O in NASA Meaning

The O meaning in NASA terms is "Operate". There are 8 related meanings of the O NASA abbreviation.

O on NASA Full Forms

  1. Operate To control the working of. The control column operates the ailerons and elevators. To use or manage.
  2. Output Data generated by a computer is referred to as output. This includes data produced at a software level, such as the result of a calculation, or at a physical level, such as a printed document. A basic example of software output is a calculator program that produces the result of a mathematical operation. A more complex example is the results produced by a search engine, which compares keywords to millions of pages in its Web page index.
  3. Open Open1 adj. Of, pertaining to, or providing accessibility. For example, an open file is one that can be used because a program has issued an open file command to the operating system. Open2 vb. To make an object, such as a file, accessible. To establish a temporary logical connection between a file and a running program. The connection exists until the program closes the connection or the program terminates.
  4. Ordnance
  5. Order 1. In computing, the relative significance of a digit or byte. High-order refers to the most significant (usually leftmost) digit or byte; low-order refers to the least significant (usually rightmost) digit or byte. 2. The magnitude of a database in terms of the number of fields it contains. 3. The sequence in which arithmetic operations are performed.
  6. Objective In a microscope, the objective is the lens nearest to the object being examined whereas the lens closest to the eye is termed the ocular.The light microscope today is usually binocular and has a turret bearing a selection of objective lens.
  7. Engineering Order
  8. Outer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does O stand for NASA?

    O stands for Engineering Order in NASA terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outer in NASA?

    The short form of "Outer" is O for NASA.


O in NASA. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/o-meaning-in-nasa/

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