NZD Meaning

The NZD meaning is "New Zealand Dollar". The NZD abbreviation has 20 different full form.

NZD Full Forms

  1. New Zealand Dollar Business, Currency, Investing, Banking, Stock, Money, New Zealand, Business & Finance, Currencies
  2. Nueva Zelanda DóLar
  3. New Zealand, Dollars
  4. Nouvelle-ZéLande Dollar Business, Pay, Ligne, Devise
  5. New Zealand'S Dollar
  6. New Zealand Destination
  7. New-Zealand Dollar
  8. Neglected Zoonotic Diseases Medical, Disease, Health
  9. New Zealand Dollars Technology
  10. Naturistische Zwemvereniging Delft
  11. Nacht Zonder Dak
  12. Nuova Zelanda Dollaro
  13. New Zealand, Dollar
  14. Non-Zero Digit
  15. New Zoo Developments
  16. Nya ZeeläNdska Dollar
  17. Nya Zeeland Dollar
  18. Nya Zeeland, Dollar
  19. New Zealand Division Navy, Governmental & Military
  20. Non Zero Dispersion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does NZD stand for?

    NZD stands for Nuova Zelanda Dollaro.

  2. What is the shortened form of New Zealand'S Dollar?

    The short form of "New Zealand'S Dollar" is NZD.


NZD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated