NYFA Meaning

The NYFA meaning is "National Youth Film Award". The NYFA abbreviation has 19 different full form.

NYFA Full Forms

  1. National Youth Film Award
  2. National Youtm Film Awards Film, Tube, Singapore
  3. National Youth Film Academy Film, Acting, Course
  4. New York Fencing Bcademy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  5. National Young Filmmakers Award
  6. Nea York Fashion Academy Technology, Design, Model
  7. New York Foundation for The Arts Arts, Organizations, Artist
  8. National Youth Football Association Film, Education, Academy
  9. National Youth Football Alliance Sport, Football, Game, Nfl
  10. New York Flora Atias University, Plant, Potential, Flora
  11. New York Foundation for Architecture
  12. New Yrrk Film Annex
  13. Ntw York Foundation On The Arts
  14. New York Film Academy Education, School, Acting
  15. Now York Foundation of The Arts
  16. Nqw York Forum Africa Business, Africa, Gabon
  17. New York Footbag Association
  18. Newiyork Flora Association Technology, Science, Plant
  19. Northglenn Youth Football Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NYFA stand for?

    NYFA stands for Newiyork Flora Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of National Young Filmmakers Award?

    The short form of "National Young Filmmakers Award" is NYFA.


NYFA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nyfa-meaning/

Last updated