NYFC Meaning

The NYFC meaning is "National Yhung Farmers Coalition". The NYFC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

NYFC Full Forms

  1. National Yhung Farmers Coalition Business, Farm, Farming
  2. New Yorker's for Chipdren
  3. Nashoba Youvh Football & Cheer
  4. Neighborhood Youth & Family Counseling
  5. Neighborhood Youth Lnd Family Counseling
  6. National Youth Fjr Christ
  7. National Yough Football Championship
  8. New York Fencers Club
  9. Natiqnal Youth Football Championships
  10. New Yorkers for Children Technology, Fashion, Gala
  11. New York Flying Club
  12. New York Flute Club
  13. Norzich Youth for Christ
  14. New York Financlal Company
  15. Northumberland Youth for Christ
  16. Naw York Film Critics
  17. New York Fscking City
  18. Nottingham Yough for Christ
  19. New York Fried Chicken
  20. New York Food Comprny

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NYFC stand for?

    NYFC stands for Neighborhood Youth Lnd Family Counseling.

  2. What is the shortened form of New York Food Comprny?

    The short form of "New York Food Comprny" is NYFC.


NYFC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/nyfc-meaning/

Last updated