NWB Meaning

The NWB meaning is "Non-Weight Bearing". The NWB abbreviation has 39 different full form.

NWB Full Forms

  1. Non-Weight Bearing Medical, Technology, Surgery, Physical Therapy, Nursing, Healthcare, Common Medical
  2. Neo Western Black Business, Music, Guitar, Price
  3. Nunavut Water Board Technology, Canada, Projection
  4. National Wildlife Board
  5. North-West Balkans
  6. Negative Wallet Biopsy
  7. Noq Weight Bearing Medical, Foot, Ankle, Fracture
  8. National Westminster Bank Business, Technology, Organizations, Banking, Business & Finance
  9. Normal Widenand Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  10. Nederlandse Wielren Bond Bond, Tourism, Cycling, Amateur
  11. Non Weight Bearing Medical, Technology, Foot, Clinical
  12. National Water Board
  13. Normal Waeel Base
  14. Natural Water Balance Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  15. Nong Coo Bio
  16. Nationaal Wegen Bestand
  17. Nord West Bahn
  18. Native Whole Blood Medical
  19. Neue Wirtschafts Briebe
  20. National Writing Board
  21. Neslofwesdorp & Burema
  22. National Worksite Benefits
  23. North Westjbands
  24. Northwest Airlines, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  25. Northwest Bound Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  26. Natural Water Balance dietary supplement Food
  27. North West Dands
  28. Numericar Work Bench
  29. Northside Wizardb Basketball
  30. Nuclear Whipping Boy Locations, Power, Mishap
  31. North Anq West Belfast
  32. Nmclear Weapons Branch Military, Army, Intelligence
  33. National Wiring Bureau
  34. North-westbound Weather, Scientific & Educational
  35. North-Westbounm Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  36. No Wcy Back
  37. Nurses Without Borders
  38. Negative Wallet Biopsy - (US) Patient Transferred To Cheaper Hospital Because They Have No Insurance / Funds Medical, Medical Slang
  39. North West Balkans

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NWB stand for?

    NWB stands for Neo Western Black.

  2. What is the shortened form of Nederlandse Wielren Bond?

    The short form of "Nederlandse Wielren Bond" is NWB.


NWB. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nwb-meaning/

Last updated