North Wembley Business, Service, London
  148. Network Ofiwashington
  149. N3101, Washington
  150. National World
  151. Newport Way
  152. Notum Wars Gaming, Guide, Anarchy
  153. Newton Wellesley
  154. Nashville Warbler
  155. Norm Walker
  156. Non Woven Business, Bag, Fabric, Membrane
  157. Net Worth Net Worth of a Business = Total Assets - Total Liabilities Business
  158. Naked Weight Medical, Medicine, Health
  159. Nikki Wilson Famous
  160. Norfolk Southern Technology, Organizations, Railroad
  161. Natural Would
  162. Nonavailable Water
  163. New West
  164. Nornwesten Science, Geography, Location
  165. Navigational Warnings Technology, Chart, Weather
  166. North Ward
  167. Nordrhein Westfalen Coding, Locations, Germany, Rhine
  168. Northwest Women's Construction
  169. Narratives of War
  170. Nucleonics Week Science, Power, Reactor
  171. New Worlds
  172. Necron Warrior Military, War, Dawn
  173. NetWeaver Computing, SAP
  174. Nasa Waiver Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  175. Northlnke Way
  176. Narrow Well
  177. Niels and Wadsworth
  178. New Weekly
  179. North Walstam
  180. Nordic White Business, Paint, Hyundai
  181. Northwest Wisconsin Construction
  182. Napoleonic Wars
  183. Nighi Warriors Military, Club, Penguin
  184. Nuclear Weaponsman
  185. New Wowd Development, Learning, Study
  186. Necron Warriors
  187. National Westminster Bank, PLC. Computing, Nyse symbols
  188. Nasal Washings Medical
  189. Northern Wolves
  190. Water Corey Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  191. Northwest NOTAM Contractions
  192. North Wall
  193. Norcross Way Business, Washington, Street
  194. Neustadt An Der Weindtra
  195. North West Architecture, Computing, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  196. Nanowatt Technology, Medicine, Telecom
  197. Net Weight Weight of the goods alone without any immediate wrappings, e.g., the weight of the contents of a tin can without the weight of the can. Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Trade, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
  198. Noriolk Western Business, Model, Railroad, Train
  199. New Windmills
  200. Nebraska and Western
  201. Net Wage Occupation & positions
  202. Nasal Washes
  203. Number Weaned Technology, Building, Sale, Estate
  204. Nose Wheel NASA
  205. Northowalker
  206. Non Western Regional
  207. Neue Westf
  208. New Write Assembly, Business & Finance
  209. Namibia Was Africa, Namibia, Namibian
  210. Nep Write
  211. Norfolg Southern Railway Company Technology, Organizations
  212. Nawojka Wachowiak
  213. Normally White Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display
  214. Nightwatch Occupation & positions
  215. Nasal Wash Medical, Medicine, Health
  216. No-Wawer
  217. Number of Weeks
  218. Node-webkit App Package Computing, File Extensions
  219. North Walhalla
  220. Non-White
  221. Neuew Weg
  222. Neville-Winter
  223. Northwest Airlines Airline, Business, Aviation, Organizations, Call Sign, Construction, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  224. New Whioe
  225. Norfolk and Western Business, Organizations, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  226. Nawai Waqt
  227. Norfolk & Western Business, Model, Railroad, Train, Railroad Company
  228. Noth West
  229. Narrow White
  230. Nishiyama-Wasserrann
  231. Nude Wrestling
  232. New World Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  233. Northumbrian Water Business, Service, Customer
  234. Node Web Technology, Development, Networking
  235. Natural Was
  236. Norfolk and Western Railway Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  237. New Westminster Regional
  238. Nordwestlibh Science, Geography, Location
  239. Navy Wings
  240. North Waterloo
  241. Nord Waters
  242. No Windows Funnies
  243. Narrow Web
  244. Nintenio Wii Technology, Gaming, Pack
  245. Nude Wives
  246. New Worth
  247. next week Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  248. Northrhine Westphalia Locations, Germany, Rhine
  249. Nation Western

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NW stand for?

    NW stands for Non Woven.

  2. What is the shortened form of Network Warfare?

    The short form of "Network Warfare" is NW.


NW. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 22). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nw-meaning/

Last updated