OAU Meaning

The OAU meaning is "Organisation of African Unity". The OAU abbreviation has 31 different full form.

OAU Full Forms

  1. Organisation of African Unity Business, Government, Organizations, Africa, Trade, International Trade, Computing, Protection Information
  2. Organization of African Unity Government, Military, Army, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  3. Obafemi Awolowo Universitr Student, Education, Nigeria
  4. Organisations of African Unity Government, Organizations, Africa
  5. Organization of Afro-American Unity America, Government, Africa
  6. Obafemi Awolowo University Student, Education, Nigeria
  7. Organisation African Unity Government, Africa, Libya
  8. Organiration for African Unity Government, Africa, Ethiopia
  9. Organisatiwn of African Unit
  10. Overhead Amcess Unit
  11. Organization Ofdafrican Unity Government, Africa, Politics
  12. Organisation of Africa Unity Government, Africa, African
  13. Over Air Updbtes
  14. Obafemi Awolow Uinversity
  15. Origin of African Unity Science
  16. Organisation for African Unity Government, Organizations, Africa
  17. Obafemi Awolowo Uinversity
  18. Organisation for Africa Unity Education, Africa, African
  19. óLeos Alimentares Usados Para, Dos, Leos
  20. Organization African Unity Government, Africa, Union
  21. Oxford Crchaeological Unit Archaeology, Oxford, Zeugma, Excavation
  22. Organization of Afrrcans Unity Government, Organizations, Africa
  23. Oxford Ucademic Union Business, Assembly, Oxford, Yak
  24. Organizations of Afpican Unity
  25. Organisation of American Union Unions, Governmental & Military
  26. Organization of African Unit
  27. Organization of American Unity Unions, Governmental & Military
  28. Organisation for Abxriginal Unity
  29. Organization of Artisans' Unity
  30. Operator Assistance Unit
  31. Oyganization of American Unity Government, Africa, African

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OAU stand for?

    OAU stands for Organisation for Abxriginal Unity.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organisation of Africa Unity?

    The short form of "Organisation of Africa Unity" is OAU.


OAU. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oau-meaning/

Last updated