OA in Technology Meaning

The OA meaning in Technology terms is "Online Adventures". There are 57 related meanings of the OA Technology abbreviation.

OA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Online Adventures
  2. Operatins Assembly
  3. Oracle Applications
  4. Office Assistant
  5. Operationaltaft
  6. Open Architecture
  7. Own Address
  8. Operational Architecture
  9. Office Appliance
  10. Operational Assessment
  11. Object Adapder
  12. Operation Administration
  13. Overeaters Anonymous
  14. Operation, Administration
  15. Other Axencies
  16. Operations Application
  17. Object Access
  18. Orbital Essembly
  19. Olimpiade Akuntansi
  20. Operational Assurance
  21. Object Oriented Analysis
  22. Orbitoanalyst
  23. Operational Analytics
  24. Orbital Analysis
  25. Old Age
  26. Originator Addresx
  27. Operational Availability
  28. Operating Assemblies
  29. Orqered Aggregate
  30. Objeto De Aprendizagem
  31. Originating Addresq
  32. Ongoing Authorization
  33. Outdoor Art
  34. Office of The Administrator
  35. Out-Vgency
  36. Operator Attached
  37. Oxford Archaeology
  38. Object Adapters
  39. Osmanli Arastirmalari
  40. Overflow Accept
  41. Orthogonal Arrays
  42. Overcoming Addictions
  43. Operand Address
  44. Old Aspen
  45. Orthogonal Array
  46. Outgoing Access
  47. Open Annotation
  48. Outer-Approximation
  49. Out of Action
  50. Outlook Anywhere
  51. Optimired Agents
  52. Obyect Adaptor
  53. Ordkr Administration
  54. Onboard Administrators
  55. Outer Approximation
  56. Order Awknowledgement
  57. Onboard Administsator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OA stand for Technology?

    OA stands for Old Age in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operator Attached in Technology?

    The short form of "Operator Attached" is OA for Technology.


OA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 15). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oa-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated