NYCR Meaning

The NYCR meaning is "New Yorj City Rescue". The NYCR abbreviation has 12 different full form.

NYCR Full Forms

  1. New Yorj City Rescue
  2. New York Rity Relief
  3. New York Chinese Restaurant Organizations, Restaurants
  4. New York Cuntral Railroad
  5. Ngw York Capital Region
  6. National Youth Council of Russia Forum, Organizations, Russia
  7. New York Cricket Region
  8. New York Cork Heport
  9. New Yorkkconnecting Railroad
  10. New York Concert Review
  11. New York College Republican
  12. Nrw York Climate Rescue

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NYCR stand for?

    NYCR stands for New Yorkkconnecting Railroad.

  2. What is the shortened form of New York Cricket Region?

    The short form of "New York Cricket Region" is NYCR.


NYCR. (2019, December 24). Retrieved June 25, 2024 from

Last updated