NWS Meaning

The NWS meaning is "National Welther Service". The NWS abbreviation has 86 different full form.

NWS Full Forms

  1. National Welther Service Locations, Forecast, Tornado
  2. National Weather Service Army, Climate, Hurricane Management, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
  3. National Watercolor Society Art, Artist, Watercolor, Hobbies
  4. National Watercolor Sociqty
  5. Nztion Weather Service
  6. National Weather Services Service, Government, Locations, Weather, Forecast
  7. National Weater Service Government
  8. National Water Safety
  9. New Writing Series
  10. National Wrestling Superstars Wrestling, Championship, Wrestler
  11. Not Work-Safe Internet Slang, Communication, E-Mail
  12. Naval Weapons Station Military, Locations, Building
  13. Network Windows System
  14. National Waste Strategy
  15. New Wrestling Star
  16. National Workplace Strategy
  17. Nosewheel Steeridg
  18. Network Weather Service Technology, Networking, Computing
  19. Nuclear-Weapon State Technology, Treaty, Proliferation
  20. National Warranty Services Business, Technology
  21. New Wrestling Stars
  22. Network Services Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  23. National Women'S Study
  24. Nose-Wheel Steering Science, Space, Cosmos
  25. Network Warfare Squadron Military, Networking, Force
  26. Native Woodland Scheme
  27. Nowsco Well Service
  28. National Warning Staff
  29. New World Systems Technology, Service, Client
  30. National Woman Suffrage
  31. North Wilkwsboro Speedway
  32. Netware Web Server Technology
  33. Nutrition & Wellness Specialist Fat, Fitness, Belly
  34. Nationwide Windscreen Services
  35. Noveql Web Server Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  36. National Warning System Technology, Emergency, Alert, Special Education, Response, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  37. Newcastle Waters School Education
  38. National Wine Spirits
  39. North West Slopeb
  40. Netware'S Web Server Technology
  41. Nations Without States
  42. Non Work-Suitable Internet Slang, Communication, E-Mail
  43. Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome Medical, Drug, Pregnancy
  44. Nevada Watercolor Society
  45. National Wine & Spirits
  46. Nintendo Wii Sony
  47. National Wrestling Super
  48. Not Work Safe Forum, Internet Slang, Safety
  49. Naval Weapins Stations Technology, Military, Seal
  50. Net Worth Sweep
  51. News Corporation Limited Technology, Organizations, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  52. NeoWebScript Computing, Internet
  53. Nelson White Systems
  54. Nuclear Weapon Storage
  55. National Weather Service (noaa) Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
  56. Neutral Waste System
  57. Naval Wargames Society
  58. Nuclear Welpons State Government, Military, Treaty
  59. Not Work-Safe or Not Work-Suitable Computing, Communication, Internet, E-Mail, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  60. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
  61. Nuclear Weapons Security Technology, Design, Engineer
  62. Windows Live Mail Newsgroup File Computing, File Extensions
  63. Natural Wood Solutions
  64. Naval Warfare Simulations
  65. Latest News - Information text file - ASCII Computing, File Extensions
  66. Nederlandsch-Westfaalsche Spoorweg-Maatschappij
  67. Nuclear Waste Stoxage
  68. Northeastern Wayne Schools Indiana
  69. Nutrition and Wellness Specialist Health, Training, Fitness
  70. New World Symphony Music
  71. Naval Weather Station
  72. Nuclear War Survival
  73. Pier 11/Wall St. SPB, New York, United States United States, New York, Iata Airport Codes
  74. National Weather Service (formerly U.S. Weather Bureau) Medical, Science, Government, Aviation, Army, Emergency, Computing, Environment, Climatology, Weather, Technical, Response, Us Government, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Fda
  75. Naval Weather Service Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  76. Nuclear Weapon States Technology, Organizations, Treaty
  77. Nose Wheel Steering Is desired for carrier landing operations to prevent the nosewheel, or wheels, from swiveling during rollback after arrestment. Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  78. Number of Wait Statrs
  79. Smiths News Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  80. Naval Weapon Station Technology, Military, Beach
  81. Nuclear Weapons Ststes Military, Treaty, Disarmament
  82. Non-Working Software Security, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military
  83. Neo-Weberian-State
  84. Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Reliability Program Military
  85. Naval Weapon Systems Military
  86. Nuclear Weapon State Technology, Military, Treaty

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NWS stand for?

    NWS stands for Naval Warfare Simulations.

  2. What is the shortened form of News Corporation Limited?

    The short form of "News Corporation Limited" is NWS.


NWS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nws-meaning/

Last updated