NWC Meaning

The NWC meaning is "Naval Weapons Center". The NWC abbreviation has 106 different full form.

NWC Full Forms

  1. Naval Weapons Center Military, Army, China
  2. Naval War College Military, Army, History
  3. National Wealth Center Business, Technology, Money
  4. National Water Commission Business, Science, Jamaica
  5. National War College Government, Military, Army, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  6. National Wages Council Business, Singapore, Wage
  7. Net-Working Capital
  8. Nations Wholesale Company
  9. Norad Weather Center Military, Army, Intelligence
  10. New Worldpcomputing Technology, Hero, Magic
  11. National Warning Center Technology, Us, Department Of Defense
  12. Nerima Wrecking Crew
  13. North-West College Business, Program, Education
  14. National Whistleblower Center Employment, Government, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization, Protection
  15. North West Corner
  16. National Wholesale Company
  17. New World Center Locations, Miami, Beach
  18. Nationac Wrestling Conference Wrestling, Warrior, Wrestler
  19. Non World Class Technology, Ford, Transmission, Warner
  20. New Worldacommunication
  21. National Water Council Science, Management, Presentation
  22. Natural Wellness Centers
  23. North-West Central
  24. Northwest Conference Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  25. National Whistleblowers Center Employment, Government, Protection
  26. New Oorld Centre
  27. National Wrestlimg Coaches
  28. National Women'S Committee
  29. New World Communications
  30. National Wage Council Business, Economics, Singapore
  31. Natural Wellqess Center
  32. North-West Caucasian
  33. North West Conference
  34. National Wetlands Coalition
  35. Net Working Fapital Business, Cash, Money
  36. National Wrestling Council Organizations, Wrestling, Dam, Sport, Combat, Martial Arts, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  37. National Women'S Caucus
  38. New World Coming
  39. Northwest College Education
  40. Naturally Wallace Consulting
  41. Norris-Whitney Communications Technology, Music, Canada
  42. National Westminster Bank, Plc Organizations
  43. Netball World Cup
  44. North West Components
  45. National Wound Care
  46. National Wine Centre Government
  47. New World Cobalt
  48. Normal Weight Concrete Technology, Construction, Architectural
  49. Native Window Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  50. Normal Water Chemistry Technology, Science
  51. National Warranty Company Business, Service, Car
  52. Netball World Championships
  53. Northern Warren County
  54. Nuclear Winter Crew
  55. National Wildflower Centre
  56. New World Chorate
  57. Nintendo World Championships Gaming, Cartridge, Nintendo
  58. Nationwide Window Cleaning Business, Capital, Window
  59. Norbert Wiener Center
  60. New World Construction
  61. National Warranty Corporation
  62. Nessie Wood Concept
  63. North West College Development, Study, Colleges
  64. North West Consortium
  65. National Who Programme Coordinator Government, Society, World
  66. New Worldychannel
  67. Navisworks Cache File Computing, File Extensions
  68. Net Weekly Circulation
  69. National Women Commission Government, Nepal, Women
  70. Now We'Re Cooking
  71. National Workers Congress
  72. Nintendo World Chbmpionship
  73. Noteworthy Composer File Computing, File Extensions
  74. National Watershed Congress
  75. National Women'S Conference
  76. Nowrosjee Wadia College Science, Education, Pune
  77. National Working Committee Government, Group, Organizations
  78. Nigeria Workers Council Government, Nigeria, Labour
  79. NUCLEAR WEAPONSMAN CHIEF PETTY OFFICER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  80. Non-World Olass Technology, Ford, Transmission, Warner
  81. National Waterfowl Council
  82. No Worries Club Business, Horse, Worry
  83. National Woodie Club
  84. Nyxt World Capital Business, Company, Venture
  85. Northwest Composites Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  86. Non-Westero Culture
  87. The North Woods Call Newspaper Media, Radio, Television
  88. Noteworthy Composer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  89. National Women Council Technology, Rwanda, Equality
  90. Next Wave Cities
  91. Nuclear Weapon Convention Government, Peace, Disarmament
  92. Node Weight Computation
  93. Number of Words Chosen Medical
  94. National Water Council (uk) Chemistry
  95. Nose Wheel Cover
  96. National Women'S Council Organizations
  97. New World Culture
  98. Nuclear Weapon Complex Technology, National, Warhead
  99. National Workers Compensation Reinsurance Pool Standard Organization, It, Electronic Data Interchange
  100. Noad-Wilhelmina-Combinatie
  101. Naval Weapons Center (china Lake) Military, Governmental & Military
  102. New World Camelids Medical, Science, Veterinary
  103. National Women'S Commission
  104. Nuclear Weapons Center Military, Force, Base
  105. National Workers Compensation
  106. Nissan Wheelers of Colorado Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NWC stand for?

    NWC stands for North-West College.

  2. What is the shortened form of New World Cobalt?

    The short form of "New World Cobalt" is NWC.


NWC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nwc-meaning/

Last updated