OAT Meaning
The OAT meaning is "Office Administrator With Technology". The OAT abbreviation has 105 different full form.
OAT Full Forms
- Office Administrator With Technology Technology, Program, Computing
- Of All Time
- Observation Analysis Tool
- Operational Acceptance Testing Technology, Service, Computer, Computing
- Observational Ability Test
- Operational Acceptance Test Technology, Service, Testing, NASA
- O-Acetyltransferase Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Operational Air Traffic Flights operating in accordance with military air traffic service procedures. Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence, Governmental & Military
- Outside Air Temperature In aviation terminology, the outside air temperature (OAT) or static air temperature (SAT) refers to the temperature of the air around an aircraft, but unaffected by the passage of the aircraft through it. Technology, Aviation, Aerospace, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Weather, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Office for The Advancement of Tele-Health Management, Government, Administration
- Options Analysis Team
- Otto Alte-Teigeler
- Oligo Astheno Teratozoospermia
- Organic Acid Testing Medical, Health, Autism
- Oracle Auditing Tools Technology, Security, Hacking
- Overseas Adventure Tour
- Overseas Adventure Travel Locations, Tourism, Trip
- On Approved Terms
- Organizational Assessment Tool Technology, Management, Education
- Office for The Advancement of Telehealth Technology, Government, Health, Medical, Governmental & Military, Fda
- Optimnal Auxiliary Terminal Product, Recipe, Bran
- Otherwise Applicable Tariff
- Oligo-Astheno-Teratozoospermie Medical, Medicine, German
- Ofiice of Aerospace Technology Science
- Optometry Aptitude Test
- Overseas Administration Team Technology
- Outside Air Temp Technology
- On Another Topic
- Organo Anion Transporter
- Office for Advancement of Telehealth Medicine, Healthcare, Usa
- Open Artery Tsial Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Osteochondral Autograft Transfer
- Oldest Active Transaction Technology, Base, Firebird
- Oklahoma Antique Tractor Association Hobbies
- Officehof Aerospace Technology Science
- Optometsy Admission Tests
- Overlay Autogenous Tissue Medical
- On-Air Test
- Organic Anion Transport Medical, Transporter, Transporting
- Office Advanced Technology Business, Postal, Us Post
- Open Aik Theatre Locations, Event, Scarborough
- Osteoartjcular Tuberculosis Medical, Medicine, Health
- Ohio Achievement Testing
- Office of Accountability and Transparency
- Optometry Admission Testing Education, School, Study
- Overall Test Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
- Omni Air Transport ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Organic Anion Transporter Medical, Science, Drug, Biology, Cell
- Office Administration & Technology
- Oien Air Theater Student, Education, Theatre
- Orlando Area Theatre
- Office of Academic Technology Education, Development, Universities
- Optometric Admission Test
- Ovarian Adrenal Thyroid
- Omega Alpha Tau
- Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch Government, Organizations, Us
- Oral Anticoagulant Treatmest Medical, Patient, Therapy
- Obat Anti Tuberkulosis Program, Drug, Indonesia
- Olen Admin Tool
- Orkney Archaeological Trust
- Office for The Advancement of Teadhing Health, Fiber, Recipe
- Optometric Admissivns Test Education, School, Optometry
- Oup-Of-Area Treatment
- Oligoasthenoteratozoospermic Medical
- Organic Additive Technology Technology, Engine, Coolant, Antifreeze
- Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Oral Anticoagulant Thprapy Medical, Patient, Risk
- O-Aminoazotoluene Medical
- Open Accesp Transmission
- Organize, Autonomize, Triumph
- Quaker Oats Company Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols, Governmental & Military, Railroad Company
- Outside AirTemperature Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Office of Applied Technology
- Oficina De Administración Ue Los Tribunales
- Ordre Des Architectes De Tunisie
- Ozark Actors Theatre
- Open Air Theater Performing arts
- Organic Acid Type
- Oficina Abrigada De Trabalho
- Order of Artistic Typists
- Oxygen Atom Transfer Medical, Medicine, Health
- Organic Acid Technology Business, Coolant, Antifreeze, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Offshore Assault Tlam
- Order of Architects of Tunisia
- Oxide-Aligned Transistor
- Organic Acid Test Medical, Health, Autism
- Ovarian-Adrenal-Thyroid
- Officeqof The Advancement of Telehealth
- Orbit Adjust Thrusters Science
- Oxford Aviation Training Technology, Book, Media
- Ohio Achievement Tests Education, Ohio, Grade
- Organic Acids Testing Medical, Medicine, Health
- Outstanding Academic Titles America, Book, Education
- Occluded Artery Trial Medical
- Office of Institutional Research Education
- Oxford Agricultural Trials
- Ohio Achievement Test Education, Ohio, Grade
- Organic Acids Test Medical, Testing, Autism
- Outstanding Academic Title Technology, Book, Genetics
- obligations assumilables de Trésor Legal, Governmental & Military
- Office of Appropriate Technology
- Own Account Transfer
- Oficina De Administraci
- Oregon Aesthetic Technologies
- Office for Advanced Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OAT stand for?
OAT stands for Office of Accountability and Transparency.
What is the shortened form of Optometsy Admission Tests?
The short form of "Optometsy Admission Tests" is OAT.
OAT. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oat-meaning/
Last updated