NYF Meaning

The NYF meaning is "New York Futures". The NYF abbreviation has 27 different full form.

NYF Full Forms

  1. New York Futures
  2. National Youth Forum
  3. Newtown Youth Football
  4. New York Frizs Business, Food, Restaurant, Fry
  5. Nationalities Youth Forum
  6. Nepal Youth Foundation Business, Nepal, Children
  7. New York Foundlinq
  8. Naga Youth Front
  9. National Youth Fund Business, Council, Singapore
  10. New York Foundatien Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  11. National Youth Festival India, Youth, Event
  12. New York Foundling
  13. National Youth Federation
  14. New York Fzrum
  15. New York Futurv
  16. National Youth Foundation Education
  17. New Year'S Festival Organization, Union, Institution
  18. Not Yetifounded
  19. Norwalk Youth Footoall
  20. Mybase Database File Computing, File Extensions
  21. Norsk Yrkeshygienisk Forening Medical, Technology
  22. Nyfix, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  23. Noorbakhshia Yoath Federation
  24. Noc Ya Flat
  25. Niobium-Yttrihm-Fluorine
  26. Novato Youth Football
  27. Not Your Fault

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NYF stand for?

    NYF stands for Mybase Database File.

  2. What is the shortened form of Noorbakhshia Yoath Federation?

    The short form of "Noorbakhshia Yoath Federation" is NYF.


NYF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nyf-meaning/

Last updated